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Tikicentral Yearbook/Trading cards

Pages: 1 2 71 replies

stuckieshaft posted on 09/27/2004

Just dawned on me last night. Tikicentral should start a yearbook. Start a comittee of people here on TC to do it, just as one would have been done back in the day.
It could highlite all the tiki events, places, recipes,pictures, recap everything TC for the year. Available to TC members only, done every year. Have TC artists do artwork for it. Possibilities are endless.......

Just thought I would put the idea out, I'd buy one.


[ Edited by: stuckieshaft on 2004-10-09 13:56 ]

cybertiki posted on 09/27/2004

Great idea!!! I'd absolutely be willing to put out a few bucks for one!


[Due to circumstances beyond his control, Cybertiki is drinking lime juice with rum and honey today. He is feeling much better, but has difficulty typing and measuring the rum with any degree of accuracy at this point.]

Monkeyman posted on 09/28/2004

I can provide some of the photography. I have good quality images from all the folks I took pics of at the Oasis. About 65 folks in total.

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/28/2004

Those TC'rs that have been here a while will remember I started the same thread a year or 2 back.

Yes, it sounded like a great idea. Yes, we have the talent to do it. No, it never went anywhere. Except Hanford did create some sort of picture posting forum that died quickly.

(or maybe people just didn't respond to my lovable, irrepressible style...)

stuckieshaft posted on 09/29/2004

Maybe its just that people dont like remembering their highschool days. I know I dont.
How about calling it "A year in Tikicentral" rather then "yearbook".

It seemed like an obvious thing to do, glad someone else had thought of it already. Too bad nothing has come of it.

martiki posted on 09/29/2004

I don't want to distract from this idea, because it's a good one, but something similar that I was thinking about (that would probably be easier and cheaper) is to do Tiki Central Trading Cards. Each card would have a picture on the front and then vital stats on the back- name, location, your favorite drink, etc., and "special powers/skills" like carving, mixology, painting, ceramics, etc. I was even getting really lame and thinking it could be an RPG like Magic: The Gathering. "My Basement Kahuna has a +5 carving modifier that resists your Poly Pop +2 ceramic mug fragment attack." and so on. But then I thought that might be considered lame by...well...everyone.

But...we could have cards for both people and places: Mai Kai, home bars, apartment buildings, etc. Plus: you have to make some of them really rare so people trade for them or have to hunt them down at events. Or eBay! har. You know, there would be a 100 Tiki Ti cards, but only five Hanford Lemoore cards, and of course, those would just have a big question mark instead of a picture.

I'd be happy to take the lead on this project if people are into it. We could sell them in five packs and give the profits to Hanford to offset costs.


pablus posted on 09/29/2004

Tiki Central IS a yearbook isn't it?
It's just digital.

Although I'd buy one wiki wiki.

The trading card idea I absolutely love.

Also add "events" to the list of cards.

SF tiki crawl designed by a SF artist or someone close.

Hawaiian Inn gathering designed by a Floridian.

What a cool idea.
But not as cool as you and I painting Tiki Bob in the middle of the night.

Hey - that could be a card!

Plus you could scent the cards like bubble gum - no - better yet: scents like bananas or coconuts.

You would open the pack and smell that certain trading card smell, pull off the rest of the wrapping and there - right on top...

"Awwww crap - I got another Flounder."

[ Edited by: pablus on 2004-09-29 10:29 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/29/2004

Actually after meeting Poly-Pop I think he has the perfect yearbook with his BOT, if anyone has seen it and had the chance to sign it and look through it you know what I mean. Also with all of the profiles that I have collected and still have coming in for my book project it may be able to be used in the same way. A person would have their page and when a person meets another TC'er at an event they would have them sign their profile. Just some other ideas to offer.

