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Tiki Central / California Events

Central Valley Calif. Mini-Crawl October 30th 2004

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the drunken hat posted on 09/23/2004

Well we finally got all of the details worked out and the inaugural 2004 central valley mini crawl also known as the HOOPTYLAU will take place!! It will be held on October 30th. We have rented two passenger vans to haul ourselves and 20 of our tiki brethren around in a fit of alcohol induced euphoria (well with the exception of jungle trader and myself who will be the drivers)! This is our tentative route:

Stop#1: Whanga Rei. This is the new bar in Turlock that has all of Jungle Trader’s tikis. It’s a cool place and the owner, Jeff, is investing alot of time and money to make this a maori mecca. It has about 8 ten foot tikis with more on the way! There aren’t many other places around that can match that!

Stop#2: Tiki lounge and the Tropics Motel. A great A-frame tiki bar on the same property as the Tropics motel. The tropics was a Ken Kimes venture built as a sister motel to the tropics in Palm Springs. These two structures and the root-ball tikis on their premises (carved by Ed Crissman of Oceanic Arts) are great examples of the penetration of Polynesian -Pop into main stream/small town America in the 50’s and 60’s.

Stop#3: Minnie’s. Established in 1954, Minnies has a great collection of original black velvet paintings as well as oil paintings. They also have several vintage carvings as well as some new ones. The owner of Minnies, Peter and Stuart, will reserve the group some tables and keep the kitchen open late so we can all have a meal before the last stop.

Stop#4: The Dark Marq Room. This is our (tikicleen and myself) home tiki bar! We have been collecting tiki mugs for about 5 years. Last year, with the purchase of our home in Ripon , we finally had space to start building an appropriate venue to show them off! We are still working on some of the details but currently we are about 75% done with the bar. By the time of the crawl it should be closer to 95% complete.

Sound like fun so far? Well we aren’t done yet! Here’s what else you’ll get!

  1. A designated driver to haul you around the whole night.

  2. Limited edition Tiki Farm mug with a custom stencil by TC’s own Chongolio.

  3. A poker run for prizes. Top 5 poker hands will win a prize. Cards given out at time of arrival and then one at each stop. There also be a few opportunities to strengthen your hand. The grand prize is a signed and numbered pendant by Benzart courtesy of Jungle Trader.

  4. A “scariest/ugliest/hooptiest” aloha shirt or dress contest. Prize is TBD.

  5. Hanging out with 20 other tiki-philes.

Can you really put a price on all of this!?!?

Well, unfortunately I have to. The grand total for all of this tiki fun is…………………$25 per person.

Here is how you sign up:

First, payments must be remitted through my PAYPAL account: doubledot7@yahoo.com .


** Your TC name **

Your real name

Your phone number

Where you will be staying

please leave this info for everyone you are paying for*

Second, payments need to be received by October the 20th. On or before the 20th(if we reach capacity earlier) I will send out a mass e-mail with the critical information that you will need. This itinerary will give all of the times for pick up and more detailed info on the crawl.

Here are some hotel/motel options:

The Orchard Inn, Turlock. Very convenient due to the fact that it is on the same property as the Whanga Rei. Rates are $65 for single king or $72 for a two queen room. To get this rate you need to tell them it is for the Tiki Central Mini Crawl 209-667-2827

The Chalet, Modesto. This is a Mr. Smiley approved location! Located across the street from Minnies. Rates from $49.05 209-529-4370

The Tropics, Modesto . I would only recommend staying here if there will be a group staying here. It tends to be a bit seedy at night. The ultimate hoopty adventure. Rates: from $39.95 209-523-7701

If you choose to stay somewhere else besides these 3 places please make sure the motel is on Mc Henry Ave. we only ask this to keep the pick up and drop off process as simple as possible.

If you have any questions you can contact me by PM here on TC or my e-mail : doubledot7@yahoo.com

Many mahalos and we look forward to seeing every one here in the 2-0-9!



...liquor in the front, poker in the rear...

[ Edited by: the drunken hat on 2004-09-23 15:18 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 09/23/2004

It's gonna fun!
JT, a designated driver? I don't believe it. :)

thejab posted on 09/23/2004

HOOPTYLAU - ha ha! :lol: Count me in! I just sent payment. Not sure where we're staying yet. Probably at the Chalet because that's where Mrs. Miley stays!

kuuipo posted on 09/23/2004

Aloha Drunken Hat - great idea for this event.

correct way to say many many thanks or thanks plenty is Mahalo nui loa.



Larry Lava posted on 09/24/2004

We are so excited! We paid so now if any family members decide to get married that weekend we can say that we already have plans. We can't wait!

