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cd find

Pages: 1 3 replies

bbowling99 posted on 09/13/2004

was in my local used and new cd store today and found this new cd for 4.99 it's called alfred apaka: my isle of golden dreams. I love it never heard of him before was just wwondering what anyone else had to say about this album cause it rocks my tiki!

[ Edited by: bbowling99 on 2004-09-12 20:46 ]

tikibars posted on 09/13/2004

Nice synchronicity: I found an Apaka 2-LP set at thrift yesterday. Best use of a buck I can think of in a while.

He was a legend, who died way too soon.

Enjoy those tunes!


Shipwreckjoey posted on 09/13/2004

Good score 99. Apaka is one of the greats. What label is that on? If it's still in the catalogue, I wouldn't mind picking up a copy myself.

bbowling99 posted on 09/13/2004

it's on the mca record label mcad-31139 and yes i saw it on amazon so yeah it looks like it still availble new maybe and used

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