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Pages: 1 7 replies

Island Savage posted on 09/17/2004

Hey everyone,
I didn't realize until just now that posted messages get emailed out.The other day I picked at random an old thread(before I saw that there was a test message area)to test out my posting ID picture, to see how it looked, but posted the wrong photo.The picture I posted was a picture a friend emailed to me poking fun at my political views.After I saw what happened I edited the post, but it still must have some people scatching their heads.Just thought I'd offer an explaination to what must have seemed like a random post.....I hope nobody was offened by the political picture.

[ Edited by: on 2004-09-16 23:15 ]

[ Edited by: freaky*tiki on 2005-03-09 20:13 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 09/17/2004

You are soooooooooooooooooo busted!!! It's rebels like you......................

Trader Woody posted on 09/17/2004

To be honest, I can't imagine anyone who's still using the e-mailing of posts feature now that the volume of posts is so high these days.

Perhaps the moderators might be able to say if this feature is still in use by anyone?

Trader Woody

TNTiki posted on 09/17/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:50 ]

floratina posted on 09/17/2004

Woody, I came to the same conclusion when I was thinking about this the other day. There was a time when the daily post volume was more manageable. With the emails, you would get so see first drafts of posts before people edit them, so that could make it interesting. But TNT, those emails must keep you busy!

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-09-17 06:33 ]

Trader Woody posted on 09/17/2004

Well, considering all the tedious crap that comes into my work e-mail address, wading through 100's of Tiki Central e-mails becomes a more inviting prospect!

Trader Woody

cynfulcynner posted on 09/17/2004

I use the e-mail feature, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I read them all.

TNTiki posted on 09/17/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:50 ]

Pages: 1 7 replies