Chongolio posted on 09/29/2004

I dig the trading card idea Martiki. It keeps it simple and knowbody really has to coordinate if folks just make thier own. Also people can do what ever they want with them as far as creating and trading 'em. Poly -pop's card for instance, may have tiki shards glued to his. And Pablus's card may come with coconut flavored pink cardboard. If somebody really wanted to step up and do large quanatities or limited editions they could do that as well.
It might be cool to establish some sort of guidelines regarding size and what info need to be included for them to be "official" Tiki Central Yearbook Trading Card Snack Things. This would make make identifying, keeping and displaying them easier.
Another project similar to this that I have done are artbook with other artists. The difference being, each artist creates a limited number of identical artwork and then sends one to each of the artist involved in the project. Everybody who participates ends up with a book of art from everyone who participated.
Kinda fun, wheee. I am in!


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... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-09-29 11:24 ]

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/29/2004

So does the header need to be changed from Yearbook to Tiki Central Trading Cards?

PolynesianPop posted on 09/29/2004

A true TC yearbook would require a regular annual release date since new people join TC all the time. Also, year after year, events change. As such, the events and members for that respective year would be included in that years book and would change for the following and subsequent years.

Its a task that would require regular information and picture gathering, that would have to be re-started every year and ideally, would not be region specific and include people and events not just in the United States but all around the globe (such as the grand opening of Tabu Tiki Room in Berlin, etc) as the tiki "scene" is not limited to the US (just ask Tiki Diablo and King Kuku who travel to Europe to work on tiki bars).... It sounds like a lot of work.

Plus, considering the amount of active members that attend events regularly, how does one decide what events and who is included in this yearbook? The person(s) putting it together would ultimately have the last word in selecting those people and/or events included the book. Favoritism can certainly rear its ugly head and can cause big problems.

I'm not trying to discourage the project, I just don't think anybody really realizes how much work a good yearbook would actually require.

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2004-09-29 11:34 ]

Hakalugi posted on 09/29/2004

Hey Tiki_Bong and Stuckieshaft, Great idea. As my boss would say, "so make it happen."

johntiki posted on 09/29/2004

I'm digging the trading card idea - I think we'd have to have them produced by the same manufacturer to maintain continuity and appearance.

stuckieshaft posted on 09/29/2004

My whole thought on this was more for all the events, art, locations, etc. Member photos being a smaller portion and totally up to the member to sumbit the photo, that would weed out the people(like myself, unfortunatly) whom are not very active in TC. So if someone said "hey! wheres my photo", then its just a, "did you submit it?"

Yah Im sure its alot of work, much more work then I would personally have time for. I wouldnt even feel comfortable working on it as, like I said before, Im not the most active person on this forum.

Trading card idea is good as well, but personally I would rather have the book. All info contained, rather then try and scour through all the cards.

Maybe theres a group of people here that would be up for the task, a group of people that everyone could agree on to make those ultimate choices.


johntiki posted on 09/29/2004

They sell those nice plastic card holders for Pokemon cards that fit into a three ring binder... We get the cards made, you collect them all, place them into the holders in a nice tiki themed binder and voila...instant TC yearbook! :wink:

Something like this...


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2004-09-29 13:08 ]

DawnTiki posted on 09/29/2004

Polynesian Pop wrote:

I just don't think anybody really realizes how much work a good yearbook would actually require

Lucky for me I got sucked into being the chairperson/editor for my sons yearbook this year. Why I have no idea... Here are some of my observations since the short but overwhelming 4 weeks I have been on this project.
I did want to say that Poly Pop is absolutley right. There is MONDO amounts of work involved in putting one of these puppies together not even mentioning costs.
Someone or a group of people would have to decide on details...
how many pages, cover type, binding, color or blk/wht, layout design, all the minutia details that can make a project look professional or homemade. Not that there is anything wrong with homemade. Its all about what everyone wants and expects for their dollar. Good luck in getting everyone to agree and find some common ground. Sorry the pessimist in me coming out...
And goodness knows we have the talent for the artwork...if any artists would be willing to contribute that would really be a plus. It all sounds silly but I have found this is to be a very detailed project.
Only the most organized person (that puts me out) should even attempt a project like this just because of the amount of area that would be needed to be covered.
I'm not saying it wouldn't be worth the time and effort to make one, it would be super to have one. How professional are you wanting to go? You can do this via Kinko's or Staples by basically making each page yourself by hand that they just make copies for you. Or go to a professional printers or company that makes memory books and yearbook but they aint cheap. Obviously if there is a TC member who is a printer or publisher this might be right up they're alley. Great idea! Good luck!
All of this is just my opinion considering I haven't actually made one of these "yet" :P

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-09-29 13:23 ]

stuckieshaft posted on 09/29/2004

Oh, yah.. dont yearbooks have sponsors in the back?
I(munktiki) would be more then happy to do some sort of sponsor on the project. Of course that all depends how much that would be. Maybe there would be others out there like me that would be willing to do that.

