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Gauguin-Tahiti"The studio of the tropics" Feb.29-June 20

Pages: 1 13 replies

bigbrotiki posted on 02/20/2004

For the lucky Bostonians this Paris exhibition for Gauguin's 100th birthday will travel to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, showing not only his paintings, but his amazing wood carvings (which I would die to see in person), manuscripts, photos AND a collection of Marquesan Tiki implements and carvings.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/24/2004

Who's going?

I would like to know if the exhibition catalogue is worthwile getting...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/05/2004

C'm on kids, don't tell me that no one in the area is taking advantage of having the chance to see these artifacts! It's not all about partying, ya know...

"Paul Gauguin’s years in Tahiti produced his most powerful and mysterious canvases, full of brilliant color and exotic subjects. This international exhibition traces Gauguin’s career from his departure for Tahiti, his “studio of the tropics” in 1891, until his death in the remote Marquesa Islands in 1903.
This dazzling exhibition received rave reviews in Paris. Don’t miss your chance to see “Gauguin Tahiti” at its only U.S. stop—at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston."

tikigreg posted on 03/05/2004


It's only a couple hours drive to Beantown from my home, so I could head up there no problem. I can pick up a program for you, if you like. It might not be until mid-May, which is when I have plans to be in Boston.

~ tg

Jungle Trader posted on 03/05/2004

This Gauguin cat had a 14 year old mistress/girlfriend in Tahiti. (different time, different place)

Just the facts.

The only show is in Boston? That sucks, I'd love to see it over here on the west side.

Now back to my crow.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2004-03-04 17:50 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 03/05/2004

Hmmmmm. http://www.JetBlue.com has some smokin deals right now. Might just have to play hookie and check this out. "Honey, I got to go to Boston to do a quote!" Is the chowder really that good ?

bigbrotiki posted on 03/05/2004

On 2004-03-04 17:08, tikigreg wrote:

It's only a couple hours drive to Beantown from my home, so I could head up there no problem. I can pick up a program for you, if you like. It might not be until mid-May, which is when I have plans to be in Boston.

~ tg

Thanks Greg, that would be grand.

I am surprised though, it does seem that we have no Bostonians on Tiki Central? A town that brought forth Jonathan Richman and houses the Museum of Bad Art must have some Tiki agents in waiting behind it's red brick facades.

Cultjam posted on 03/09/2004

An article on the Gauguin exhibition:

Gauguin's Paradise: Only Part Tahitian and All Fantasy

The article mentions another interesting exhibition.

Polynesiac posted on 03/09/2004

My folks live in Boston and have one of them fancy memberships to that museum. I'll see if they will go, in my place, take photos (if allowed) and grab all the free goodies possible.
I'll call today to find out...

is the chowder really that good?

I'm a vegitarian and I still eat the "chowdah" everytime I'm back there.

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-03-09 12:05 ]

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-03-09 12:06 ]

Polynesiac posted on 03/11/2004

The folks are a little wishy-washy on going, though I think they will go, I just don't know how soon.
I convinced them that going, absorbing all the artistic information and grabbing loads of free stuff would help out my carvings in addition to satisfying your curiousity.
I'll let you know if they decide to go. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

A town that brought forth Jonathan Richman

YEAH! Jonathan Richman rawks! Let's also not forget the musical giants SSD, The Freeze, the FU's and (drumroll please...) GANG GREEN!

tikigreg posted on 06/05/2004

Program is on the way. Hope it gets to you, as I sent it snail-mail, which can take 6 weeks.

~ tg

tikigreg posted on 09/13/2004

Program was returned to me, not picked up. What gives?

bigbrotiki posted on 09/14/2004

I am sorry, but I have been on my day job of filming German TV movies since July and will have to do so til the end of October. I have a roommate who sends me my mail, but cannot sign for registered mail. It's best to send me stuff with regular mail, so it just gets dropped off.
Thank you so much for sending it, I am sorry I am in exile.

(..and I am MOST sorry that I cannot attend the Hukilau, AGAIN %$&@!!!)

tikigreg posted on 09/14/2004

I sent it to Germany per your instructions and to the address you gave me. Oh well.

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