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Tabou Tiki Room Berlin Open!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 09/17/2004

Now guys, I won't take anything less than my regular table there ! Oh yes, and tell Dag that I require my "favorite bottle " on ice as well!

kaiserstyle posted on 09/21/2004

Hey BK,
thanks for the compliment. It's an original Chiki Guanko on the pic. We will turn it into a fountain (together with the Witco inspired piece on the other side of the door) as soon as Chikitiki comes back to carve two new tikis for the entrance.

BK, we love your work and would be proud to display some of your pieces at the Tabou Tiki Room (well, hopefully next year or whenever possible).

TikiMaxton posted on 09/21/2004

I'm way behind on my TC reading, and just caught up on this thread. Not a moment too soon, as we will be in Berlin in early October. We will definitely be visiting Tabou Tiki, and I'll bring a NW Tiki Crawl souvenir mug to add to your collection. Hope there are a few TT signature mugs left for Tiki Centralites!

See you in a couple of weeks...

kaiserstyle posted on 09/22/2004

Hi TikiMaxton,

sounds great. We're open Tues-Sun 8pm-?.
There're only a couple mugs left so I can only guarantee one. Looking forward to see the crawl mug.


Tiki-Toa posted on 09/22/2004

Are you still looking for mugs to add to the TT Room collection?

kaiserstyle posted on 09/23/2004

Hi Tiki-Toa,

of course we're looking for mugs, we just don't have the money right now to buy any. Do you have mugs for sale? We'll set up a display case for the mugs of bar regulars. The regulars' cocktail will be served in the persons personal mug.
TC members are welcome to leave their favorite mug at the bar (in case you want to visit).

TikiMaxton posted on 09/28/2004

Kaiserstyle - in searching for stuff to do on our upcoming trip to Berlin, I checked out this site (as reccomended by Tiki Chris):


I noticed that Tabou Tiki is not listed! You might want to contact them to rectify that situation...

Looking forward to meeting you next week! Anybody know if Sven is currently in Germany or back home in LA?

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/28/2004

On 2004-09-23 10:52, kaiserstyle wrote:
Hi Tiki-Toa,

of course we're looking for mugs, we just don't have the money right now to buy any. Do you have mugs for sale? We'll set up a display case for the mugs of bar regulars. The regulars' cocktail will be served in the persons personal mug.
TC members are welcome to leave their favorite mug at the bar (in case you want to visit).

I sent you a pm.

kick_the_reverb posted on 09/28/2004

Beautiful place, excelent work everyone.
I sent a couple of my friends (non-Tiki people) in Berlin a note about going and visiting the place (maybe they'll get converted over, after they experience the place).


kaiserstyle posted on 10/21/2004

We want to thank Sven again for the phantastic job he did at his WITCO slide-show (cut the W/V jokes everybody, I'm German, too). It was one of the best nights at the TTR (pic coming soon).
Too bad you'll miss our first Berlin Mai Tai Crawl. You'd be the perfect tour guide.


[ Edited by: kaiserstyle on 2004-10-21 03:55 ]

Thorsten Hasenkamm posted on 10/21/2004

Hi Stefan, did you get my e-mail(s)?

kaiserstyle posted on 11/16/2004

kawentzmann also posted these pics at another thread. it was the opening party of the Tabou Tiki Room and the opening of our second room. mogambo will post more pics soon.



Thorsten Hasenkamm posted on 11/16/2004

Cool, looking forward to more pics...

kaiserstyle posted on 11/30/2004

Here's a link to more pics from the opening party on Nov.13th.

Don't miss our first Tongan/Samoan Hula/Ukelele Night on Dec.11th.


Thorsten Hasenkamm posted on 11/30/2004

Got any pics of the art for the TIKI CALENDAR?

Trader Woody posted on 02/16/2005

Just over three weeks to go before we visit, and can't wait. Where is Maybachufer? Easy to find? Our hotel is in Charlottenburg......(Need map, Euros, camera).

