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Olive or Twist? (Martini vs. the Mai Tai moment)

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Futura Girl posted on 10/05/2004

Mondo Lounge will be presenting a special midnight showing of the movie Olive or Twist? on Saturday night at the historc Vista Theater in Hollywood. It's a docudramedy (documentary/comedy) about one man's obsession with the Martini!

The reason I posted this as a separate post - is because folks who can't make Mondo should definitely know about the film.

And why is this tiki you ask? Well, our very own infamous Mr. Otto Von Stroheim makes a cameo appearance in the film in a segment that challenges which is better: the Martini or the Mai Tai?

The bit was so good, I was literally laughing out loud while watching the movie by myself. Has anyone else seen the film and has nice things to say about it?

More about Olive or Twist can be seen here:

Also enjoy a screen capture from the movie :)

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/06/2004

Oh, I thought it was 'Oliver Twist'.

Rum Balls posted on 10/06/2004

Those "martinis" should be shaken, not stirred!

Tiki Diablo posted on 10/06/2004

"Here, let me get those glasses for ya."

Urban Tiki posted on 10/06/2004

Ahhh, Martini vs. Mai Tai, a question that I've struggled with many times. Thank heavens for both- variety being the spice, and all. Seeing that it is difficult to find a really good Mai Tai (no Trader Vic's in MYC), I usually end up with a martini, unless I'm at home with Grog Log in hand.

I will definitely keep an eye out for that movie. Thanks for the post.

Rum Balls posted on 10/06/2004

Gives a whole new meaning to a "two martini lunch"

hiltiki posted on 10/06/2004

Rum Balls, we know what you like.

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