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made a couple classic mugs in shop. New carved mask too

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GECKO posted on 10/09/2004

Howzit peopo,

I've been bizzy doing 3 things at once. Carving, ceramics and da buisness side of da house. I just sold a trunk full of mugs to Kaponos at da Aloha tower. It's for da Don Tiki show on da 13th. I can't wait to see dem braddahz again. A great show dey get.

anyways, aloha braddah Benzart! tanks fo da email. As you see I always stay busy. I finally spent a couple of hours last nigt at LaMariana for a few drinks with friends.

anyways heres da pics. I know you peopo here love pics so here you go.

dis is me at da local ceramic spot. I don't really collect newer design mugs. I love da classics. So, dis wahine here has some original molds from terra ceramics when they sold out there stuff. I used 2 of da molds to create some stuff myself.

This is me at da table waiting for da molds to be ready fo open.

While I'm waiting fo da molds I started painting one I already fired. Now it's ready fo da paint.

here is what it looks like wen da clay still stay wet.

Attaching da tiki to da bowl

once you get em done. Then dey ready fo da kiln

afta it comes from da kiln it looks li'dis. Then it's ready for da glaze.

this glaze is a real rough glaze with sand in it. It makes it look like stone....or a mountain crater(hint)

this one is ready for da glaze. it's done being painted.

getting dis wun ready fo da kiln. inside glaze.

now afta they are done...................

inside da crater

bottom. didn't have time to make'em all pretty. cannot see'em anyway

2 18 inch mask I carved out of a coconut tree.

there you go.

Alohaz peeps. untill next time. Oh ya, wun big mahaloz to all who purchased some of my new mugs. they are all gone. Tangaroa will be ready by da first week of November.I'll also have more Mount Bumatay's and DBPuka's da first week of Nevember.


[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-10-08 20:41 ]

Benzart posted on 10/09/2004

GECKOooo, Great to see you especially when you are workin so hard. You're a sight for Sore Eyes bruddah, Miss you.Lookin Good.

OnaTiki posted on 10/09/2004

Great work Gecko! Love the crater. Awesome glaze. Looks like you're having lots of fun getting your hands dirty.

Next time you're at La Mariana's, toast one up for us. Missing it madly!


Sam Gambino posted on 10/09/2004

Thanks for sharing the pics, Gecko. Love those coconut wood masks too. It's always great to see cool stuff being created.

McDougall posted on 10/09/2004

That's Goood.

KAHAKA posted on 10/09/2004

Man, is there a thing you make that isn't friggin' cool as hell?

Feelin Zombified posted on 10/09/2004

Beautiful as always.
Thanks for the production process pics.



Wow! I love the ceramics Gecko, your skills never cease to amaze. You kick ass.


virani posted on 10/09/2004

Thank you thank you thank you for the pictures...the mugs looks really fantastic.

virani posted on 10/09/2004

Thank you thank you thank you for the pictures...the mugs looks really fantastic.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/09/2004

You da man, Geck! Always inspiring. Great post.

Lake Surfer posted on 10/09/2004

Primo Gecko... always great to see your posts... mahalo for taking the time to show us all the pictures... You're one talented bruddah and full of Aloha!

Chongolio posted on 10/10/2004

Shootz, That is explosive stuff your crafting Gecko. You are expanding it to new mediums and styles, and kickin' okole. Good to here you still found some time to celebrate with your friends.
thanks for the post and pics,

Polynesiac posted on 10/10/2004

GEcko - awsome looking mug and volcano bowl!!!
I love the rock look and that lava...COOL!!!!
THanks for the progression photos too - we (at least I am) are photo junkie(s)...

lookin forward to November...

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/10/2004

GECKO = the man!!!

kant wait to get mah paws on the next GECKO creation available!!!


Aaron's Akua posted on 10/10/2004

That's it, I'm taking a ceramic class. Looks messy and fun. Thanks for the step-by-step, Gecko. These are my favorite kind of posts. Keep busy, keep postin', keep inspirin'!



GECKO posted on 10/13/2004

Howzit friends,

I got a small batch of Tangaroas Tuesday but I don't have the time to take orders being that I'm leaving in the morning to design some new things. No worries, I promise to take care of members when I get back.

For those who will be at the Don Tiki show tonight at Kapono's in the aloha tower, you will be able to purchase these being that they can be purchased and not have to be shipped being I'm all out of time. I wanted to post this just incase someone purchased one from the show and wanted to put it on ebay. Just wait till I get back. I'll even have the limited edition 100 piece green glaze for those who only collect LE's.

If you come up to me at Kapono's and say your a TC member you get the TC discount of. All of the mug designs will be ready for sale again the 2nd week of November @ the latest. So, the Christmas discount sell starts November. That means I'm knocking more money off these already cheaply priced mugs....only for TC that is.

Mahaloz for your support.

3DTiki posted on 10/13/2004


It's so cool to see the process in action.

Hanging out here has inspired me to take ceramics myself, and who knows, maybe someday I'll have something worth showing (but I doubt it :) ).

Stuff like this is inspiring!

hala bullhiki posted on 10/15/2004

must get gecko mugs!!!!!

manic cat posted on 10/17/2004

Very cool that you are branching out to ceramics and mug-making. Did say that the studio had molds from previous mugs made on the island? I doubt that the NYC places would have that!

net-tiki posted on 11/11/2004

I think I have seen this mug on ebay. The one with the handle and hand painted. Has anyone else seen it.

Whoever won this got a good deal.

[ Edited by: net-tiki on 2004-11-11 16:52 ]

Tiki Bird posted on 02/01/2005

Hey Gecko, you out there? Havnt heard from you in awhile, any new stuff? Also back in Sept. when Utopiandreem & i met ya at La Mariana, you had metioned possibly coming to Oasis V to Vend.


Benzart posted on 02/01/2005

Yo Gocko, we've missed you round these parts. I Know you've been busy but we still miss you. Good lookin stuff as usual. You are gonna get so rich and famous, you won't have time for us prety soon.
Love ya.

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