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Happy belated Birthday to Al of Alnshelly

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Tiki_Bong posted on 09/11/2004

To my good friend Al - Happy Birthday!

Trader Woody posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al!

You should be here more often.
Always a pleasure to read your posts.

Trader Woody

bigbrotiki posted on 09/11/2004

Ha! Got in early on this one:
Happy birthday Al you big Tiki lover!

Just returned from the lovely Tabou Tiki Room where I met Virani and Sandrine...hic!

mrsmiley posted on 09/11/2004

AL Rocks!!!!! I'll have another on the rocks, pal! :)

Polynesiac posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al!

It was nice to finally meet the man (and woman) behind all those very informative posts at the LBC TF.
Hope your B-day was swell!

Monkeyman posted on 09/11/2004

He's a great listener and always has something interesting to say. What a guy.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/11/2004

Doh! I knew it was this week too and forgot to post earlier. Happy Birthday Al, and much love from Tikibelle and Myself.


vintagegirl posted on 09/11/2004

Somebody make that man a Mai Tai already so he can get out from behind that bar! Happy Birthday, fellow Virgo!
Love, VG & AC

TNTiki posted on 09/11/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:48 ]

tikimug posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday to one half of a great couple!

floratina posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday to The Captain!

Lake Surfer posted on 09/11/2004

Many Mai Tais to you Al... Health and Happiness all your life!

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/11/2004

I just love this picture of Al and Denny. When you look at it, and you know, it just says everything.

Al was the first person I hooked up with after joining TC and setting up a OC Tiki Crawl. He and Shelly are simply fantastically sweet and honest people.

Al and I have had a number of memorable "we'll always have Paris" type times. I remember 7:00am on Kalakaua Ave with a cup of saki toasting a new day, or rowing on an outrigger in front of the Royal Hawaiian, or him mixing me my 11th drink from the Grog Log at 2:00 am at the Lagoon Room, or watching him mixing drinks in room 135 way past midnight.

For those TC'rs that have not yet met the fine gentleman, make it a point to do so, for those that have, you know...

Jungle Trader posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Captain Fantastic.
Glad I know ya. A good listener and a great storyteller too, it's true.

Kailuageoff posted on 09/11/2004

I know. Al, Happy Birthday!

Jeff Central posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al. I will treat you to a Mai Tai, or two, or three, once we get to the Mai Kai in Florida. If there is a Florida to go to in a couple weeks. Say hello to Shelley for me too would ya. Hey, remember those 2 swingers that tried to pick me up in Hawaii!! I still laugh everytime I think about it. Cheers big guy!


Basement Kahuna posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday, Al!

Humuhumu posted on 09/11/2004

I adore Al. I absolutely adore Al. What's even more important to understand, those of you who have not met Al, is that I guarantee that should you someday meet him (and by all rights, as a resident of Earth at the time you are in, you should) you will adore him, too. He is our Aesop. He has a story for you, probably a few, and he will tell them all to you with a youthful and joyful exuberance. He will redefine for you the phrase "a twinkle in his eye." We are united here in our craving of a dimly lit world, yet this man is the one bright shining light you would eagerly welcome into any tiki bar.

Happy birthday, Al.

MEAN GENE posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al!
Where is Al anyway?

Love, Weence & Mean Gene


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-09-10 21:54 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday, ALl.

Traderpup posted on 09/11/2004

Best wishes, Al!


ookoo lady posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday to a great guy and a fabulous host!

ookoo lady & Krustiki

Unga Bunga posted on 09/11/2004

Happy B-Day Al!
Just think of all the tiki birthday parties we could have had in La Mirada. We have a lot to catch up on.
Best to ya.

MakeDaMug posted on 09/11/2004

Happy B-Day Al!! May your mai-tai's flow! Y'r one of the greats!

Jungle Trader posted on 09/11/2004

Let's see....that means your parents were boinkin' in the cold of January. Maybe that's why your baby picture was.....well you had these HUGE........gonads....ahem.

Wao Nahele Kalepa Kumula'au Hale

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader on 2004-09-12 12:04 ]

OnaTiki posted on 09/11/2004

Happy, Happy Birthday to a wonderful person. Hope you had lots of fun & rum!
'OnaTiki & Moki

Shipwreckjoey posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al. Your charisma is only exceeded by your savoirfaire. In other words you are one righteous dude. Shaka Rippah! - SWJ

Alnshely posted on 09/11/2004

What a remarkable thing this message board is. It's our little island on the World Wide Web, our secret paradise that's just a mouse click away. TC is much more than Mai-Tais and Hula Girls. Where else can you have a guy like Woody, taking time to bid me greeting from half a world away?. And Sven, returning from a night of drinking at a Tiki Bar in Germany, weighs in with best wishes from the continent. From LA, to San Francisco, to the shores of the Great Lakes, to Florida and the deep south, you folks have paused to wish me well and remember me on my birthday.I am deeply touched and I thank you all.

