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Does anyone know how to get hold of Swanky?

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biffachu posted on 09/28/2004

Both his and Kiliki's email address dont work any more.
I need to get a refund from something from Hukilau..

Can anyone out here help... Please!!!

Lealani posted on 09/28/2004

is this the address you have for christie?
i just sent her an email on it sunday and it went through. maybe the emails aren't going through because i don't think they've been checking their email with hukilau going on. tim, i think, still lives down the street from me, but not sure when i'll be seeing him next.

mrsmiley posted on 09/28/2004

On 2004-09-28 14:54, biffachu wrote:
Both his and Kiliki's email address dont work any more.
I need to get a refund from something from Hukilau..

Can anyone out here help... Please!!!

I think they both took the millions they made from this event and left the country!!
(yes , I am being sarcastic) :)

tiki_kiliki posted on 09/28/2004


Swanky is still in Florida dealing with the aftermath of the event and I just returned today. My mail account works fine and so does Swanky's - we did not have access to email while in Florida.

As we have just returned and are getting back to our normal routines and schedules, please give us a week to answer emails and get back to everyone. We are exhausted and have tons to deal with at this time considering the circumstances.

Thank you very much. If you should have anything pressing or urgent you can send me a private message through TC. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Swanky will not return to TN for another couple of days.

PT-Tiki posted on 09/29/2004

I actually was with Swanky early this morning.... he was nice enough to buy me breakfast... now I know where he got all that cash.... seriously he'll be home in a couple of days and him and Christie will be able to take care of any Hukilau related issues at that time...

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/29/2004

Glad you two made it okay. T & C...hope all is well. Call me soon.

biffachu posted on 09/29/2004

thanks for your help all, and thanks for replying tiki Kiliki
I didnt doubt i would eventually get hold of you guys,
I was just seeing if there were alternate emails
You are great people and would never doubt your integrity

Looking back on my post now i sound like some kind of Tiki-conspiracy freak, sorry didnt mean to come off that way.....

biffachu posted on 09/29/2004

BTW i found out it was my email server, its picky sometimes with certain addresses for some reason... sorry for the confusion.... DOH!!!!!

Futura Girl posted on 10/04/2004

On 2004-09-28 16:17, mrsmiley wrote:
I think they both took the millions they made from this event and left the country!!
(yes , I am being sarcastic) :)

awe, mr. smiley - don't be bursting my bubble. :(

you mean i won't be buying an island and retiring in polynesia, hiring tiki diablo and bamboo ben to decorate the place with a no holds barred budget, sending free airfare to all of my tiki ohana to come and join me for 3-4 week vacations with my private chef and bartenders catering our every whim, and hiring king kuke to play for quadruple scale an hour to entertain us after mondo lounge ?

you know i would if i could. :wink:

mrsmiley posted on 10/04/2004

I'd do the Island thang too, but I'd top you...I'd hire Jimmy Buffett to COMB MY HAIR!! :)

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