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Tiki Central / California Events

ape in sf oct

Pages: 1 4 replies

crazy al posted on 09/30/2004

with all the talk of emergencies, disasters and the like... APE is playing for a good cause... firemen!! First hour FREE even!!

check it out

see you next week

crazy al posted on 10/01/2004

i might add this...
We'll be doing a host of rad surf insturmentals FREE between 5-6PM outside in Ghiradelli Square while the competitors try to eat their way into the record books.

If you like gnarly surf music like Dick Dale plays, then this is your chance to see Frank Novicki and APE blast some really bitchin' guitar instros for the people. We don't do this often, so come on down and dig it. It's free from 5-6PM.

I heard this surf set practiced at our last gig.... and man the suckers will have there work cut out keeping up with the pace of these tunes.

Oysters anyone??

martiki posted on 10/02/2004

Craptacular! I'll be at another concert that night. Hell and Damnation!

Folks...go out and show Ape some love. I mean, it's Ape & oysters- what more could you want?

RevBambooBen posted on 10/03/2004

I'm gonna have to pass on this one. Sorry, but YOU know what happens when I eat oysters. I don't want to be caught on film again. That's one headache I can do without!!!

Anyone who can make this show should go! Ape will rock you socks off! Trust me. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it!! I speak the truth and only the truth!!!.
(as most of you know)

limptiki posted on 10/06/2004

Me and the jr. limpsters caught much of the free part and really enjoyed it, although I fear the household will be endlessly experiencing my 4 year olds version of the "crazy al strut."

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