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Happy Birthday Tiki-Toa!

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Tikiwahine posted on 08/31/2004

I'd like to wish a VERY happy birthday to the nicest, most enthusiastic Tiki Central Member I haven't met!

Happy Birthday Kelly!!!

May you have a fantastic year full of happiness, rum, and all sorts of tiki fun!

See you at the Hukilau!

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2004-08-31 12:56 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/31/2004

TW you will pay! But thank you anyways for this birthday wish. And I so look forward to seeing you at Hukilau now more then ever. :D

finkdaddy posted on 08/31/2004

I didn't know it was your birthday!!

Have a good one, and don't drink too much rum. Wait... What am I saying??!! DO drink too much rum!!

And Tikiwahine is right, I've never met a more enthusiastic person in my life!

MachTiki posted on 08/31/2004


Happy birthday my friend.

[ Edited by: MachTiki on 2004-08-31 13:38 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/31/2004

Happiest of birthdays, Tiki-Toa! May all your birthday wishes come true!

Sam Gambino posted on 08/31/2004

Happy Birthday to da big man! :)


Johnny Dollar posted on 08/31/2004

happy birthday, and may your fez continue to increase in flames and eyeballs!

FLOUNDERart posted on 08/31/2004

I talked to Tiki-Toa a couple hours ago and I'm not quit sure he's to happy about the ageing process and what comes along with it, but I will say this he was still very enthusiastic.

I don't want this to come out in an insulting way but Toa is like the cheerleader of Tiki.

Happy 35th my friend.

Oh was that wrong to say the age?!? :D

Original Art by
Scott "Flounder" Scheidly


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2004-08-31 13:18 ]

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 08/31/2004

Cograts Tiki-Toa! I hope you have a swell birthday filled with overwhelming joy, gifts and rum! Cheers to the all the years before and the many more to come

virani posted on 08/31/2004

Happy Birthday to the man that posts faster than his shadow :wink:

Unga Bunga posted on 08/31/2004
Feelin Zombified posted on 08/31/2004

Happus Birthum!
Drinks are on the house :drink: :drink: :drink:


Tiki-Toa posted on 08/31/2004

MAHALO! ALL of you! I would list you all but being so old it is hard to type that much. :wink:

Raffertiki posted on 09/01/2004

I hope you can stand one more, Happt Birthday.

I mean, Happy Birthday.

[ Edited by: Raffertiki on 2004-08-31 18:09 ]

Octane posted on 09/01/2004

happy birthday Tiki-Toa, hope you have a great day

BambooLodge posted on 09/01/2004

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelly from your pals at the Lodge

Benzart posted on 09/01/2004

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Kelllly, Happy birthday to youuuu.
Have a great b-day kelly. you deserve the best.

docwoods posted on 09/01/2004

Many happy returns! If you're 35,you're just a pup! Or a very young PUPU platter-enjoy!

Dimethios posted on 09/01/2004

Happy birthday Toa, :raises Mai-tai: :drink: and here's to many many more :D Salute! My friend!

Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks - Lin Yutang

[ Edited by: Dimethios on 2004-08-31 22:44 ]

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LAWebChick posted on 09/01/2004

Hey, Happy Birthday from both of us!!

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/01/2004

Again, Mahalo to all of you for your birthday wishes!! As bad as my day was you all were my highlight.

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hiltiki posted on 09/01/2004

Dear Tiki-Toa, shnorhavor ko taredars.....Happy B. Day in Armenian, of coarse.

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/01/2004

Cheers from the UK too!

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congatiki posted on 09/01/2004

hey toa.....many happy returns...now will
you nominate me for one of those fancy
cult fez's!

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chisel slinger posted on 09/01/2004

happy birthday!! from jimmy and elise. see you soon.

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Mr. Dale posted on 09/01/2004

Happy Birthday Mr. Toa!
May no cheap rum haunt yer drinks.......
and no termites find yer Tikis.......

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TNTiki posted on 09/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:46 ]

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Lissette EsQui posted on 09/05/2004

Hiya Toa! Me and EsQui want to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope you're having a great weekend and having lots of exotic drinks. Say hello to Mrs. Toa and the kids!

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