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Trader Vic's Mai Tai Cocktail?

Pages: 1 3 replies

Maui_Matt posted on 09/25/2004

I was able to pick up the TV's Mai Tai Cocktail pretty easily at Trader Joe's in Granada Hills for a while, but no longer. Is there anywhere in LA where one can still find this product? It was pretty good for a quick drink.

tiki5-0 posted on 09/27/2004

i got mine from albertson's a couple months ago. i think most major supermarkets might have it, but i know albertson's does. hope you can find it!

hiltiki posted on 09/27/2004

Green Jug on the corner of Platt and Victory in woodland Hills has plenty of them at all times.

Maui_Matt posted on 09/27/2004

On 2004-09-27 16:06, hiltiki wrote:
Green Jug on the corner of Platt and Victory in woodland Hills has plenty of them at all times.

Thanks so much! I really thought it was the greatest thing for those nights when I was too damn lazy/drunk to whip up another mai tai.

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