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2 small batches are ready of Mount Bumatay and da pukas! please read in full on pg 3! mahalo 9/18/04

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GECKO posted on 09/14/2004

Aloha TC,

To all TC members who want this wrong glaze version of da big puka It will be available to you @ only $11 ea + $7 shipping. They are priced here at $15 retail.

They came out at 3 different shades of glaze. A mango color, yellow and a lighter version of the mango. Thats what happens when you just start out I guess. I'm sure this won't be the last bump in the road. Mount Bumatay looks great though but there is only about 40 pcs done in the first batch. those retail @ $20 + $7 shipping I'll post when the mugs are available. so hold up! spread da word. I will do some limited editions to the islands but these are not it.

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-18 16:43 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-18 16:45 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-18 18:30 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-18 18:35 ]

Phillip Roberts posted on 09/14/2004

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-12 14:48 ]

cheekytiki posted on 09/14/2004

Yeah Gecko that sucks, have you emailed her and told her what you think.
Look forward to seeing the real thing available

GECKO posted on 09/14/2004

I'm pretty stunned. The 2 locations that I thought would be ok were not. I'm know it wasn't purchased from LaMariana. I can't believe they painted over it? They should have just sold it as it is without that burgandy paint.

This is the first time I've ever seen something like this happen. That would be like buying one of my carvings or someone elses work here and then chizled out a few new lines and added a little paint, bamboo, or stain and then said this is a new tiki painting, carving, bar or what eva by so and so and then said it was their special limited verision of it??? It's kinda funny at the same time?

What can I say? This is America....they can buy and re-sell, but to paint over it and say it's a hand painted mug by them and one of a kind?? wow. Yes I do work hard braddah Fill and that's why I'm going to go pull them off the shelf from where I think they were tooken from just incase they are feeling artistic again. These will be available to TC members at only $11. I'm just going to move these out. I'll try to get them ready by this weekend guys.

That's it! I'm going to post my Book of Tiki on ebay and I think I'll write a few extra verses in it in pigon and say it's the new limited edition version of the book of tiki by Sven and Gecko now available in pidgon!


well, let'em sell it and make a dollar. They payed $15 for it...it won't go over $30. I'll bet my hand painted Tiki Diablo mug by Gecko.

shoootz peopo

Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/14/2004

Put me down for a limited edition of BOT ha ha.

Seriously Gecko, what a pisser, but I guess that's the price of fame.

looking forward to the 'proper' mugs coming out.

hula hula posted on 09/14/2004

ha dats my sistas auction....................j/k

put me down for 1 toooooooo

badmojo posted on 09/14/2004

Gecko, I be happy to take a pair of your wrong glaze mistake Pukas off your hands, when available.

[ Edited by: badmojo on 2004-09-15 06:42 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 09/14/2004

I'll take one.


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Mike the Headhunter posted on 09/14/2004

How do we order from you on this and any other projects?

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naugatiki posted on 09/14/2004

Yeah I'll take one too, and maybe one of those limited edition Book of Tiki in pidgen too.

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2004-09-14 11:03 ]

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dogbytes posted on 09/14/2004

i'm going to buy my "handpackaged by Gekco mug" directly from you, Mike!

then sell the foam peanuts as "touched by Gecko, famous Hawaiian Artist" on ebay.. :wink:

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Unga Bunga posted on 09/14/2004

I'm down for one Gecko!

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Atomicchick posted on 09/14/2004

Put me down for one too!

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MachTiki posted on 09/14/2004

Please put me down for one as well.

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Tiki Dude posted on 09/14/2004

Please add me to the list as well.

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TNTiki posted on 09/14/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 17:21 ]

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Raffertiki posted on 09/14/2004

Gecko, If I can afford it, I'll buy that mug and send it to you so you can throw it back into the volcano. We'll see.

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aquaorama posted on 09/14/2004

I second what TNTiki said! I'll take one of each off of your hands. I bid on the "Exotica" mug by the same seller, should I get out of it based on principle?

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Mai Tai Matty posted on 09/15/2004

I too bid on the exotica mug she had up. Sounds alittle shady trying to pass the handpainted thing .Lets have some honesty around here. Oh by the way I take all the wrong glazed mugs you have GECKO (I'll make a fortune on ebay!! oopps did I type that out loud just kidding lets keep alittle respect for the great artist that make the things we so badly want. Please let us know when we can get the mugs directly from you GECKO lets give back to those who give us HAIL GECKO !!!!!

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Kalikiana posted on 09/15/2004

Wow, that's crazy Gecko! Hmmmmmm, that burgundy paint is similar in color to her nail polish!!!....do you think she.....????

