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Why I love my Wahine

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Unkle John posted on 09/02/2004

Well there are many reason why I love this woman. We are selling our house so we can move closer to her parents (My choice to make her happy, she misses her home and I tire of mine) She not only put her motorcycle up for auction (link below) but she also jumped on my message board and posted a secret message while I was in the shower. Well not too secret, she couldn't contain herself and told me a year in advance. No she's not pregnant, thankfully :)

Her message: http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=tikisgalore&action=display&num=1094101070

Her motorcycle auction (yes that's her on the bike): http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2488670626&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT

I appoligise if this sounds like spam, that was not my intention. I've never had anyone think about me like she has, just thought I'd share the good manna.

foamy posted on 09/02/2004

Hey UnkleJohn, You're a lucky guy.

Unkle John posted on 09/02/2004

Thanks Foamy!

tiki mick 1 posted on 09/02/2004

That's so nice of her to go the extra mile for you, Unkle John...

I feel like a heel, because I am very poor right now, and could not afford to do a proper birthday party for my wahine, Irma...who is the light of my life!!!

I tried to make it up by doing some chores and errands for her, but she deserves more!

Next year, I will try to make a big party for her, and even hire my own band, the Smokin Menehunes to play (if I can afford thier rates by then, that is!!)

docwoods posted on 09/02/2004

Unkel John,what you said about your lovely bride made me misty-it sure is great to hear!

Unkle John posted on 09/02/2004

Thanks Doc, Thanks Mic

My wife means the world to me, I can't believe someone would go out and go something like this for me. I mean heck, this year she bought be a UP Gas-Turbine Veranda train from Lionel (my other passion). I know she shopped around and got the best deal, but I've never had someone just plunk down that much money and spend that much time and care just for something I'm interested in. We share the same intrests in alot of things, and she goes beyond anyone i've been with. It really makes me feel grateful that she came along.

Now... how am I goning to top that?

tikibars posted on 09/02/2004

Wow, too much of a girl!

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/02/2004

On 2004-09-02 10:14, tiki mick wrote:

I feel like a heel, because I am very poor right now, and could not afford to do a proper birthday party for my wahine, Irma...who is the light of my life!!!

You didn't tell her you got a new bass amp did you?

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/02/2004

Uncle John,

A soul mate like that is a perfect thing alright. Mdm Bong is putting Bong through school (again), and doesn't complain much when I come back from surfing to play steel, as she returns from a long day at work.

Unkle John posted on 09/03/2004

Thanks Bong.
Good luck in school, and help around the house our you may have mugs go missing.

Unkle John posted on 09/05/2004

wow, over 175 hits on my board and not a single email or PM.

What do you guys think?
What if I start taking orders?
You guys from this board think it's worth doing? I mean I want my wife's wish to come true and I really like the idea. I was thinking $10 a peice and that would cover the making of it and each individual s&h. I've never done something this big in a long time. I lookd over the link she posted and noticed the incriments are 72, 144, 288 and more. Honestly I don't know how many would like to have something with such novelty as this, and it's not a creation by my hand (except for the text layout) but I guess I'm just throwing it out. I mean I'm not going to start taking orders anytime soon unless the company has any plans for discontinuing the product.
So would anyone here honestly be interested in ordering? Heck I hope I'm not breaking any rules here. If so, I appoligise.

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4df35b3127cce86df82dad2e70000000040
-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-09-04 22:59 ]

Unkle John posted on 06/28/2005

I have extended the offer untill the mugs are pretty much gone. Currently I have oredered 1 dozen. If the demand exceeds more than a dozen, I can add to the order with out any problems. Right now it looks like 7 tiki mugs are going to good homes.

Here is a picture of the mug.

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d807b3127cce923350f119c200000016108AaMmzhs2bNS

These beautiful saphire blue mugs where chosen for many reasons, mainly my birth color. I am securing designs for next year. I contacted the company that I originally wanted to use and they said they wouldn't do such a low quanity. So maybe next year. I also plan on moving the party to Trader Vic's in Dallas, pending it opens in time. This year it looks like I'll probably be having the party at my house. The Hotels I wanted to use have either changed "format" or are already booked for the fall football season. Maybe I'll have better luck next year at the Vic's.

I recieved a photo proof of the mugs today.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1439&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi7.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fy294%2Funklejohn%2FDscf0030.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9b14ff71e3fe2e9f2bebcc64ddb480e0

The bottom will have the main site's web address and mug number(not pictured). Julie and I are uber excited over them.

The price are $10 which includes shipping. If you order more than 2 mugs shipping will be a little extra. PM or email me if any of you are interested. Moholler!

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