Well..... maybe many others to sponsor, we're not doing THAT good.


[ Edited by: stuckieshaft on 2004-09-29 13:37 ]

[ Edited by: stuckieshaft on 2004-09-29 13:39 ]

DawnTiki posted on 09/29/2004

Sponsers are good thing to think about. Something the group would have to agree on and figure out how much to charge for. I dont know what add space runs our yearbook is paid for by the PTO, thankfully thats one less thing I have to worry about. One thing to chew on is membership photos, that is really a huge consideration since TC has 2429 members and is growing every day. How many pages alone will be dedicated to just TC member photos? Thats alot of pictures! Granted I am sure they all wouldn't be participating. But I'm curious if the book would only have the images of the members who are paying for a book? Remember, in regular annuals everyone is in them, weather they buy a book or not.

sweetpea posted on 09/29/2004

hmmm, trading cards I think I would just lose all over the place. A yearbook sounds to big and bulky... whatabout a calendar? or maybe a comic book style yearbook?
Just goin over stuff in the brain...
I'm in for anything.

Feelin Zombified posted on 09/29/2004

On 2004-09-29 13:04, DawnTiki wrote:
Polynesian Pop wrote:

I just don't think anybody really realizes how much work a good yearbook would actually require

I got sucked into being the chairperson/editor for my sons yearbook

OK, Geeks Unite.

I was yearbook editor my senior year in high school. About 400+ pages if I remember. Sheesh, what a project that was. The coolest thing was that I got my school to foot the bill to add a tear-out Eva-tone Soundpage (remember those?) My how technology has changed... If I were to do it now, I'd add a DVD.

Anyway, I like the idea. I also like the trading card thing, but I'm picturing childhood memories of opening up gum/card packs and saying, "Ah crap, not another Basement Kahuna!"

Jus kiddin' :)


Tiki-Toa posted on 09/29/2004

Dawntiki what company are you using for your son's yearbook, I am curious to see if maybe there is way to take what I have done and give it or share it for this project, if we could get a group together that would be willing to put it together. I do not see why we could not just use a yearbook company to do the printing. Just an idea.

DawnTiki posted on 09/30/2004

Feelin' Zombified wrote:

OK, Geeks Unite.
HEY! I was yearbook editor my senior year in high school

Me too! Too bad I didn't pay more attention in school! I would know what the hell I need to do now :P Geek??? Me? Yea, ok...you got me :D

Tiki-Toa wrote:

Dawntiki what company are you using for your son's yearbook

I haven't committed to one company yet, I have 3 plans (all from 3 different companies) to propose to the board in a couple of weeks, I'm still getting all the numbers down. I want to be well prepared before I go before the school and parent committees to get final approval. Herff Jones is a very popular yearbook producer, then there is a smaller company called...Memory Book Company then their is the school districts printing shop...that's going for the ultra "ECONO" and lowest quality product, and I would have to do all the work by hand. Not a fun prospect when I'm the only person on the committee at this point. Herff Jones has on line services which makes it very easy and as painless as possible (so they say). But your going to have to pay a premium for that service. I'm not sure if these companies do projects outside of school yearbooks, finding out would just take a phone call. Since I have some numbers already and if this is the route everyone really wants to go (yearbook) I can check out yearbook companies and see if they are a possiblity. Let me know...I have to say I really like the calendar idea too and think maybe it might be less headache and more doable.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-09-29 17:35 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 09/30/2004

On 2004-09-29 11:36, Hakalugi wrote:
Hey Tiki_Bong and Stuckieshaft, Great idea. As my boss would say, "so make it happen."


I think you missed my obvious point - it's not going to happen.