You can put me down for one of each of the mugs as well. Thanks, K

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Tiki-Toa posted on 09/15/2004

Same person just put a second da big puka on ebay I see, at least time it is not painted.

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MauiTiki posted on 09/15/2004

Gecko, Put me down for one as well!

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8FT Tiki posted on 09/15/2004

I think I might just like to get me one of dem Mango colored ones! Add me to the list and then give us the details we need to order. It will sit right next to my first Gecko mug!

GECKO posted on 09/15/2004

ok I'm over it now. If you want to bid on her exotica mug by go for it no worries there. I just didn't want anyone here bidding a high price when they could have got one from me for the cheapest price in paradise. If you need to have it now, go ahead. I don't want to block her ebay sells I was just upset that they painted on it and said it was their one of a kind piece and I didn't want peopo here to jump on it because it was the first one on the block for sale. No worries I'll take care of you with what I have here. I don't care if the second one up thats not painted ends at $35! you will get it from me for $11 plus $7 shipping or $8 with insurance.

No need on bidding on it and sending it to me...please dont. I don't like it. Great as a gag gift or something to say "remember when this was on ebay"

I'll get'um done soon.

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tikijackalope posted on 09/15/2004

The auction has stopped:
"The seller ended this listing early because the item is no longer available for sale."

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SON OF MOTHRA posted on 09/15/2004

Gecko, I'll take both of those mugs too. I sent you an email with the info.

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tiki5-0 posted on 09/15/2004

i may want them, too. let me know all the info on them when it's available. thanks!

GECKO posted on 09/16/2004

Alohaz peopo,

I got a call from the guy who had it up and said he ment no disrespect. He got my number from the store that had the mugs. He was cool about it. I told him I expect to see my mugs on ebay but not like that. No worries, lifes to short. Mahaloz to Tiki Toa for pointing out that auction to me.

Hopefully these mugs will be ready to take orders by Monday. If you were looking at his "Exotica" mug or even da big puka, go ahead and bid. Specially Exotica. That's a great mug.

thanks I'll contact you guys by Monday hopefully.

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Tiki Lee's posted on 09/16/2004

Hey Gecko!
Can I get a set of 4 of each? (4 "da big pukas" and 4 "Mt. Bumatay?)

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KAHAKA posted on 09/16/2004

I'll take one of each, Gecko!!

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MakeDaMug posted on 09/17/2004

On 2004-09-15 20:56, GECKO wrote:
Alohaz peopo,

I got a call from the guy who had it up and said he ment no disrespect. He got my number from the store that had the mugs. He was cool about it. I told him I expect to see my mugs on ebay but not like that. No worries, lifes to short. Mahaloz to Tiki Toa for pointing out that auction to me.

Hopefully these mugs will be ready to take orders by Monday. If you were looking at his "Exotica" mug or even da big puka, go ahead and bid. Specially Exotica. That's a great mug.

thanks I'll contact you guys by Monday hopefully.

I agree - dat Exotica's a great mug :)! Sculptomagnifico! Rock on Gecko and da peepz!! And yes to da emails - we didn't sculpt this mug... don't know who did!?

Holden Westland
Tiki Farm
"Purveyors of Polynesian Pop Culture"

[ Edited by: smogbreather on 2004-09-17 00:01 ]

GECKO posted on 09/18/2004

As I said in a previous post, Squid sculpted both Exotica and DaBigPuka. One of the best sculptors around. Tanks Holden.

I have 2 small batches of DBpuka 45 pcs and 37 pcs of Mount Bumatay. If you wish to order now email me directly @ dakai1995@aol.com the Bumatays are $20 each and $11 for DBP. Shipping is $7 ea. I will let you know if the first batch sells out here on this thread so, please look at the thread befor you email me. I'm a one man team still and don't want to start out bad by taking in hundreds of orders I can't handle. So I will sell in small batches. If there is any problem please talk to me directly and I will do the best I can to help you with your order....I guess I'm saying please be eazy on me. Tanks guys!!

Sorry, Tangaroas are a little slow still but I do have enough for some hand painted versions. Those are only $100 plus $13 shipping for TC peopo I have been selling them for $125 to $150 to non members here on da islands. If you are interested in one of the painted Tangaroas like the ones in the pics please email me. The painted yellow face one is $150 though and is available.

The ones that are painted with just the white are $100 for TC, total $113 with shipping. I will be going off Island on the 9th of Oct for buisness again so, If you wish to order a painted Tangaroa it would have to be done befor then. I'll be gone for 2 weeks so most of these mugs will be sent out Monday if you pay by paypal. Just tell me what you want in an email and your home address.

you can pay by paypal or MO. I can't take checks right now because I'm leaving for buisness and I don't have the time for the checks to clear. The next batch will be no problem.

