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hukilau tiki needs proper home

Pages: 1 11 replies

kreepy tiki jaksin posted on 10/02/2004

does anyone know a couple of heavily tattooed kids who attended Hukilau from philadelphia,who are Tattoo artists? reason being is they bought a Tiki from us and were unable to take it .we have to ship to them but lost their address with the whole hurricane deal if anyone knows who im talking about please help us out Mahaloz, Jaksin

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/03/2004

On a separate note, Jaksin - what up?

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/03/2004

What's up fellas? Sorry, no info on the tiki owners.

Polynesiac posted on 10/03/2004

okay this proves I'm a dork, but this guy posted the same thing a couple to times and it stuck in my head:
screen name: Mai Tai Matty
what he posted (could this be the guy?)

even without a costume people say I'm a character. trust me you'll know me when you see me .I'll be one of the 4 heavly tattooed bunch ....oh that's also including my wife she has more tattoos then most men and she's a looker too

maybe? good luck.

This is where the post was:

Hows it goin' chiki?
Bong - do the smokin' M have a website yet? you playin' LB anytime soon? Still haven't seen you guys play...

"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-10-02 23:02 ]

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2004-10-02 23:05 ]

kreepy tiki jaksin posted on 10/03/2004

whats up tiki bong i've been round bro just got a new job a few months ago at a kustom tattoo shop and it was really busy due to the fact we draw everything unlike the old shop i worked at which was basically a walkin street shop.im a lot happier now doing lots of kustom tiki tattoos mostly and hula girls too.Chikitiki Diablo whats up bro Man thanks a lot for the Necklace bro It hangs up high with my koolest tikis at my work station I'm gonna hook you up with something soon Bro. No luck on locating this guy though and no it's not Mai Tai matty but thanks alot fellas,,,,Kreepy jaksin

Swanky posted on 10/03/2004

I can look up all the PA people in our database and see if any names sound right. Will that work?

Mai Tai Matty posted on 10/04/2004

that's my friend Mikey that bought the big tiki with the dreads . If you pm me I'll give his # or give yours and you guys can get in touch he doesn't have a computer.

kreepy tiki jaksin posted on 10/04/2004

thats the one, sweet bro thanks a lot !! please hook me up with his # . email it to me a [email protected] if it's not too much trubble. and a big Mai Tai to you Bro!!

Mai Tai Matty posted on 10/05/2004

no problem with the # I just emailed you so just get in touch with him when you have some time.

kreepy tiki jaksin posted on 10/05/2004

Did you email me with it yet I have not received it so far . thanks, Jaksin

Mai Tai Matty posted on 10/06/2004

hey there, Jaksin just emailed you if you're on tonite and don't get the email get back to me on here I'll be on for an hour or so. matty

kreepy tiki jaksin posted on 10/06/2004

many mahalos to you Bro!!! Jaksin

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