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See if you can guess where I am sitting now....

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twowheelin'tiki posted on 08/29/2004

[ Edited by: twowheelin'tiki on 2004-08-29 08:33 ]

Benzart posted on 08/29/2004

Looks like you may be in a kitchen OR, Dr dooms secret laboritory, fresh from a grave robbing mission

docwoods posted on 08/29/2004

Cannibal daycare,and it's art time.

Turbogod posted on 08/29/2004

In front of your computer, reading this?

Tikiwahine posted on 08/29/2004

uhhh...somewhere in the Tiki Ti?

bongofury posted on 08/29/2004

On the throne!

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/30/2004


Is that yours?

twowheelin'tiki posted on 08/30/2004

Tikiwahine wins the big prize of a "hearty handclasp" for guessing correctly!!!!.The guys at the "ti" loved it, and the best part is they bought my drinks!!!.There are few things on this earth that beats free booze!!!.Oh bong, it was mine, now theirs.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/30/2004

On 2004-08-29 20:03, twowheelin'tiki wrote:
Oh bong, it was mine, now theirs.

No, I meant was it "yours".

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/01/2004

Yo bong, do you mean ...like ...my skull?, heck no!!, mine is too banged up from brawling with folks while protecting your good name. It was my mailman, he dropped a package that had a Kelbo's mug and chipped it.....you understand ......right?.One of these would look good with bong across the brow..eh?

GECKO posted on 09/01/2004

really cool TWT

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/01/2004

Thank you big "G", coming from you , that means alot.

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/01/2004

Actually I think you could make a livin doing up skulls like that, do a cool one for Bong with his Menehune and for Gecko use the gecko from his logo on his website, so can I get on the list before it is as long as Benzart's?

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/02/2004

tikitoa, send me a pic or drawing of your personal sign/seal and a clue as to the style you dig on (design, like tapa cloth) and I will run with it!. email me.

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/02/2004

oooooooooooooh I am such a lucky boy!

Doctor Z posted on 09/03/2004

2WT-- You one craaazy man!! I hates to ask, but I gots to know: um... where do you get these skulls from? These aren't 'former TCers' are they? (Or better yet: folks who pushed past you to get into Tiki Ti?) :wink:

dogbytes posted on 09/03/2004

On 2004-09-02 20:01, Doctor Z wrote:
I hates to ask, but I gots to know: um... where do you get these skulls from? These aren't 'former TCers' are they?

i heard a rumor he's been collecting his vic..erm supplies from the generous folks at Owl Central :o

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/03/2004

Toa, do I detect sarcasm???. No joke, a couple of the guys at the tiki-ti want their own for their bars, and they were sober!.Z, I gets them from "skull-are-us" in beautiful downtown burbank.

[ Edited by: twowheelin'tiki on 2004-09-02 23:16 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/03/2004

Sarcasm HELL NO! That was the sound of JOY AND GLEE coming from me in excitement!!

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/04/2004

DOH!!, not enough morning brew I guess!.As soon as I get your specs, I will draw up a draft for you and get your color preferences.I just visited mine at the "TI" last night and it looks right at home!.:drink:

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/04/2004

Hey just returned your email,and by the way did the image I sent come through ok?

twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/06/2004

got the image.......WOW, this thing is going to be way different then the "normal" tiki/cannible /disney skull!!. I will get this thing started tuesday.this will be a trip.

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