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hukilau: who's going?

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Doctor Z posted on 09/15/2004

Okay, folks - we're entering the home stretch!!

I've been reading through the various Hukilau threads and discussions and with all the "changes of plans", cancellations and "sudden good fortune", I'm having a tough time piecing together just who's going to be there and who is not. On the Hukilau site, Swanky has listed thecities folks are coming from, but I want to see who is actually going to be there (and where y'all are staying!) I'm kinda making a mental checklist ('cause I want to meet as many of my TC peeps as possible) so, if'n you don't mind humoring me with just one more thread: Who's going?

Doctor Z & DolphinTiki (from Redondo Beach, CA - staying at the Bahia Cabana)

Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2004-09-14 19:12 ]

stuff-o-rama posted on 09/15/2004

I'm heading out rain or shine! As long as it's going on I'll be there.

Jungle Trader posted on 09/15/2004

Me at the Bahia Cabana. Funny....some of you live here in Cali and I will be meeting you for the first time in Fla.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/15/2004

Tikiwahine and her new hubby will be there from Canada! We're staying at the Bahia Mar.

Dr. Z - I'm working on your float light right now

gatorjwade posted on 09/15/2004

I'll be there at the Bahia Mar with wife and kids! (Likely poolside w/ the kids...)

Ukulare posted on 09/15/2004

I'll be there with my wife, Hula Kitten. We're staying at the Bahia Mar.

[ Edited by: Ukulare on 2004-09-14 21:17 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 09/15/2004

I will be going with my fiance. We will be staying at the Bahia Mar. It's funny you posted this topic because I was wondering if anybody was having second thoughts because of those damned hurricanes. I think there might be another one following Ivan. All I know is as for now I am planning to go. I am looking forward to meeting all of you that are on TC.

Dr.Z we are kind of neighbors I live in Hawthorne and you are in Redondo Beach (how cool is that)?

cybertiki posted on 09/15/2004

Cybertiki and the Lovely Joelle ... accompanied by a host of local friends and family.

Since we live here, the hurricanes aren't a consideration - and I'd go to Hukilau anyway!




I will be there too...Nor rain, nor sleet, nor dead of night will keep me from my appointed rounds!

Atlanta/Athens First! Then the Tiki March to the Sea will head towards Florida...

Yo Ho Yo Ho,
the Tiki Life for me...


Happy the Man
Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call today his own:
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst,
for I have lived today.
(Horace - Odes, Book III, xxix)

[ Edited by: Drunk Sailor on Shore Leave on 2004-09-14 21:32 ]

Swanky posted on 09/15/2004

I hope no one minds, but I have a list of everyone and what hotel they are in HERE. Next time I will ask for TC handles in the information form so we can post that instead. The list will help some.

hala bullhiki posted on 09/15/2004

cant wait!...ill be there with my wahine, and our best friends from cali are meetin us there.....really at this point, the wait is gettin painful!!!

TikiPug posted on 09/15/2004

Me, Mrs. Pug, Mama Pug, and Uncle Pug are staying at the Bahia Mar.

Can't wait to see y'all.

The Pugster

martiki posted on 09/15/2004

Can we start some kind of Mar-Cabana rivalry?

Cause all I know is that the Cabana kicks ass.

House of cards building contest? (no dogs, please.)
Drinking contest? (depends on where pablus is staying)

Pomaika i posted on 09/15/2004

Brendan and I are going but we're staying down the road in a Days Inn where we always stay in Ft Lauderdale.

pablus posted on 09/15/2004

I'll be there along with Ona Koka, Medieval Man, Palm Johnny and Bertie Roughhouse.

We're staying down the road a bit.

The Amber Love Goddess may be there for the Friday/Saturday festivites. We couldn't talk MM's or OK's wahines into coming. They look at it like a job since we're bringing the cameras, lights and mikes. And it kinda is.

Plus they're busy.

Martiki - I presume you're coming? Good. I got all the falernums for us to taste. Kava King's bringing in a bottle of the Sazeracs.

I'll be bringing basically a full bar with me for certain drinks I have to have.

Scorpions (da ol kine way)
Beachbum's Owns
Test Pilots
Navy Grogs (if the syrup gets here on time)
and a couple others...


See you there.

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/15/2004

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Dollar will be there from the city of Ladder 49 8)

Bahia Mar represent!!!

PolynesianPop posted on 09/15/2004

Only one more week!! I'll definitely be there -- sharing my space with Jungletrader, Chikitiki and Tikitony. Yup, no sleep that weekend!


Swanky posted on 09/15/2004

If you need a place to set up that bar Pablus, I may have a great locale at the Cabana. It's in the works right now.

What about the ice crusher? You got that covered or do I need to bring mine? Both of them!

Just where is this falernum tasting taking place? And when?

Kailuageoff posted on 09/15/2004

Marian and I are there. Kentiki and Ariel will be with us from Miami. Flounder is sleeping in the closet. Meg isn't sleeping with Flounder.

mrsmiley posted on 09/15/2004

I am going -that I know. There was a problem with my reservation, so I think I am staying at the Bahia Cabana where Tikis go wild!!!!