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this one is sold already but just another example. These are avialable without the penis incase there are peopo who wish to have one without. Tangaroas come with a signed and dated tag numbered 1 of 1. Being that da mug is my canvas and are hand painted that is why they are 1 of 1's.
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Mount Bumatay and Da Big Puka
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because of the limited amount I have I will sell one of each of the Bumatay's and DBPuka. Just to give other peeps a chance. If you wish to order more on the next batch no problem at all braddahz!


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Benzart posted on 09/19/2004

Gecko, Now I see why you have been hiding so long. You have been working your skinny butt off. Looks Real Good Bro. You make me proud and envious.

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Jungle Trader posted on 09/19/2004

Gecko, the new Tangaroa photos bring those out real nice, I can see it better (with my glasses too). Superb work!!

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RevBambooBen posted on 09/19/2004

How much are the un-painted ones? Would like to paint one up for my personal collection. No worries. I don't do e-bay. Is your truck a 6 or an 8? Any a/c problems yet?

GECKO posted on 09/19/2004

On 2004-09-18 17:53, Benzart wrote:
Gecko, Now I see why you have been hiding so long. You have been working your skinny butt off. Looks Real Good Bro. You make me proud and envious.

Skinny butt!?!? HA! not so skinny any mo cuz!
you see da skinny guy to da left of me in da yellow aloha shirt. Dats my little braddah Jason that lives in Temecula CA. Another tiki carver in our family.So if you see dis big braddah walking around Temecula, say "howzit J" I know your older brother Gecko. He'll hook you up with a tiki at a great price. I'll be visiting him and my nephew(sp?) in Cali early next year so I'll be in town fo some drinks and wat evaz so I'll see you Cali boys early next year.
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Ben, wen da mugs are ready they'll be $25 for da ohana until Christmas then they are back at retail price of $30. I'll let you all know when these are ready.

Da truck is a 6. No room for parking on da islands when you have a 8 and no, I have no problems wit da ac.

I had to edit this because I was getting pre orders for Tangaroas but I'm not taking pre orders sorry and that great rock bottom price of $25 will not stay that way. Only till Christmas on the Tangaroas. They will retail here at Tikis Grill and Bar gift shop for $30.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-09-20 02:30 ]

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BaronV posted on 09/19/2004

Just when i promised myself i wouldn't buy another mug until after i move... these pull me back in!

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Tiki-Toa posted on 09/19/2004

Gek-O, tried sending you an email and it came back saying delayed, hope it shows up sometime.

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chefgrey2 posted on 09/19/2004

Aloha, Gecko! Chefgrey2 here...if I order a tangaroa, could you paint it with burgundy nail polish? Just kidding, brah! I'm im the middle of moving to North Carolina, but when I get settled down I'll DEFINTELY score anything you have left...keep me in mind. Mahaloz, Grey

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8FT Tiki posted on 09/21/2004

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GECKO posted on 09/21/2004

da big pukas first batch is gone. I still have a few Mount Bumatays and hand painted Tangaroas.

Ha, ya I guess thats how you could look at it.

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Kenike posted on 09/23/2004

Here's Da Big Puka proudly displayed next to the Exotica mug on my shelf. Mahaloz Gecko!

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tikimug posted on 10/01/2004

Gek, Da Big Puka is Da Big Bomb! It rocks da house yo!

Nice detail! sweeeeeeeeet! Thanks Bro!

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hala bullhiki posted on 10/01/2004

so gecko, whats left as of today, i was a little late gettin back to da thread, so i missed when they went on sale.....

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Trader Woody posted on 10/01/2004

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2004-10-01 19:33 ]

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I just got my yellow Da Big Puka mug, and it looks great! I am just waiting to save some more $$ for a couple of Tangaroa's. Tanks Gecko, you kick ass!


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Kono posted on 10/02/2004

Mt Bumatay is ready to erupt!

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Sorry I don't have a better camera.

I love this mug! Take away the orange glaze and this suckah could pass for an ancient sacred vessel used by the kahunas to drink the blood of slaves or something. :tiki: My current tiki mug du jour; a future classic. I can't wait to get a Tangaroa. Keep it up bruddah Gecko!

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Kalikiana posted on 10/02/2004

Gecko! I love my da big puka and Mt Bumatay mugs! I can't believe they got here so fast! Less than 48 hrs after you sent them! Gotta collect more Gecko art...Geeeeeeeecko....Geeeeeeeckoooooooo.....


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