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Your favorite rums and why

Pages: 1 3 replies

I would really like to start collecting some good quality rums, but I don't know where to start.

What are your favorite 2 or 3 rums and what do you like about them?

Also, when drinking rum by itself, is there some ritualistic way to serve it like you do with good wine or a good martini?

JTD posted on Thu, Sep 16, 2004 10:41 AM


Try out these threads:





[ Edited by: JTD on 2004-09-16 10:42 ]

On 2004-09-16 08:39, finkdaddy wrote:
Also, when drinking rum by itself, is there some ritualistic way to serve it like you do with good wine or a good martini?

Those posts should give a lot of info, but let me address the last question. I like to drink straight (or nearly straight) rum in two ways. If I am having a fine aged rum like Rhum Barbancourt 15 Year, I use a brandy snifter and drink it like I do cognac, savoring the aroma as well as the taste. I even do the traditional french cognac/armagnac tradition of "le faune du viere" (sp?) (the last drop). When you get down to the last little bit, you roll the snifter in your palms to slightly warm the liqueur to release more of the bouquet, and savor the scent before downing the last drop.

I also like to make a "Martiki", or rum martini, with white Rhum Barbancourt, a capful of dry vermouth, and an orange peel.

[ Edited by: Urban Tiki on 2004-09-16 13:04 ]

Thanks JTD for the links. I really have to learn to search for stuff before I post a new thread.

Urban Tiki, thanks for the advice. I have some very nice crystal snifters that I will try when I get my first top shelf bottle, maybe this weekend.

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