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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Eugene Savage Silky Rayon Aloha Shirt Opportunity

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cybertiki posted on 10/08/2004

Greetings from HukiHuki of Fort Lauderdale! I just wanted to let everyone on TC know that we recently obtained a limited amount of original 1950's Vintage Eugene Savage print "silky" rayon fabric, that we're now offering to be constructed into custom made Aloha Shirts! For those who are fortunate enough to have an original 50's era Savage print Silkie, you know just what these things go for ... now you have an opportunity to own a Vintage New Custom made Aloha Shirt for a fraction of the cost of an original. I just got the page up, and wanted to give TC members first shot at the shirt with a special discount offer - TC members can take $50 off the price of the shirt. This is a steal by any measure, so act quickly - there is only a very small amount of fabric, and we expect it to go quickly! To get your discount, just shoot me a personal message here on TC with your email, and I'll send you a PayPal invoice, or we can arrange alternative payment.

To read more about the fabric and Eugene Savage, please take a look at: http://www.hukihuki.com/vintage.html


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