Damn - exciting times ahead.

Trader Woody

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/17/2005

Woody my boy! I am jealous ya jerk! I was going to shoot out there, but a project start time conflicted with travel plans in Dec. Then that start date was postponed and I finally have a meeting w/ the people manana. So I didn't go to Europe for my Tiki Carving Tour II during the holidays. Well here is the location of the bar, corner of Maybachufer and Nansenstr along the canal .

and some other photos of when I was there makin' a mess and having fun w/ April and Stephan (CLASS ACT PEEPS 100%!!!)

the first shots of the Arm Chair Traveling project.

Ya see guys, no real secrets to carving, see the tiki in the wood, draw it on the log, rough it out with a chainsaw, then finish it off w/ da chisels my nizzles!

Oh I guess the real secret to all this tiki carving mumbo jumbo is to make new friends, like Moritz "MO" R. Y'all know Mo's work, right? Of course ya do!

And have some fun bullshitting and drinking a cold one with friends like these awesome folks!


[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2005-02-16 18:16 ]

Trader Woody posted on 02/17/2005


Only on Tiki Central could I ask for directions in a German city only to be provided with photographic help from a carver from LA! Thanks Chiki - it's a real shame you won't be out there, but I know you have the bug and will be back sooner than later.

Fascinating photos of the carving/decorating process, too. I tried to go down to South London Pacific as it was getting decorated in order to document the process, but they accomplished it too quickly.

Anyway, no doubt I'll be seeing you carving up a storm at some point in the future, but on which continent?

Trader Woody

kaiserstyle posted on 02/20/2005

Hi Trader,

when exactly are you gonna be in Berlin? I will be on the road most of the year but I hope it will be somewhere between March 14th-19th. I Belli di Waikiki will play on the 18th, Men from SPECTRE on the 17th.

Hope to see you, Stefan. Chikitiki, thanks for the pics and get your ass over here asap.

Trader Woody posted on 02/23/2005

On 2005-02-20 01:08, kaiserstyle wrote:
Hi Trader,

when exactly are you gonna be in Berlin? I will be on the road most of the year but I hope it will be somewhere between March 14th-19th. I Belli di Waikiki will play on the 18th, Men from SPECTRE on the 17th.

I'm actually going to be there March 4th-8th, so hopefully you'll be around! It's a pity not to see the Men from SPECTRE. I've a photo of them walking in their suits from their chalet at the Wild Weekend 2 a few years back. A highly entertaining band.

Anyway, the reason for going to Berlin was to see the Tabou and say hi, so hopefully you'll be there and it'll be open!

Trader Woody

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/23/2005

Woody, if Stefan isn't there, April will be there for sure. If I'm wrong, then ..........?

[ Edited by: thechikitiki on 2005-02-23 10:18 ]

Trader Woody posted on 02/23/2005

On 2005-02-23 10:17, thechikitiki wrote: If I'm wrong, then ..........?

I'm buggered!

Ah, the sight of a closed Tiki bar is horribly common for a multitude of reasons, but I'm confident the Tabou will be in full swing.........

Trader Woody

kaiserstyle posted on 03/02/2005

Hi Woody,

Too bad I won't be around but of course we're open (Tue-Sat 8pm-4am) + (Sun 9pm-2am) and of course April is there Wednesday thru Sunday.

kaiserstyle posted on 03/06/2005

Too bad I won't be around but of course we're open (Tue-Sat 8pm-4am) + (Sun 9pm-2am) and of course April is there Wednesday thru Sunday.

were you there for Rock-a-tiki lounge on Friday and didn't make yourselves known? Or tonight? You need to come in! Call me if you are here, I'll take you to Rum Trader and Trader Vic's, I'll call Mo and Gordon W, master of the Therimin 0163-471-7595 (Berlin) April

Trader Woody posted on 03/11/2005

*On 2005-03-05 23:44, kaiserstyle wrote:*You need to come in! Call me if you are here, I'll take you to Rum Trader and Trader Vic's, I'll call Mo and Gordon W, master of the Therimin 0163-471-7595 (Berlin) April

Ack! As you know, we came in on Sunday night, which wasn't the plan, but things went down strange routes over the weekend. I knew things were not on the Tiki track from the moment we arrived at our hotel and I found the mug I'd brought over as a gift for your display case was in pieces, despite being in my personal bag.

