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Does Tiki Central need theme music?

Pages: 1 8 replies


There is no way Kitty and I can make it to Florida for The Hukilau, but I visit their official website often just to listen to the music. Would that kind of set-up be a distraction on TC?
Another thought, Tiki Central held a contest to name an official club cocktail. How about a contest to establish an official original theme or jingle.


I can't find the thread that has it, but Pablus posted a wonderful song he was singing and playing the uke to (if I remember it correctly) not to long ago. It was just lovely!

Swanky posted on Wed, Sep 8, 2004 1:56 PM

Thanks Swanky... Thanks for the smile Pablus!


Very nice song and performance.


How come there are no tiki mugs with the little wind-up music boxes underneath? They could be playing 'Quiet Village' when you lift them up?

I am happy with Tiki Central as is without music. Adding music would mean it would take longer to load the pages, and I barely have enough time to check the messages as is. Adding music might also draw unwanted attention if I were to access the site at my work location. Plus, I worry that even a good song selection would end up sounding annoying if overplayed - especially if I hear it in bits and chunks in a computer setting, rather than a tiki bar.

I'm all for exotica music, but I like it now where I can add my own musical background via CD or record player.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-09-08 19:05 ]

I usually play the Swank Pad Lounge in the background when I'm TCing. Which I am doing right now. Also -- my pants are off.


On 2004-09-08 13:42, DawnTiki wrote:
I can't find the thread that has it, but Pablus posted a wonderful song he was singing and playing the uke to (if I remember it correctly) not to long ago. It was just lovely!

Pablus, that song is simply wonderful!! That is seriously one of the coolest songs I have ever heard. I would love to hear more if you have it. Your voice and the whole tone of the recording is very, very nice. Mahalo!

pablus posted on Thu, Sep 9, 2004 3:33 PM

Mahalo for the kind words.

I am actually in the process of finishing up several originals on uke to be recorded when I can play them live; one dedicated to and named after the Kahiki Moon... reminiscent of the old Rodgers and Hart song "To Keep My Love Alive," not so much in musical content but lyrically.

Another about 2 Hawai'ian brothers who have been naughty little poachers of Koa for their father's instrument business - they stumble across an abandoned okolehao still - discover a skeleton with a half full bottle of the nectar - and they never leave.

I just wish I could get the syntax down of the Hawai'ian language words. I can't even put three together without... hey wait a minute - maybe I've been saying "bring the hurricanes to me" all this time and didn't even know it.

I'd best shut up until I get it right.

BTW - for everyone who is going to Hukilau - bring some money for the King Kukulele & Friki Tikis' CD - it's the coolest and most fun thing going in music.


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