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"Round 3" of "How Daddy Became A Beachcomber" WEED

Pages: 1 14 replies

DawnTiki posted on 10/09/2004

K, I'm done... whoever is the 3rd person to send me ( DawnTiki@yahoo.com ) an email with "How Daddy Became a Beachcomber WEED" in the subject line will be the lucky guy or gal to get to read this sweetly inspiring story and adventures of Eli Hedley and his family.
Good luck :tiki:

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-09 09:45 ]

DawnTiki posted on 10/09/2004

It's official..."How Daddy Became A Beachcomber" will be going to the land that gave us Apache Dancing and the worlds GREATEST Mime.

Virani, I hope you remember to post when your finished with the book so you can send it to another Tiki Central member who is waiting for their chance to read it.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-09 20:13 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 10/10/2004

On 2004-10-09 09:37, DawnTiki wrote:
get to read this sweetly inspiring story and adventures of Eli Hedley and his family.
Good luck :tiki:

Hey, since Bamboo Ben is his grandson, I'd have to say the family has had some adventures!

DawnTiki posted on 10/10/2004

You have got to respect people who have figured out how to live life totally on there own terms. It sounds like Eli was his own man. You can't hold the fact that Ben is his grandson against him :D ...JOKING... :D Like I said, it was an inspiring read. Thanks RevB for passing it around TC.

Unga Bunga posted on 10/10/2004

On 2004-10-09 09:37, DawnTiki wrote:
K, I'm done... whoever is the 3rd person to send me ( DawnTiki@yahoo.com ) an email with "How Daddy Became a Beachcomber WEED" in the subject line will be the lucky guy or gal to get to read this sweetly inspiring story and adventures of Eli Hedley and his family.
Good luck :tiki:
[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-09 09:45 ]

The third person? What a bunch of crap!
It should have been the first person who emailed you, which was me. What, are we making up the rules as we go along? :)

DawnTiki posted on 10/10/2004

Now Unga Bunga behave... sounds like your enjoying your bowl of sour grapes this Sunday morning :D I just thought since it was going onto the third person to read, it might be fun to make it the third email I recieved. You know...spice it up...live a little dangerous...on the edge...rule breaker that I am :P Unga B why would you think you were the very first email I recieved? Hmmm? I forgot about the first email deal. Sorry :( It would be really nice if everyone who wants one to read could get their hands on one instead of having to wait. But this does make it more exciting. To bad they are so hard to find out in the wild. So much for spontinaety and just trying to have some fun. Unga Bunga sit tight my friend, your turns coming.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-10 11:14 ]

virani posted on 10/10/2004

Thanks a lot Dawn, I'm really happy to be the next reader, and it's an honor to me to read it.
I think the book have never been to France (europe ??), so it's nice that this is gonna travel a bit before coming back home...
PS : Bambooben, do you mind if I make a french translation of the book ? :wink:

Chongolio posted on 10/10/2004

Yeah Unga, what makes you think you were first. :P I think I was first ,second, forth, fifth and sixth possibly more. I dont know how Virani snuck past my spam bomb. :x

Sorry about clogging your inbox Dawn :wink:


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[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-10-10 14:38 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 10/11/2004

PS : Bambooben, do you mind if I make a french translation of the book ?

You'd have to ask my Aunts' attorneys about that.

But, write down what you think of it (on however many pages you want), add it to the back of the copy and send it on it's way to the next person when reading is finished. I encourage everyone to do the same. Then when it gets back to me I'll pass on the critique to my Aunts and Mother. I'm sure it will make them very happy. Let's see how many people it can reach in a year.

Also, once again everything in that book is 100% real. Believe it or not. You can still visit what we call the "Cove." It's at the end of Western Ave. in Pedro. The fire places and dance floor are still there. The foundations for the house and work sheds are 1/2 way into the water and it's now a county park. I'll try to dig up some pics and post them. (or maybe send them to someone else to post them. pm me?) Glad you are enjoying.

Pacific Andy posted on 10/11/2004

How do I get a copy again? Am I third?

Unga Bunga posted on 10/11/2004

I'm sorry Dawn,
I thought you would pick up that I was just teasing you. I really am patient whenever I get to read it.
You know I love ya!

DawnTiki posted on 10/12/2004

You may not have the book next Unga Bunga, but I'm sending all my red hot tiki luv'n yer way! So watch out! I bite! :wink:
I really was feeling kinda, just kinda, bad that only one person gets to read it next. Which by the way Virani...it's on its way, let me know if it gets there safe and sound.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-10-11 18:03 ]

Benzart posted on 10/12/2004

I think we need a list because I know I'm somewhere on the list but have no Idea of where. Maybe I was #3 or #1, probably #49,Ha.

virani posted on 10/18/2004

Thanks a lot Dawntiki, I received the book. I can't wait reading it.
As soon as I finish it, I'll send a new message (with new rules ??) :wink:

Kanaka posted on 10/18/2004

I'm also interested in reading it!


Pages: 1 14 replies