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/15/2004

On 2004-09-15 10:11, Kailuageoff wrote:
Meg isn't sleeping with Flounder.

we don't promote sleepin' with da fishes...

Lake Surfer posted on 09/15/2004

I'll be a Cabana resident from Thursday 'til Sunday along with my buddy Vias who is flying down to meet me on Thursday as I pull the van load 'o tiki goodies in to Lauderdale. My first Hukilau and man am I looking forward to it!

ms pleasant posted on 09/15/2004

Keigs and I will be at the Cabana as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone. One more week!!!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/15/2004

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy 2007-07-30 01:06 ]

floratina posted on 09/15/2004

Hey SCD, I'm on that flight and there are 3 others - that I know of. I will be staying at the Cabana.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/15/2004

My brother gave me one of these beauties as part of a wedding gift:

I can bring it along if needed!

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/15/2004

us too! 'cept the base is white.

i have the original version too that's all chrome (missing the recepticle tho).

sorry to 'me too,' but i love that thing, use it every week...

Tikiwahine posted on 09/15/2004

VERY cool J$!
I love my ice crusher on the front of the fridge for big jobs, but this thing is so much more fun to use! He also gave us 4 chrome martini glasses, a shaker and booze for said martinis. Don't ya just love familiy?

monkeyskull posted on 09/15/2004

On 2004-09-14 23:44, martiki wrote:
Can we start some kind of Mar-Cabana rivalry?
Cause all I know is that the Cabana kicks ass.

I will be there! Now, as for my stay in the Bahamas in the days preceding Hukilau, that's looking more than a little bleak.

P.S. I'll be at the Mar. I've heard that Bahai Mar folks may be a bit above common rough-housing of Bahai Cabana hoi polloi -- that they're sort of the Jimmy Buffet to our Martin Denny. So we'd probably be defeated in a contest of brute strength, but in a battle of wits and refinement (say a baseball trivia contest) we would surely reign mo'i.

[ Edited by: monkeyskull on 2004-09-15 13:47 ]

pablus posted on 09/15/2004

I don't - ummm - have - errrr - an ice crusher. I use the Vitamix blender.

Bring one anyway.

Falernum tasting - who the heck knows when it's taking place? I'd say we need a short list after seeing what happened at Dr. Z's Mai Tai blitzkrieg.

I know it's going to be my pleasure to:

  • serve Al and Shelly and Dr. Z and DolphinTiki many drinks after all the hospitality they've continually shown their charges on the left coast.

  • repay the hospitality I've been shown from Martiki & Rebecca, Basement Kahuna, the jab, Humuhumu, Mano and congamike and cybertiki & Joelle.

  • stay away from Flounder.

  • steal a Smokin' Menehunes CD from SOMEONE - ANYONE!

  • Float as "The Great White" upon the waves of Ft. Lauderdale beach.

martiki posted on 09/15/2004

On 2004-09-15 13:38, monkeyskull wrote:

On 2004-09-14 23:44, martiki wrote:
Can we start some kind of Mar-Cabana rivalry?
Cause all I know is that the Cabana kicks ass.

I will be there! Now, as for my stay in the Bahamas in the days preceding Hukilau, that's looking more than a little bleak.

P.S. I'll be at the Mar. I've heard that Bahai Mar folks may be a bit above common rough-housing of Bahai Cabana hoi polloi -- that they're sort of the Jimmy Buffet to our Martin Denny. So we'd probably be defeated in a contest of brute strength, but in a battle of wits and refinement (say a baseball trivia contest) we would surely reign mo'i.

Fightin' words, monkey boy. Fightin' words.

Keep your baseball trivia. Try testing the Cabana crew on something important, like mixology. We got Z, Al, thejab, BK and li'l ol' me in the Cabana.

Mug making? Holden & Frank are in the house!

Mug trivia? Nope, we got the Duke.

Building Bars? Let me just say, "Arrrrr!"

Smiley face collections? Sorted.

"It's already been broughten!"

(please remember these posts are to be taken lightly.)

Tikiwahine posted on 09/15/2004

On 2004-09-15 14:26, pablus wrote:

Falernum tasting - who the heck knows when it's taking place? I'd say we need a short list after seeing what happened at Dr. Z's Mai Tai blitzkrieg.

Would this be a good time to bring out my Absinth? Doc Z & J$ are on the top of the list at the moment.

floratina posted on 09/15/2004

I think that would be a fine time to break out the absynth, Tikiwahine :)

Alnshely posted on 09/16/2004

If there is going to be a mix off with the Bahia Mar-tians, Watch out, Al and Shelley are in the Cabana!

Pablus, thanks for your offer, I think I'll take you up on that!

Sugar, Al and I are on your flight!

Tiki Bob is also staying at the Cabana.

Okohole Maluna!
Shell in the Pacific,
returns to the Atlantic!

mrsmiley posted on 09/16/2004

Have a nice Tiki Day!

[ Edited by: MRSMILEY on 2004-09-22 13:08 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 09/16/2004
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