Chongolio posted on 09/24/2004

The Chongolios are go! (insert engine reving noise here.)


the drunken hat posted on 09/24/2004

jab- glad to see you could make it! cleen and i had a great time talking with you about vintage clothing at vics on the sf crawl.

lavas- we really look forward to meeting some of the other central valley tiki-folks. we're getting tired of just seeing jungle trader and all of the time! just kidding vic!

chongolios and unga- you guys rock! and we can't wait to hook up with you guys again!


tikivixen posted on 09/24/2004

AloHA, I'm in! Can't wait!!!



p.s. I think my pal Wendy is coming with me, not sure yet. Bought a ticket just in case...if she backs out, I'll pass it on to someone else or find another crazed friend willing to plunge headlong into the world of Tiki!!!

the drunken hat posted on 09/24/2004

tikivixen- don't worry. if for some reason you friend can't come, i'll get you your money back!


martiki posted on 09/27/2004

All over the Hooptylau like a cheap suit!

Martiki & Rebecca are on it. Can't believe I'm booking a tiki event while still hungover from the last one.

Don't miss this exciting, low cost, and slightly dangerous event!


the drunken hat posted on 09/27/2004

just so everyone knows, Kalikiana has paid and is in! with that there are only six spots left in the vans. if your are thinking of coming i would not wait too much longer! with all the folks coming back from hukilau i don't expect it to take long to fill up.


tikivixen posted on 09/27/2004

My friend Wendy's definitely in and can't wait to meet y'all! She doesn't get off work until six or seven but will head out to the valley at top speed and meet up with us wherever we are!

Cool...another convert. :wink:

I'm surprised we haven't heard from Humuhumu yet...or have we?

mew! tikivixen

the drunken hat posted on 09/27/2004

still no word from humu. but i suspect she is probably recovering from the hukilau! i'm sure she'll be posting soon!


Humuhumu posted on 09/28/2004

Whew! That was scary, I almost didn't make it in! Didn't see this until just now. Yep, I'm still recovering from Hukilau, have only been home a short time and still haven't unpacked.

I'm in, and I'm bringing my mother, a.k.a. the Schmama Lama. She's been to a few smaller tiki things before, but I don't know if any of the HOOPTYLAU set has met her before. She's cool, you'll like her. Here she is in one of my waterfall dresses with Dave & Rebecca at the Purple Orchid:

My heart wants me to stay at the Tropics, but I don't know I'm quite up to another dive motel so soon after the Ultimate Dive Motel adventure during Hurricane Jeanne (details to come in a Hukilau thread), plus I can't subject my Mom to that. We'll probably stay at the Chalet.

Lookin' forward to HOOPTYLAU! I've already got a hoopty-riffic dress I've been saving for just this sort of occasion.....

the drunken hat posted on 09/28/2004

humu and guest are in! i knew she'd come thru. only 4 seats left!

Kalikiana posted on 09/28/2004

Since most everyone will be staying at the Chalet, so shall I. Looking forward to seeing and meeting you all there! Many cheers! K

Unga Bunga posted on 09/28/2004

Just booked the Chalet!

Tiki Woo posted on 10/04/2004


How many tix are left? I might bring a guest :)

the drunken hat posted on 10/04/2004

woo! there are 4 seats left. hope to hear from you soon!

mrsmiley posted on 10/04/2004

Mr Smiley (the odd man out) says make that THREE spaces left!! ps-anyone want to share a room with Mr Smiley??? Unga?? ...?

the drunken hat posted on 10/05/2004

smiley- glad to see you're gunna make it! and thanks for the update on the amount of seats left!


Tiki Woo posted on 10/05/2004

Payment is made for Tiki Woo and guest!!! see ya there!!!

the drunken hat posted on 10/05/2004

there is only 1 seat on the vans left!

mrsmiley posted on 10/05/2004

We are pleased to announce that space is now available on the roof racks on top of the vans for passengers. Tickets are only $10 each and a includes a "Hooptylau" souvenir sweatshirt to keep you warm on the roof, but not the other items (or keep your "other items" warm). Paypal me at Space is limited! :) DH

the drunken hat posted on 10/05/2004

"nyeah, nyeah! dats the ticket!"

tikicleen posted on 10/07/2004

hmmmmm. so there is one seat left officially. so where the hell is limptiki?

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

I don't think the Chalet Motel is as bad as these people do, but the last time I was there was definately the worst. See these appalling reviews!!! I can't wait!!!

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

Unga is out for sharing a room with me(he snores anyways!!).

Does anyone want to share a room with Mr Smiley???

tikicleen posted on 10/08/2004

just read the reviews. hey, they dont call this the HOOPTYLAU for nothing, y'all! :)

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

The Chalet is #1 (as in the worst) according to one review!! But it is directly across the street from Minnies and next to a Denny's (in case you have a gourmet food craving).

Jungle Trader posted on 10/08/2004


limptiki posted on 10/08/2004

Sorry to inform the group that the average age of hooptylau participant has just gone up along with a sharp drop in coolness factor- yes I will be there. Hey chongo - hook me up!

the drunken hat posted on 10/08/2004

limp- glad to see you're gonna make it!

well guys and gals we are now officially SOLD OUT (unless we decide to use smiley's idea of space utilization!) if there is anyone who wants to follow us in their cars e-mail me and i'll shoot you the address and time to meet up with us.
i'm out of town all weekend, so look for the e-mail outlining the details next week. thank you all for your interest in our event! we look forward to seeing you at the hooptylau!


