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Amish In the City

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SON OF MOTHRA posted on 09/09/2004

For those of you that either watch this television show, or have just heard of the show, they sent the group to Trader Vics for dinner tonight.

For those of you not familiar with the show, here's a brief description:

Basically, it's a reality show where they pair off a group of Amish kids with a group of spoiled city kids for several weeks. At the end of the show the Amish decide whether or not that want to return to the Amish way of life or stay in the city.

Anyhow, they go to Trader Vics and one of the Amish kids named Mose orders a drink and makes a comment along the lines of, "I've never had a drink with a flower in it before" Of course, in the background, there was the usual plethora of flaming cocktails and whatnot. It was rather amusing watching these Amish kids eat at Trader Vics.

dangergirl299 posted on 09/09/2004

I watched the first episode and it was interesting. Newsweek and other semi-reputable sources had given it fairly good reviews, for a reality show.

I don't really watch tv, otherwise I'd be all over that episode at Vic's.

cybertiki posted on 09/09/2004

Awesome ... too bad I don't watch TV or I'd have enjoyed it. I did a job up in Dover Delaware last year (that is haunting me today, and is the indirect cause of having started drinking mai-tai's at noon), and there is a large Amish community up there.

Nice people as far as I could tell. Very friendly, simple way of life - however - let me just say that it really SUCKS to get stuck behind a horsedrawn cart at 9:00 in the morning when you're trying to get to work ... aside from the slow speed, there were these sort of auto-generated organic speed barriers that got dropped every couple of miles. Once the smell got sucked into the AC on the rental, that was it. WHAT DO THEY FEED THOSE DAMNED HORSES ANYWAY?!?!?!?!


Surf Seal posted on 09/09/2004

I've been watching that show also, and saw the episode last night. The Trader Vics section was very complimentary of the restaurant, which was nice to see -- instead of the usual "dated decor" stuff you usually hear on TV about tiki restaurants. And, by the way, don't the Amish kids have a way better aloha spirit than the city kids?

cybertiki posted on 09/09/2004

from my experiences in Dover, and linking this to the "Aloha Spirit" thread, I'd say that the Amish that I've met definately have the Aloha Spirit thing going for them.

I'm not positive, but I think I have an album here somewhere called "Simple Pleasures", that is a collection of music from Amish or Mennonite communities - it must've made an impression on me or I wouldn't have remembered it in my current inebriated state - I think it was a lot of hammer dulcimer stuff (a highly underrated instrument).

The escapism thing seems to be the issue here, where the longing for a "simpler life" comes to the fore. I don't know that I'd trade my Honda Odyssey for an animal with hooves, but I'd trade the world of electronic cryptography and cyber-security for growing corn in a heartbeat if I could make a living doing it.

Cheers! (mai-tai 15 ... took colse to 15 minutes to type this)

cybertiki posted on 09/09/2004

I forgot to say that I hate horses. Sorry folks, they're bad smelling, evil minded creatures with no sense of humor.

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 09/09/2004

And, by the way, don't the Amish kids have a way better aloha spirit than the city kids?

Totally! The city kids seem like a bunch of spoiled rotten little punks. I'd much rather hang out with the Amish.

My girlfriend and I are completely addicted to the show now. We're thinking of making a drinking game out of it. Every time one of the Amish kids say, "I've never experienced anything like that before" you take a shot. I bet your 3 sheets by the first commercial.

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