Hakalugi posted on 09/30/2004

Oops, yer right Tiki Bong. Please excuse my oversight. The questionable statement of motivation remains directed to Stuckieshaft.

DawnTiki posted on 09/30/2004

I have to say I can't see this yearbook deal
coming about either, with as many times as it has been mulled around in the past. And so many people would have to be involved, just to many cooks in the kitchen. Ugg, again me being negative...
maybe Hanford could
change my TC name to Pessimistiki... :P

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/30/2004

In Calgary, as I'm sure with many other cities, one of the fine art galleries here hosts an artists trading card night...

Check it out: http://www.thenewgallery.org/atc.html for more info.

It's actually alot of fun to go to one of these artist trading cards sessions and I could totally see it being done with other TC members. And like John tiki mentioned, you can carry them around in a fancy tikified binder simply by purchasing some mylar baseball card sheets at a collectors store.

It'd be easy to make and fun to trade. If you wanted every card to have some common thread, you'd just need to set up some parameters like size, content, logos, colours, fonts, etc...

Traitor Vic posted on 09/30/2004

Trading Cards would HAVE to come with GUM, though. What flavor would that be? Pineapple? Coconut? Mai Tai? Fog Cutter?

Hmmmmmmmm... Perhaps we should forget the Books and the Cards altogether and talk to some chemist/engineer at Wrigleys about the possibility of creating a new (and Intoxicatingly Different) brand! Maybe Rummy Juicy Fruit. Loosey Fruit?

docwoods posted on 09/30/2004

Sweetpea,the calendar would be a GREAT idea! Much cheaper than a yearbook,wouldn't be piecy like trading cards-could have all the pertinent Tiki events on it-could do a diferent theme for each month-home bars,fabulous mug collections,etc.I'd spring for something like that.

martiki posted on 09/30/2004

I definitely think all the cards have to come from the same manufacturer to keep it uniform. I have found a place locally that does custom trading cards- I will call them later today to get costs and more info. "It's so crazy it just might work!"

cheekytiki posted on 09/30/2004

Why can't the card idea be something that can be downloaded from tc that you can print out, cut out and laminate or whatever

Tiki Chris posted on 09/30/2004

On 2004-09-30 08:09, cheekytiki wrote:
Why can't the card idea be something that can be downloaded from tc that you can print out, cut out and laminate or whatever

i think that's a great idea! that way, nobody has to blow a lot of money & more folks would be able to more easily participate.

it could be in the collecting tiki forum or it could have its own forum?

Hakalugi posted on 09/30/2004

It would be part of the user profile.

tikiboy posted on 09/30/2004

I think pablus has hit a morsel of an idea that all this could be done online in situ. By creating a format with a border and a header on it at Tiki Central, we could post photos on and then print them out and place them in our albums. Tiki Central could post official photos and the rest of us could post other events, etc.


rodeotiki posted on 09/30/2004

Maybe at Tiki events you could track people down and get them to sign thier cards.

PolynesianPop posted on 09/30/2004

On 2004-09-30 14:39, tikiboy wrote:
By creating a format with a border and a header on it at Tiki Central, we could post photos on and then print them out and place them in our albums. Tiki Central could post official photos and the rest of us could post other events, etc.

Just remember that the name "Tiki Central" belongs to Hanford. If this idea comes to fruition and the Tiki Central name or logo is to be used in the cards header, Hanford will have to ok it. Secondly, the format/template for the card would have to be stored somewhere else as I'm sure you've all noticed that TC doesn't host photos but rather allows you to link to a photo from a post -- so someone else will have to host it (the template, that is).

**Poly-Pop ***

He who dies with the most broken mugs WINS!

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2004-09-30 15:27 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/01/2004

Anyone remember this little bit of soothsaying?


(I think the barn's still available!)

martiki posted on 10/01/2004

Well, here's the lowdown on the cards:

If you want to print them out, that's fine and dandy. I'm sure Pop is right- they won't be hosted here, however.

Plus, if you want a trading card, you need a trading card. An inkjet print on a piece of paper will not be rigid like a card, and laminated it won't look like a trading card. So it depends on how much you want a real trading card. And don't try to feed cardboard through your printer.

