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hukilau 2005 - decided!!!

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tiki_kiliki posted on 10/15/2004

The organizers of the Hukilau are considering joining forces with the
organizers of Exotica in Chicago. The result would be one big Tiki Bash, Hukilau in Chicago 2005. Hukilau would definitely return to the Mai Kai in Fort Lauderdale in 2006.

This would give Hukilau a fresh venue for one year, avoid hurricanes, and build excitement for the Hukilau's 2006 return to Fort Lauderdale during the Mai Kai's 50th anniversary year.

We are polling TC members to get their feelings on the matter.

Would you rather:

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale.


b. keep the event at the Mai Kai?

Yee-Haw & Aloha,

The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki on 2004-10-15 15:53 ]

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki on 2004-11-24 18:13 ]

thejab posted on 10/15/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

Humuhumu posted on 10/15/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale.

Atomicchick posted on 10/16/2004

I know California isn't on the list of choices, but how about it? The weather is always pretty good in September, maybe a little hot, but not unbearable. Just some food for thought.

[ Edited by: Atomicchick on 2004-10-15 17:12 ]

MEAN GENE posted on 10/16/2004

When do we all hook up in HAWAII?

mrsmiley posted on 10/16/2004

I think Thursday should be in that place in Vancouver, Friday should be at the old Dallas Trader Vics, Saturday at the Mai-Kai and Sunday winding down in Chicago.
This pain in the neck is glad to help. :)

christiki295 posted on 10/16/2004

On 2004-10-15 17:10, Atomicchick wrote:
I know California isn't on the list of choices, but how about it? The weather is always pretty good in September, maybe a little hot, but not unbearable. Just some food for thought.

The Bali Hai & Humphreys in San Diego and the Caliente in Palm Springs immediately come to mind.

Turbogod posted on 10/16/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

Travellin' Tiki posted on 10/16/2004

I had heard a rumor that Hukilau 2005 was to be in Vegas. How cool would THAT be?

If I have to vote for one of the choices listed above, I vote Chicago. I hear this crazy seasonal hurricane thing in Florida is supposed to last 30 years!


a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

Yes! The U.S. Navy's Great Lakes Training facility isnt too far away from Chi-Town and i think that a brief change of venue might be good...

Mahalo Nui Loa!


Mrs. B posted on 10/16/2004

Mai Kai 2005!

Angeluau posted on 10/16/2004

How can Hukilau happen in Chicago when Exotica is already being planned for 2005 in Chicago??

finkdaddy posted on 10/16/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale


There are so many reasons that this would be good for me that I don't know where to begin!

PolynesianPop posted on 10/16/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

Bamboo Dude posted on 10/16/2004

On 2004-10-15 22:49, Angeluau wrote:
How can Hukilau happen in Chicago when Exotica is already being planned for 2005 in Chicago??

Good point Angeluau! Why would the Exotica organizers participate in this??? Just curious. Plus, I was sooo looking forward to Hukilau in Florida this year, and couldn't go, that next year I would like it to be in Florida so I can visit for the first time!!

Tiki-Toa posted on 10/16/2004

On 2004-10-15 15:47, tiki_kiliki wrote:
The organizers of the Hukilau are considering joining forces with the
organizers of Exotica in Chicago.

Not sure what organizers this may be, I have a feeling this may come to a surprise to a majority of those that put on Exotica and are in early idea planning for 2005. TK you and Swanky did such an awesome job this year despite the hurricane. I would actually love to see you do it in Atlanta if any place other then Ft. Lauderdale as I have never been there as yet. But I know I missed out on going to the Mai Kai so I would love to see it back there in 2005.

Mermadia posted on 10/16/2004

Any way we can have the 2005 Hukilau in Florida, but not during hurricane season? What if we have it a little further inland? Just some thoughts...


Unga Bunga posted on 10/16/2004

Chicago! Chicago!

pablus posted on 10/16/2004

"we throw our nets out into the sea..."

There is no "sea" in Chicago.

I vote Ft. Lauderdale!

pablus posted on 10/16/2004

BTW - Hurricanes aren't a given.

Jeanne was an anomaly, not the norm.

You could pick dates within that time slot for 25 years and probably never see anything more than an afternoon shower.
And me, Bamboo Ben and C'Al on the beach, loaded and laughing.

(Although yesterday we had a tornado cruise through town and drop a few more trees. )

TNTiki posted on 10/16/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:09 ]


No Chicago! Keep Hukilau in Florida at the Mai Kai. Like some others said, do it maybe November at the end Of Hurricane season, when the weather and temp are much better.

docwoods posted on 10/16/2004

Chicago for 2005! And,fyi,Pablus,during the making of the movie "Class",Jackie Bissett looked out her window of the Ritz Carlton hotel,saw Lake Michigan,and said "I didn't know Chicago was on an ocean!".

Formikahini posted on 10/16/2004

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I loved Exotica and my first trip to Chicago, and I loved Hukilau III and my first trip to the Mai Kai. Getting to do both cities again in grand tiki style would be WONderful!!

I vote "a."

But my second choice "b" won't leave me sad. The Mai Kai is now one of my favorite places in the world!

Now if only I could get Oasis moved from Mother's Day and into the summer when school's out.......

MEAN GENE posted on 10/16/2004

Somebody hurry up and build a big tiki bar in Catalina and we can take over Avalon!

RevBambooBen posted on 10/16/2004

How bout Disney World? (then down to the Mai Kai!)

TNTiki posted on 10/16/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:09 ]

martiki posted on 10/16/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

There's already plenty of events in California.

