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TikiPug's Party Weekend Don Tiki in Las Vegas -Pix added 10-31

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TikiPug posted on 10/05/2004

The Mrs. and I have decided to throw a weekend long party to coincide with Don Tiki here in Vegas. You can read about the event here.This is the 2nd weekend of Don Tiki. The first is when we will be in L.A. for Mondo Lounge. Any TCer who wants to come for the weekend and wants to save money is more than welcome to crash at our house. We don't have room for a tent city, but we do have plenty of floor space for sleeping bags.

If you prefer to stay at a hotel, you can come by anytime throughout the weekend for cocktails and just plain fun.

Please let me know if you are coming so I'm not surprised with 100 people on my doorstep Friday night.

We'll have to do a field trip to The Peppermill.

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug on 2004-10-31 20:09 ]

hula hula posted on 10/05/2004


shakatiki posted on 10/05/2004

Hey Pugs! How did you fair in the keys? That was a blast running into you and your Mom and wild uncle. Good times! I will see if we can pull off a trip to sin city for that weekend. Are you going to Buffett? Aloha, Wes

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Cosmo Tiki posted on 10/05/2004

Hi Guys,

Don't know if you remember me (girl with REALLY RED HAIR)from the Hukilau.. But your party sounds great... wish we could make it but we will be in Vegas in late march for VLV. Maybe we can meet at Taboo Cove for a cocktail. hope you guys had a good time... Wasn't that night at the Mai-Kai the best!??? Well talk to you soon.... :)

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Tiki Bird posted on 10/09/2004

Is floor space still available?

TikiPug posted on 10/09/2004

Some answers...

Hula - yes, you can stay over just for fun

Shaka - Yes, the Keys were awesome. No, we aren't going to Buffett..just Don Tiki

Cosmo - We'll see you at VLV...but can't get a drink at Taboo Cove, because it closed. We sent you an I.M. the other day.

TikiBird - There is always floor space for you two.

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PolynesianPop posted on 10/09/2004

Damnit! I've been wanting to get out there and this would have been the perfect excuse but alas, I will be leaving for New Orleans for a week long business trip that weekend. Schnieykees!

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Cosmo Tiki posted on 10/11/2004

Closed for Good???? Sooo Sad!!!!!

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Doctor Z posted on 10/12/2004

Save some floor space for us - DolphinTiki & I are a-comin' too!

hula hula posted on 10/12/2004

acutally if anyone needs a floor to crash on my place is open too, im just moving into my house so every thing is in boxes and there no furniture ( threw out the old stuff),but its free.

but im waaay waaay off strip, its only a 15min drive or so

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Tiki Bird posted on 10/12/2004

I'd like to reserve floor space for 2 please, see you all there!


TikiPug posted on 10/14/2004

I did a little recon yesterday at Margaritaville. They told me that Don Tiki would be going on around 11:30pm. If we are in the restaurant prior to that it is free. If we get there right before they go on, it is a $10 cover.

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Futura Girl posted on 10/14/2004

put me on the din-din list pleez.

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Alnshely posted on 10/17/2004

Doc Z,
I sent you some Emails, did you get them.

TikiPug posted on 10/18/2004



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kooter posted on 10/18/2004

i am new to vegas and would like to hook up for the don-tiki event.lets have a couple navy grogs and be good and ready.anybody want to meet somewhere?

TikiPug posted on 10/18/2004

Kooter, we are getting together at my house before the show. Around 6:00. You are more than welcome to join us.

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MEAN GENE posted on 10/19/2004

Hey! kooter is member #2500

Welcome kooter!

TikiPug posted on 10/21/2004

We are going to start cocktrails and dinner at our house around 6:00. Anyone else coming over?

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug on 2004-10-21 09:08 ]

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Tiki Bird posted on 10/21/2004

Oh man, i almost forgot about the pug porn video! Thats great!

TikiPug posted on 10/21/2004

I can't take credit for the pug porn....the credit goes to Humu.

Thanx Humu.

hula hula posted on 10/21/2004

saturday night right??? im a possible to yes.. not sure if im bringing someone yet.

TikiPug posted on 10/22/2004

Hula Hula- Yes, Saturday night at 6:00. Please let me know if you are coming so i have the correct count for dinner.

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Doctor Z posted on 10/22/2004

So - who all is going? DawnTiki, are you gonna make it?? A chance to do some gamblin', party with the Pugs AND see the incredible Don Tiki, all in one weekend - how can anyone pass it up? (and of course, the opportunity to see some more of that hot pug/pillow action!!)

TikiPug: I sent a couple bottles of AGWA with the Velours - try not to drink it all before I get there!!

Vegas Baby indeed!

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DawnTiki posted on 10/22/2004

:cry: No Dr. Z, Sadly I had to email TikiPug and cancel. My babysitter broke some ribs last night in her Karate class. I know, I know, what a lame excuse! I hope you kids can manage to have SOME fun without me there. Yea right, as if! :wink:

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-22 16:00 ]

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Futura Girl posted on 10/23/2004

well, i too am cancelling... :(
i am just getting around to the land of the living finally... and just can't hack the drive right now.

c.b. is heading up there this weekend though and i told him about the don tiki show.

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/26/2004

Anyone make it to the J.B. gig?

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Tiki Bird posted on 10/26/2004

Great Don Tiki Show in Vegas, had good seats for the show, drinks were ok at Margaritaville & venue was good for music. Thanks to the Pugs for the floor space to camp on.


TikiPug posted on 11/01/2004

The Mrs. and I would like to thank everyone who came to our first (but not last) Vegas sleepover. We also want to thank everyone for the alcohol donations. There is plenty left over, so come back soon for cocktails.

Here's some pictures:

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Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug on 2004-10-31 20:08 ]

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