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red robins

Pages: 1 3 replies

Mai Tai Matty posted on 09/08/2004

just a bit of info at the restaruant red robins if you order a mai tai they serve them in the double faced tiki goblet mug . they are on the large side not bad for 7 or 8 bucks . just the drink ---mug could be free if your nice to the waitress!!!

rodeotiki posted on 09/08/2004

the redrobins here in calgary have all shut down. I used to work there 12 years ago as a cook. I wonder if I went there I could score some mugs.

cynfulcynner posted on 09/08/2004

On 2004-09-07 19:27, Mai Tai Matty wrote:
just a bit of info at the restaruant red robins if you order a mai tai they serve them in the double faced tiki goblet mug .

...but they're not using Trader Vic's recipe!

Tikiwahine posted on 09/08/2004

ya, theirs has grenadine and pineapple juice in it. They're lucky they call it a 'special' mai tai, cuz it sure isn't classic!!

2 of my first tiki mugs were the Red Robin's two faced guys, they cost me only $5 Canadian each!(that's like $3.87 US) They also make fantastic ice cream bowls, and if someone breaks 'em, I can go buy more!

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