From then on, it just was a fun blur, but it meant that by the time we hit the Tabou, we felt like our kidneys had been punched by big-fisted bastards.

Saying that, I loved the place! It's incredible! Every detail is a wink in the direction of the hardcore Tikiphile, and done with a good dollop of humour. Nice to see some Flounder art up on the walls, as well as the very cool display of art for sale. Cocktails were wonderful and your bartendress (Laila?) really made us feel at home. Nice carvings too.....now who did those......?

Big shame to have missed out on seeing you, but it just gives an excuse for going back to Berlin.

Trader Woody
PS - Many thanks for the very special mug. Much appreciated.

Trader Woody posted on 10/21/2009

I just found my photos from the trip, sofigured I mught as well pop them up here.

Trader Woody

teaKEY posted on 10/21/2009

This is a nice easter island (T.D.) style tiki. With the gold lettering too. I have yet to get a tiki in my bar and a Moai is going to be a must. Maybe the first type of tiki I use. And maybe a litle use on gold like that would be the cat's back.

The painting are great too.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/21/2009

Those were the days...that place was, as far as a basically self-made Tiki bar in Europe goes, as good as it gets.

Trader Woody posted on 10/22/2009

Indeed - amazing attention to detail and all the elements of a Tiki bar that members of Tiki Central love. What were the reasons for it closing? I know it was a little out of the way - I'll never forget almost freezing to death making our way back to our central hotel. It dis seem pretty busy the night we went, though.

Trader Woody

virani posted on 10/22/2009

True, the best european tiki bar ever.
The owners had to sell it as they wanted to get back back to the States, and as she was pregnant and wanted a change. I almost left Paris and get the bar, almost. The language barrier was the only thing that stopped me really (and my wife !).
That was quite a paradisiac place.

Zeta posted on 10/22/2009

On 2009-10-22 01:25, virani wrote:
True, the best european tiki bar ever.
The owners had to sell it as they wanted to get back back to the States, and as she was pregnant and wanted a change. I almost left Paris and get the bar, almost. The language barrier was the only thing that stopped me really (and my wife !).
That was quite a paradisiac place.

It was great but definitely NOT "the best European tiki bar ever.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/22/2009

OF COURSE not! We carelessly failed to insert the differentiation "best self-made REVIVAL Tiki Bar in Europe" in our remembrances. :D

virani posted on 10/29/2009

well yes, best neo-tiki bar, of course.

kaiser-style posted on 11/11/2009

hi everybody, it's been such a long time since i logged in the last time that i forgot my password and had to re-register.
it's amazing to see that you guys are still talking about the tabou tiki room after all these years.
the reason why it disappeared?
her name is ruby and she's now 2 1/2 years old. but even without our little girl the place wouldn't have lasted much longer because of pressure the bank put on us.
we don't miss all the financial trouble the place caused but we sure love to remember the amazing nights we had. from the construction site party with tiki diablo (we love you guys) and king kukulele (i'm still so sorry about the concert in 2006) to sven's (just let us know when you are back in berlin so we can have a mai tai at the rum trader) slideshow, from the kingsized to the i belli di waikiki concerts. and of course the opening party (hey jochen, how is the documentary going). it still breaks my heart to see the old pictures because the place meant so much to us. so thanks again to all the amazing people who supported us over the short 2 years we had it running. maybe we come back with an amazing (home) tiki bar one day. i just need the four big tiki diablo poles back. mahalo.

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