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Yo Yo Hashi

Pages: 1 2 replies

Kono posted on Tue, Aug 17, 2004 5:09 PM

Does anyone have ANY info on Yo Yo Hashi? I've got the two tracks from the Del-Fi compilations but I can't find anything else about Yo Yo anywhere.

Was there just a 45? Both tracks are fantastic lounge/strange/exotica and I want more! Any info is appreciated.

Kono posted on Thu, Sep 9, 2004 5:02 PM

Any other TCers familiar with Yo Yo?

Further research:

In the liner notes for the Lost Treasures CD, it mentions that Al DeLory played piano on the track "Yo Yo's Pad." Mr. DeLory has a pretty impressive resume as you can see. Played on Pet Sounds, recorded the hit single "Theme from MASH," and produced all those Glen Campbell hits in the 60s. I went to his web site and sent him an email asking for any info that he might have on Yo Yo Hashi. That was three weeks ago and he has not yet written back.

Since the two Yo Yo tracks that I've heard are primarily piano with sound effects and a voice over of a woman talking in Japanese, I suspect that Yo Yo Hashi was a little side project of Mr DeLory. In my email to him, I asked if that is indeed the case, but as I said, I haven't heard back from him.

Kono posted on Fri, Sep 10, 2004 9:18 PM

Well, I got a reply from Al DeLory today!

Stupid me, I assumed that Yo Yo Hashi was a man. Bandleader or piano player. Yo Yo is actually the woman doing the speaking on the tracks.

Mr. DeLory says that Yo Yo was a friend of a friend and that she was rushed into the studio, did the recording and he never saw her again.

So...the mystery remains. Just who is Yo Yo Hashi?

If anyone wants to d/l the two tracks I found that they do sell them on WalMart.com music downloads.

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