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Tiki Central / General Tiki

surf in the turf 2 - rescheduled

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Awwwww MAN!

We were going to console ourselves tomorrow with your surfy sounds - and the call of Hawaii from the Cats and I Belli.

That's it.
I'm calling the authorities.

EDIT: You guys rocked the freaking house last night, BTW. Fantastic.

See you Tuesday.

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-09-25 19:05 ]


Brendan and I are going to try to head out your way and catch the shows. His parents live out there too and we want to check up on them. I hope you guys made it though okay - the chimney blew off my apartment building and I have part of my ceiling and water coming down one wall (none of my stuff is ruined but I'll probably have to move YIKES).

So sorry to here about your apartment! We're fine other having no power since 1pm (logging on to TC via a laptop and a dial-up - yuck!)

Hope to see you Tuesday!

And most importantly ... CONGRATULATIONS!

A proposal of marriage was tendered at the Mai Kai on Firday. And the answer was ...?


I hope you have your power back by now...We were out of work today because of power loss and damage to some of the buildings.

The answer was Yes! I was so surprised and it was super nice being in the Tiki Gardens for that :wink:

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