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Tiki Bar Scene in..........

Pages: 1 9 replies

DawnTiki posted on 10/13/2002

Watching PBS on a Saturday night....yes, pathetic, but wait...Joan Crawford in 1945's Mildred Pierce. What a film! I have seen it many times before but never noticed the bar scene. Crawford's daughter goes to work in a polynesian bar. I didn't see any tiki's, but it was loaded with atmosphere. Hula skirts and bamboo everywhere.

inkylouise posted on 10/13/2002

Here in New York, PBS played "Mutiny on the Bounty"...again no tikis, but many scenes are like a trader vic orgy menu come to life!

I don't feel bad about being home on a saturday night, especially cause i was here w/ Marlon "Yummy when I was young and thin" Brando!!!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 10/13/2002

Lee Marvin's Character 'Vince' in Fritz Lang's "The Big Heat' (1953) has a Moai in his apartment.

suicide_sam posted on 10/22/2002

Recently saw The Rocketeer again on TV, by the way I love me some Jeniffer Connelly, and noticed something I missed before. Jennifer's character goes out with the villain to a clu called The South seas. The club has a tropcal decor, but still very classy, and there are a few giant tikis used in the scenery.

mrtikibar posted on 10/24/2002

Someone must have already spotted this...
behind Perry Mason's (Raymond Burr's) desk is a primitive tiki-mask wall hanging. This show must have been from 1962 or thereabouts.

martiki posted on 10/25/2002

Sorry to admit it, but I was watching...er..."Birds Of Prey" last night and there was a bar with a Tiki in the elevator. It was a colorful ku about four feet high. Only saw it for a split second and have nothing else to add.

Wow, I wasted a post, and revealed that I watched Birds Of Prey at the same time. I'm lame!


suicide_sam posted on 10/25/2002

Okay if we're going to admit embarassing sightings on Gilmore Girls the daughter was taking care of the neighbors house while he was away and the neighbors had a couple of Tikis from that Florida carver in his house. I wasn't wathcing, I swear, I was just flipping channels and the Tikis caught my eye.

DawnTiki posted on 10/31/2002

I am sure this has probably been talked about, but not being a follower of Eminem's career I was late to discover this little bit O information... while channel surfing today I saw Eminems new video, and saw that the Chin Tiki was being used as a backdrop for a scene....this is for any of the Eminem/Exotica fans out there. Are there any Eminem/Exotica fans out there? http://www.detnews.com/2001/entertainment/0110/11/e01-315481.htm

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-10-30 19:38 ]

Futura Girl posted on 10/31/2002

On 2002-10-13 00:40, DawnTiki wrote:
Joan Crawford in 1945's Mildred Pierce...
I didn't see any tiki's, but it was loaded with atmosphere. Hula skirts and bamboo everywhere.

You can see this great film on the big screen at Old Town Music Hall in El Segundo, CA on Nov 1-3. I love to send folks to this tiny home town theater with the big pipe organ - http://www.otmh.org/

MadDogMike posted on 11/23/2017

On 2002-10-24 17:34, suicide_sam wrote:
Okay if we're going to admit embarassing sightings on Gilmore Girls the daughter was taking care of the neighbors house while he was away and the neighbors had a couple of Tikis from that Florida carver in his house. I wasn't wathcing, I swear, I was just flipping channels and the Tikis caught my eye.

My wife just watched that episode :lol:

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