Chongolio posted on 10/08/2004

Yeah Limpy- T 8)
This get together just went super kablam!
Glad your coming long too. We will need all the help we can muster in case things get too crazy at the La Chalet.

Los Chongolios

P.S. Ear..... ; )-~

Unga Bunga posted on 10/08/2004

Cancelled the Chalet Rehab Center reviews(same owner as the Tropics)
and booked the Modesto Days Inn
1312 McHenry Avenue
Modesto, California 95350
(209) 527-1010
The Orchard Inn is sold out.
Party Down Hooptylau!

A Tiki Cheers To You

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-10-08 12:09 ]

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

On 2004-10-08 11:40, Unga Bunga wrote:
Cancelled the Chalet Rehab Center reviews(same owner as the Tropics)
and booked the Modesto Days Inn
1312 McHenry Avenue
Modesto, California 95350
(209) 527-1010

Party Down Hooptylau!


thejab posted on 10/08/2004

On 2004-10-08 11:40, Unga Bunga wrote:
Cancelled the Chalet Rehab Center reviews(same owner as the Tropics)
and booked the Modesto Days Inn
1312 McHenry Avenue
Modesto, California 95350
(209) 527-1010
The Orchard Inn is sold out.
Party Down Hooptylau!

A Tiki Cheers To You

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-10-08 12:09 ]

The Day's in only has single beds though. What's up with the lack of rooms in Modesto that weekend? I thought there would be no hurry so I haven't booked a room yet. I guess I could stay at the CRACK-let across from Minnie's.

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

Don't wimp out guys, stay at the Chalet!!!!

Unga Bunga posted on 10/08/2004

On 2004-10-08 12:13, mrsmiley wrote:

Nothing personal my friend. :)

mrsmiley posted on 10/08/2004

On 2004-10-08 12:55, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2004-10-08 12:13, mrsmiley wrote:

Nothing personal my friend. :)

Unga has changed his name... call him Suzy Chapsti...I mean UNGA WIMPA!!!

Just kidding, Unga. The Chalet will miis you!

thejab posted on 10/08/2004

I just booked a room at the Best Western Town House Lodge. It's only 2 blocks from Minnie's and the Cracklet Motel.


mrsmiley posted on 10/09/2004

When do you think this event will end?? When do you think we will get back to the Motels on McHenry??? Pesty minds want to know!!

thejab posted on 10/09/2004

On 2004-10-08 18:36, mrsmiley wrote:
When do you think this event will end?? When do you think we will get back to the Motels on McHenry??? Pesty minds want to know!!

Probably when Drunken Hat throws us out of his house for drinking all his rum!

martiki posted on 10/09/2004

Is no one going to stay at the nice clean new and affordable hotel in Turlock? I mean, no matter when it ends, Jungle Trader will still have drive you back. (Designated sucka!) :wink:

thejab posted on 10/09/2004

On 2004-10-08 20:57, martiki wrote:
Is no one going to stay at the nice clean new and affordable hotel in Turlock? I mean, no matter when it ends, Jungle Trader will still have drive you back. (Designated sucka!) :wink:

I was going to stay there, but it's sold out.

I'm looking forward to hitting Minnie's if the crawl ends before 2.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/09/2004

The crawl ends when I say it ends.

Jungle Trader posted on 10/11/2004

The Hooptylau begins at Whanga Rei at 6 pm. After 1 hr. we proceed to The Tiki Lounge, by 9:00 we will then drive to Minnie's for food and drink. It is highly recommended that everyone have a bite to eat before Hooptylau begins. Although food is served at Whanga Rei, consider Minnie's as the main meal. After a few hours at Minnie's we will drive to The Dark Marq room. Hooptylau completes it's run around 12:30 with everyone being dropped off at or near Minnie's, The Tropics, the Chalet or as in Martiki's case the Orchard Inn. Those who raise there hands to ask more questions will be beaten by Marcus, my personal bodyguard.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader on 2004-10-11 12:37 ]

mrsmiley posted on 10/11/2004

On 2004-10-11 09:00, Jungle Trader wrote:
The Hooptylau begins at Whanga Rei at 6 pm. After 1 hr. we proceed to The Tiki Lounge, by 9:00 we will then drive to Minnie's for food and drink. It is highly recommended that everyone have a bite to eat before Hooptylau beigns. Although food is served at Whanga Rei, consider Minnie's as the main meal. After a few hours at Minnie's we will drive to The Dark Marq room. Hooptylau completes it's run around 12:30 with everyone being dropped off at or near Minnie's, The Tropics, the Chalet or as in Martiki's case the Orchard Inn. Those who raise there hands to ask more questions will be beaten by Marcus, my personal bodyguard.

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader on 2004-10-11 09:02 ]

Do I have to ask a question to be beaten!!??!! Mr S&m iley

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