Trading card costs are fairly reasonable, but it depends on how many people participate. It's simple equation: more cards means less per card, BUT means more to collect and pay for. Let's assume that (on the low end) forty people participate. That's 40 "people cards" and, say 10 "places cards" (Mai Kai, Tiki Ti, etc). Now, one would assume that you want one of each to have a complete collection. It would come to about $40 per person for a complete set, so a little less than a dollar a card. Not bad. Remember these are glossy, full color on both sides cards. Pictures on both sides even. They do look sharp.

But if we get two hundred people/places participating, it would be about $90 per person for the complete set. But that's only 45 cents per card.

Also, I really wanted to get all the sets and shuffle them together and sell them in 10 packs or something, with a few low run special cards thrown in to make it fun and really play up the trading card element. BUT...the problem is that I'd have to pay for all 200 different cards in advance. And that is $18,000 I just don't have handy right now! 50 people would still mean a $2000 advance, which is bad news.

So I need to collect money, and I'd bet that folks don't want a random assortment with six PolyPops or something. Unless, everyone would have fun trading your sets back and forth to full sets amongst each other. (ie, there's one Poly Pop per person, so if you've got six, you need to figure out what you're missing and who needs a Pop. etc.) Otherwise, I just distribute a full set.

I'm still happy to coordinate this thing if there's enough interest. Up to you.

Humuhumu posted on 10/01/2004

I love the trading card idea. I wouldn't want to get a full set that easily--I would be happy to have duplicates to trade. What do you think about paying into a subscription where you get a new pack of random cards every month until you get as many as you paid for? The cards would all be manufactured at once of course, but I think it would be more fun to get them doled out to me slowly. Plus, if more people want to get subscriptions a few months after the initial run, then a fresh batch of cards could be mixed in easily.

bananabobs posted on 10/02/2004

On 2004-09-30 10:06, Hakalugi wrote:
It would be part of the user profile.

That takes my vote, create a profile format that you could up load a picture, then we could create trading cards from there. No printing costs.

[ Edited by: bananabobs on 2004-10-01 20:43 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/02/2004

Mental masterbation...

("oh, let's solve the world problem of poverty next")

tikilee posted on 10/02/2004

On 2004-09-30 18:26, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Anyone remember this little bit of soothsaying?


(I think the barn's still available!)

Sorry to burst your bubble but the barn is taken and has been for about two months. The short story and poem project is coming along fine. (4 great stories and 3 great poems not to mention some outstanding illustrations) Thanks to Bong for the reverse psychology, what a motivator.

Hakalugi posted on 10/06/2004

I'm not so sure Tikilee. It looks like Tiki Bong is right. This yearbook/trading card idea has hit the dirt! We're all losers...

Gigantalope posted on 10/06/2004

I've always thought that the places in "Tiki Road Trip" should have some sort of cheap collectables...stamps or stickers, like Hotels did in the '20s and'30s. My Road Trip Book is so jammed with napkins notes cards,and autographs it's hard to close...it's hard to close anyway tho.

I know it's straying from the yearbook topic.

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/06/2004

tikibars posted on 10/06/2004

Trading cards is a fun idea.

I think if we can get a better quote than Martiki's, that would be the key.

Here are some places I use for printing, that might give us a better deal -




None of them specifically advertise trading card services, but if we explain the project, I'll bet one of them would make a good deal.

Also - how do you all feel about some criteria for who gets a card?
Perhaps: anyone who has been on TC for over one year, and who has attended at least one national Tiki event is eligible.

Tiki Toa gets 'rookie of the year' exemption!

Newbies can look forward to being in next year's edition.

Just a thought...

TNTiki posted on 10/06/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:51 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/06/2004

mahalo dude :)

cynfulcynner posted on 10/06/2004

On 2004-10-06 14:03, tikibars wrote:
Also - how do you all feel about some criteria for who gets a card?
Perhaps: anyone who has been on TC for over one year, and who has attended at least one national Tiki event is eligible.

And all Grand Members, of course. :D

Pages: 1 2 71 replies