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Tikitony Got keychain!

Pages: 1 13 replies

Ooh, thanks to everyone who posted!! I got a keychain from Tiki Tony! It's AWESOME, not a skinny tiny thing, really wonderful! Thanks and I highly recommend his work!!
Sheri in va


Hey Sherri, glad you got it and like it!! Here's a few Hukilau left over's up on ebay:


I got me one of these bad boys at Hukilau!

Tiki Tony Rocks!

He was selling these for 10 bucks a pop at Hukilau. Everyone of them is different.
10 bucks kids, you can't beat that.

I suggest you buy one, or two.

Tony, we love you work. We've got the whole Westenhaver/Pleasant family up here in Washington decked out with it. Necklaces, prints, t-shirt art, they are all great.

OoooOohh, I've got an 11 year anneversary coming, stop showing me tikkis!!! LOL

we got a tikitony original painting, and it looks amazing on our wall...all of tonys stuff looked great, could have spent 10 times what i did there,total sensory overload!!


Flounder, You da man, thanks! You know how grueling, and time consuming it is to make one of these bad boys!!!
Ms. Pleasant, .. the name says it all, You and Ken are the absolute BEST! I believe I'll be getting a Pleasant Tiki in the near future!
Sherri in Va, Start your collection now, before my hands fall off due to whittleNonTopia
hala bullhiki,.. Thanks for supporting your local tiki artist! By the way, I forgot to get a picture of that painting.. could you send one to me, if you get a chance?
And to everyone else at Hukilau, thankyou so much for helping me pay for school once again, and diminishing the evil school loan load!

tony, ill have tracy take a pic and send it out, again, mahalo for the great work, and email us when you have anything new comin out.......brad


painting?!! No! Bad Sheri! ::slap:: lol


come to the dark side Sherri, consume, consume beautiful wall hangings! I'm taking pictures of all my paintings today, and putting 'em up for sale tommorow or tonight!


wHat uP tiKy tOny!

sUrF's Up iN La jOllA.
cOmE oN dOwn dUde!
wE nEeD to hAve A bOarD mEeTinG.

Surf's up in La Jolla.....now I'm getting home sick...I just spoke to a friend of mine in Dana point and he said they hit it big with the opening of bug season.Now the surf is up and it's too murky to chase bugs.....what a shame! at least I've got the Maikai around the corner.But alas,I just heard the yacht I work on will be heading back over to the west coast...Galapagos then the south pacific...
(my tiki mugs have smiles all around...)

[ Edited by: freaky*tiki on 2004-10-08 20:55 ]


The water's been really clear in La Jolla.

We got lot o' bugs ova hear!

If you wear a TiKi tOny necklace you might get a big one!


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-10-08 21:29 ]


Well, don't be sending me any links to your auctions cuz I'm broke! LOL Okay, send me a link...I'm uh..going to sell my dogs.

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