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GECKO New Guinea Shield For Trade

Pages: 1 7 replies

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/23/2002

Here is a post for Gecko Tiki. Here's the note directly from him:

*ey bro can u put these pics up on tc for trade. say that I'm lookin for:
don the beach items, I'm a big collector of dons. It dosen't have to be dons but I only like older tiki mugs and stuff.

the new guinea shield is 1 foot 11 inches long. hand made and painted by me. It comes with a signed card sort of like da kine with da tc plaques. email pictures and offers to me directly. Thanks for da help as always.


So, if you have extra Don The Beachcomber stuff for trade, remember to contact him directly.
His email address is:

If you haven't been here awhile and are wondering what "da tc plaques" are, then go here:

Here is the shield he has for trade:

[ Edited by: sugarcaddydaddy on 2002-10-23 10:51 ]

GECKO posted on 10/23/2002

Thanks bro!

Yes this is up for trade. This is kinda like da ting dat Kokomo did with da silent mug auction ting except it's fo trade only. dat was a good idea by da way.

My email is: dakai1999@aol.com

the bamboo & matting is not part of the shield in da one picture. Thats just some bamboo clothes racks I'm makin' for da Avanti aloha shirt shop in da Ki's (Waikiki). In which reminds me I need to see what some prices are from Bamboo Ben for some 5 inch diameter poles with shipping. If you reed this Ben could u please give me some prices. Mahalo.

Ey Humuhumu I'm almost done brah, should be out by monday if not sooner.


hula hula posted on 10/23/2002

shoots, wish I had some don stuff for trade.I really like the PNG style.

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 10/23/2002

Looks awesome Gecko! I hope more people will start offering their products to us. Ebay gets out of hand for some of us poor folks.

GECKO posted on 10/23/2002

Hula Hula, no have to be Don da beach brah. I like scorpion bowls, tiki bob, trader vic stuff too! any kine old stuff. I'll post if it has been traded that way u don't have to go digging up fo stuff u like trade ya.

till' den shoots


Humuhumu posted on 10/23/2002

On 2002-10-23 11:44, GECKO TIKI wrote:
Ey Humuhumu I'm almost done brah, should be out by monday if not sooner.

Eh, it's all pau when it's all pau, no hurry. Thanks so much!

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/23/2002

Gecko, it looks like most places are out of bamboo because of the dock worker's lock-out thing. Most places won't get their shipment until December. Try OA, I'll head there thurs or friday and give you the scoop, if you don't find out first. Danny

GECKO posted on 10/24/2002

Chiki I email'd ya. Oh an Wes from Da House of Tiki thanks for goin back to the PI (Philippines) and not telling me!!! I would have had you bring me back some some San Miguel or red horse beer!! DAM! It's ok I'm goin back nex year in Feb some time.

Not to many ppl with extra don da beach so far...humbuhg! or atleast plan on keepin it, don't blame ya. I've had a lot of good offers I'm just tryin to make up my mine. Thanks

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