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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki


Pages: 1 3 replies

Chongolio posted on 10/24/2002

Here is a cartoon I just finished .
I hope I put it in the right forum.
I created it in Illustrator at 8.5x11, but reduced it for the web. I am wearing my abestos mu-mu and holding an Ice cold mai-tai so flame away. I can take the heat.

TikiManiac posted on 10/24/2002

I think it's really cool, for what it's worth. What are you planning on doing with it? Maybe you should create a series of tiki-toons...ah, the possibilities...

TikiMikey posted on 10/25/2002


That's a very cool toon, man. Maybe the follow-up to that one be an alien who's looking for Wally World? :)

Chongolio posted on 10/27/2002

Thanks for the compliments. I dont really see it this one evloving into a series. Although, I think it has potential as a flash animation. You never really know what my art will transform into.


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