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The "How Long Can Weird Unc Stay Away from Tiki-Ti?" Pool

Pages: 1 20 replies


Our dear friend, Weird Uncle Tiki, has skipped town. He's moved to Napa Valley, and will no longer be joining us on the legendary Wednesday nights at Tiki-Ti.

Or... will he?

We know Weird Unc won't be able to stay away for long. I'd like to propose an informal pool to guess when Weird Unc will again appear at Tiki-Ti on a Wednesday night.

Since we need witnesses for this to work, if Weird Unc reappears on another night, it won't count. This pool will continue until he shows up on a Wednesday.

Also, since his cousins Iuka Grogg and Rodd Grogg look so damned much like him, it'll count if they show, too.

Slots will be segregated by hour (6,7,8,9,10,11,12), so each Wednesday has seven slots, and can be claimed by seven different people.

To join in the pool, do the following:**

  • Scan the earlier posts to note what slots have already been taken
  • State the month, date and year of the Wednesday you claim (can be any Wednesday in the future)
  • State the hour slot you claim (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12)

**Select and type very carefully, no changing your claim! If your post has been edited, your slot is forfeited and someone else can then claim it. You may only stake one claim.

The clock at Tiki-Ti will be used as the reference.

To keep it simple, and allow as many people to participate as possible, participants won't put in money, and the winner will get nothing but bragging rights. (Though perhaps if you participate in the pool and lose, it would be mighty keen of you to be willing to buy the winner a drink the next time you see them.)



To get the ball rolling, I select November 17, 2004, 7:00-7:59.

oh.. i thought you where talking about me.. forgot there is another Uncle here.

Well if i was there i'd be the drunk bastard with the shark fin strapped to his back doing the dead man float. :wink:

November 10th 7PM 7:59PM


I'll take the November 3rd. at 8pm!

November 24, 7 o'clock hour, please!


Hint: read up this year's wine grape harvest. Chances are he won't be back until it's over.

What the heck, Oct.27, 9:05.

November 17, 6 PM

Weird Uncle Tiki is ultra-kooky busy stomping on grapes and has not seen this thread. I've told him about this and he's really flattered and excited that everyone's wagering on his return. He's promised not to look at this thread because he wants to be fair to all the participants and he loves a fun surprise. He's also offered a prize! If the winner of the pool is present when he makes his next Wednesday appearance at Tiki Ti, the winner will receive a delicious frosty tropical cocktail on his tab! So, show up and keep an eye out!

-The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa

This just in: If the winner of the contest is not present when Weird Unc shows up, Iuka Grogg has promised to send a genuine Chichiwan & Miehana designed 3-color Maikai Gents sticker! Hey! Weird Unc says he'll send a congratulatory e-mail, too. So, there you have it. Get your bets in and keep your eyes on Tiki Ti!




I'll place my bet on October 6 at 6:00 p.m.


I'll place my bet on last night.


On 2004-10-02 14:02, martiki wrote:
I'll place my bet on last night.

Ah, but Friday was a Friday, and not a Wednesday, and thus didn't count.

There are plenty of slots still available (remember, up to seven different people can lay claim to a single Wednesday, because each slot only lasts an hour), but the clock is ticking down to Weird Unc's inevitable Wednesday return. You don't have to be a local to play along... all you need is to have the divining power of tiki on your side....


"Of course I know last night wasn't a Wednesday! I know that!"

(I'm paraphrasing someone)

But I heard he was there. That's all!

October 27th @ 7 for me...that's when I'd want to go!

November 17, 8:00-8:59!

On 2004-09-08 23:36, Humuhumu wrote:
[/b]Select and type very carefully, no changing your claim! If your post has been edited, your slot is forfeited and someone else can then claim it.

And also..

The Tiki-Ti will be closed for the Holidays from November 21st through December 30th

Does this mean I'm out of the running already? I picked a holiday day :(

DANG!!! I sent this under Tim's user name and not mine... pretend this message is from LAWebChick, please. I'm so lame.

[ Edited by: MonkeyBoy on 2004-10-21 20:28 ]

*On 2004-09-09 08:48, Futura Girl wrote:*November 10th 7PM 7:59PM

well, it's getting closer and closer...

c'mon Wierd Unc... "move yer bloomin' arse!"

the ti will be closed for the holidays - you gotta come soon - in fact why not next week? say around 7:15 ish?



There are some very intruiging things to consider in the exciting field of Weird Uncle Tiki-Ti Visit Prediction... this Wednesday, Tiki-Ti reopens after being closed for several weeks, AND, more importantly, there have been Weird Unc sightings in the Los Angeles area this weekend. Was this just a weekend jaunt, or does he intend to stay in town long enough to join those of us who are SERIOUSLY JONESING for a Ray's Mistake? On the other hand, the semi-traditional pre-Oasis Wednesday Tiki-Ti Out-of-Towners Day is looming on the horizon. It all begs the question... How Long Can Weird Uncle Tiki Stay Away from Tiki-Ti? Frankly, I'm shocked (shocked!) that he's lasted this long.

Let's reopen the pool -- the rules on the first post of this thread still apply, but if you've already made a guess that had a date before this coming Wednesday (April 20), feel free to select a new slot.

If you have an inside line on Weird Unc's planned movements this week, please refrain from playing, to keep the game fun for those of us who are guessing.

Have at it, folks!

I bet he will be there this Wed! Yup.

Pages: 1 20 replies