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Going to offer this piece at Hukilau...tell everyone you know...

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This is a piece I did for last year's Hukilau and swore I'd probably keep, but I have decided that it should be a part of supporting this great event and all the efforts by so many wonderful people therein, and all of the good that this event does for the tiki world and furthering the culture...It is the very last of my pieces from way back...I'm about to start carving again, so this is sort of the last of an era for me (maybe "era" is a strong word when talking about me..I feel humbled by so many of the carvers out there right now...just awesome work by everybody..) ...It was a very, very labor-intensive piece and it represents many hours of work...probably one of my better carvings so far. One only, 4 feet high. To be sold at the Hukilau, 2004 Auction. Here it is..you are probably familiar with it by now...And it will benefit one heck of a great event...Hukilau and future Hukilaus!

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2004-09-20 00:41 ]

Sweet swirling onion rings!! That looks like it was carved by a Maori artisan from 1873. Beauty..... I would love to own it but I wouldn't be able to keep up with an auction. 800 to 1000 clams would do it justice? More?

Wao Nahele Kalepa Kumula'au Hale

[ Edited by: Jungle Trader on 2004-09-15 21:15 ]


Glad to be hearing more from you BK, This offering is probably the finest piece ever shown here on TC and the best carving by ANY TC'er. He is one to be proud of for ever. I have Always envied your expertise in this piece. It is really Awesome and should do well on the block. I'm not sure I would sell it if I were you, but it will make someone VERY Happy.(I say that knowing I own None of my best work)
Good luck and hope to see some new, Higher standard setting work from you. You are the Best

Agree with everything Ben said... BK, when you presented this piece last year my jaw dropped to the floor... the detail is utterly amazing and just the fact that you kept with this until the end shows an amazing passion for the art. I look forward to future pieces to come from you and look forward to meeting you next week!

couldnt agree more with ya'll...b.k.'s stuff is amazing, and this piece has always amazed me....by the looks of this, and the amazing bar that bamboo ben did, the auction at the mai kai should be fun....

BK, I hope your work looked like mine when you started. This piece shows just how amazingly far one can go with the Tiki craft. Truly impressive work that gives inspiration to us all.

Can someone PLEASE post some pics of the artists' work at Hukilau here in the Creating Tiki forum for us West Coast folks?? We'll be partying at the Hukilau vicariously through you guys!

foamy posted on Thu, Sep 16, 2004 1:32 PM



[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:04 ]

Thanks, guys...I hope it does well, too...supports Hukilau, one helluva great event, if not the best, and one that I personally hope is around for years. After this long an absence you guys may have to re-teach me how to carve!


Come on down, I'll be glad to give you a refresher course so YOU can Teach me. You are the Master.

So who got this? Did it sell? I just saw this message and am curious what it went for. I, too, fell in love when this piece when BK posted it last year.

*On 2004-09-28 11:57, Tiki-bot wrote:*So who got this? Did it sell? I just saw this message and am curious what it went for.
Good question!

I don't think I missed the auction for this and for the amazing Bamboo Ben bar, did I? I think the auction didn't happen, due to half the crowd having to leave early for Jeanne.

Or am I gonna kick myself when I learn that I was in the bathroom when everything went?! And for peanuts? (No WAY to the latter!)


The auction was held back due to the huricane... we will be making an anouncement later in the week, but I can tell you, we will be holding our annual Hukilau auction online, all TC'ers will have a chance to get in on the action... there is an AMAZING carving by Basment Kahuna, the coolest bar ever to be built by our own Bamboo Ben, the prototype to both the Hukilau 2004 mug, and the super rare purple variation, as well as Original Hukilau ARt by DEREK and a deluxe vacation package to Caliente Tropics.....

I was with Swanky this mornin', and he's now on his way back to Tenn. so hold tight for a few days and look for the announcement.

Thanks - Big "Tiki" Lovin'

I saw this piece by the registration table. It's pretty amazing. Humu thought that it was a BK!

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