I don't see why Exotica and Hukilau can't join forces. I mean, Exotica didn't even happen this year. (That is most definitely NOT meant as a slam against Exotica organizers. It's not easy to put these things together, and everyone has day jobs, etc.) Joining forces could yield amazing results. Plus: Chicago rules!

Lake Surfer posted on 10/16/2004

Yes. Chicago.

  1. Three tiki hot spots... Trader Vic's, Hala Kahiki and Chef Shangri-La. Oh, let's not forget Aku Hall either :wink: (though I've yet to visit)

  2. A major metropolis with potential for a huge draw TC and non TC people

  3. Two airports (three if you count Milwaukee 80 miles to the north) to which airfare is pretty reasonable plus Amtrack for the more adventurous. Right off of major interstates which stretch to all reaches of the country. Makes it easier if we have to evacuate from a hurricane... you can go north, west, and south... :wink:

  4. Chicago is beautiful in the summer and fall. Lower humidity than Florida, lower UV ratings for our fairer skinned ohana...

  5. Lake Michigan is an inland sea... I frequently surf it. The lakeshore is beautiful... North Avenue Beach, Oak Street Beach... Navy Pier and the ferris wheel, harbor boat trips...

  6. Some of the best shopping in the world, for those who indulge in it, along the Magnificent Mile... rivals New York and Beverly Hills if not beats it...

Yes, Fort Lauderdale has the tropical atmosphere which makes for a great location (not like I got to experience much of it this year) but Chicago would not dissapoint. And as been mentioned... put the heads of Exotica and Hukilau together good things could happen...

Jeff Central posted on 10/16/2004

I Vote:

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale.

Chicago is always alot of fun plus it will make going back to Fort Lauderdale even more enticing!

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/16/2004

hukotica 2005 in chicago and hukilau 2006 in fort lauderdale

if flounder comes to hukotica 2005 in chicago there might be a midwest hurricane tho :)

Lake Surfer posted on 10/16/2004

If there's any doubt we don't live on an inland sea here's a webcam shot from the Michigan side today...

Not exactly tropical but definately surfable... Peak wind gust of 55 mph out of the west...

55mph... don't you Florida folks just about call that tropical storm force winds? :wink:

Just another fall day here in the Midwest!

Flounder can bring a hurricane up here any day... the surfers will welcome it with open arms if it means waves...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2004-10-16 14:53 ]

NeptuneTiki posted on 10/16/2004


Kailuageoff posted on 10/17/2004

We would seriously consider going to Chicago if the main event is at the Kona Kai.

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/17/2004

If Kona Kai, Hala Kahiki, Chef Shangri-la, AND Trader Vic's are involved, "A". If not, "B", because it would literally take all four rolled into one to in any way even compare to the sheer majesty of the Mai Kai. Mai Kai is the tops in the country, hands down.

manic cat posted on 10/17/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale

Comments: For the fifth year anniversary, an event HAS to do something new and different and SPECIAL. In addition to the change in location, how about a luau in Chicago to honor the occasion?

JTD posted on 10/17/2004


I will be just about recovered from my last trip to Chicago/Exotica by then.


Benzart posted on 10/17/2004

I think HukiLau will only be HukiLau in Ft Lauderdale!
My vote is to name it something else if it will be some place different.

tweedtone posted on 10/17/2004

I know I wouldn't be able to come to Chicago for an event so opting for choice A would, for me at least, mean no big tiki event to attend in 2005.

I am now sad. :(

JonPez posted on 10/17/2004

Being a Floridian, I vote for "B" for the convenience factor (plus the MaiKai is AMAZING!).
Being a tiki-phile, "A" would give me a reason to see some of the big classics that I have not had a chance to see yet. But "A" would also leave me with less cash on hand, and my chances to go would be reduced due to the distance factor... Then it would be even for the people who trekked down here and braved the hurricanes with us.
Hmmmm. I am torn. LIke a moist paper towel.

ikitnrev posted on 10/17/2004

Hukilau in 2005? I say Yes - either location would be fine with me.

But overall, I would lean towards Chicago, as there are a few tiki places there that I haven't visited yet. Besides, the first Hukilau was in Atlanta, the second in Fort Lauderdale, and I like the idea of it being an event that can float and travel across the country. Taking a vacation to the same place every year seems a bit boring to me.


Tikiccino posted on 10/17/2004

We should really do Chicago. It is an awesome city and would be a good change of scenery (and offers many venues of tiki interest). Then the Mai Kai would be that much more when we return for their anniversary.

chisel slinger posted on 10/18/2004

I'm up for chicago, alot shorter distance for me to haul tikis to. I,ll still head down to florida anyway. that would make it a more relaxing vacation down there without a truck full of stuff. plus I love the hala kahiki, so much to see in chicago.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/18/2004

this is all funny to me because i spent the weekend a)on the phone with the mai kai, and b)with an event coordinator at the kona kai(chicago)......because next year, me and the wahine are getting hitched at one of the two!!!!.....so yeah, either or for our vote......

Tiki Bird posted on 10/18/2004

b. keep the event at the Mai Kai

powerofthetiki posted on 10/18/2004

a. have Hukilau 2005 in Chicago and Hukilau 2006 in Fort Lauderdale


tweedtone posted on 10/18/2004

b. keep the event at the Mai Kai

Kailuageoff posted on 10/18/2004

After thinking about this some more, I vote b.

Realistically, it is going to be hard to get me to spend money on a vacation in Chicago when I've already been to Trader Vics and the Hala Kahiki. Plus, even though we live in Florida we don't go to the Mai-Kai on a regular basis. (It's four hours away by car.) In fact, due to the hurricane we didn't go at all this year. Unfortunately, I don't think we can make it for New Year's Eve, however.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2004-10-18 14:25 ]

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