As Bong has stated,TC is about all these great stories. Like the time Shelley and I met up with Jeff central, Gecko and Fil Slash in Honolulu for the last Martin Denny concert. Then there was the time we had the first party in Room 135, at the Tropics. Or when we went to Key West with Bamboo Ben, King Kukelele, Crazy Al and Inky Louise. People on this board have gotten Married, had children, started religions, published books, carved Tikis and so very much more. There has also been choppy waters along our voyage. There has been Breakups, Divorce, feuds, harsh words and hangovers. A few people have left in a huff, and some of us have been placed on double secret probation. But, we still sail along, united with our love of Tiki.

I am richer for knowing you all. I am thankful our paths have crossed. You all have made my Desert Island a Lush Paradise and I thank you.

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Happy Birthday Al, I will look forward to meeting you at Hukilau.

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Futura Girl posted on 09/11/2004

happy belated birthday al!

i had a card for you i literally bought months agos... but then i missed the date... so maybe i'll send it in mid november for your un-birthday!


TNTiki posted on 09/11/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:49 ]

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hiltiki posted on 09/11/2004

Happy B.Day from me and Q-tiki. You are the best.

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bongofury posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al!

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Tiki Bird posted on 09/11/2004

Have a great Birthday weekend!

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PolynesianPop posted on 09/11/2004

Words cannot express the true character of this man and how great that character is. Al -- the best of everything to you on your birthday.

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ikitnrev posted on 09/11/2004

Al is definitely one of those people who I was immediately impressed with upon meeting, for the level of hospitality that he immediately showed to me. I've met him a few times since then, and that feeling has not diminished.

If the song 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow' did not exist, King Kukulele would have to then write it from scratch (in tiki style of course) so there would then be an appropriate song in this world to describe Al's character.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-09-11 12:43 ]

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martiki posted on 09/11/2004

Better late than never: Happy Birthday!

Another thing to love about Al: He's a great drunk. You know what I mean: Even when he's staggering piss drunk, he's a helluva nice guy. That's the measure of a man.

Another thing: the other day I got something in the mail from him, and it had a return address sticker on it that said "Alan". I thought: who the fuck is Alan? If ever there was an AL, it's Al.

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Chongolio posted on 09/11/2004

Always a pleasure crossing your path Al. :music: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOO YOOOOOOOOU :music:


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DawnTiki posted on 09/11/2004

Happiest birthday wishes Al! :drink:

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johnnievelour posted on 09/11/2004

Happy Birthday Al!
-the Velours

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kick_the_reverb posted on 09/12/2004

Sorry for being late, but from half-way across the world...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AL!
One of the most friendly, gracious and kind people I have ever met. When I finally got to meet him, I was blown away by how nice he was in real life. When you talk with him, he always makes you feel like you're the most important person to him at that moment. He makes great drinks, and not only that, he takes the burden of serving them for hours and hours, telling funny and fascinating stories to go with the drinks.
Al - may you always find happiness in what you do, and I'm hoping to celebrate many more birthdays with you.


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Doctor Z posted on 09/12/2004

Well... What's left to say about this incredible man that hasn't been said already??

BITCHES!! :wink:

Love ya, braddah - hope you had a great one and we'll see you in Ft. Liquordale!

--Doctor Z & DolphinTiki

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Mogambo posted on 09/12/2004

Yeah, happy birthday to you , Al. I am still puzzling what happend to your tiki shrine. Hope to see you in Florida. Aloha from Munich.

The DVD of Tiki

[ Edited by: Mogambo on 2004-11-26 04:46 ]

OnaTiki posted on 09/13/2004

Happy Happy Birthday to a super guy. All these great things being said about you are true!

Can't wait to see you and party together again. Hope you are having a wonderful birthday and are not working too hard putting the Lagoon Room back together.
'OnaTiki & Moki


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Tiki Rider posted on 09/13/2004

Happy Birthday Al!
Thank you for your friendship and hospitality.

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freddiefreelance posted on 09/13/2004

Happy even more belated than the others before me, but not as belated as those who come after...

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ikitnrev posted on 09/14/2004

How long do we have to wait before we can start saying nice things to Shelly for her birthday?


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-09-13 18:45 ]

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twowheelin'tiki posted on 09/14/2004

Happy birthday little man.Now go get a proper meal!.

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