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Japan tiki islands?

Pages: 1 4 replies

finkdaddy posted on 10/21/2004

Are any of the Polynesian Islands controlled by Japan?

My geography skills are pretty scant, so this may seem like a lame question. I've created a new drink with an asian twist, and I want to give it a proper tiki name.

The recipe will come as soon as I give it a good name, and I finish the testing stage. Hic! Hic! Burp.

This reminds me, will there be another Tiki Central Drink Contest?

Rattiki posted on 10/21/2004

No way! The Japanise controlled the Marshalls and other areas in the tropical Pacific before WW-II, but as you remember they were bombed into unconditional surrender Aug 8 & 10 1945. The only thing even close that they own now is Okinawa which we returned back to them a while back and it is only semitropical and similar in culture to Japan.

Maybe you could call it the Saipan which is a US teritory island in the tropical Pacific with an Asian sounding name. :wink:

Trader Woody posted on 10/21/2004

No, but they still fished them to death.

See "The Happy Isles of Oceana" - Paul Theroux.

Trader Woody

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/21/2004

why don't you call it the "Captain Tsuruhiko Kuroda" or the "Lee Marvin?" :)

finkdaddy posted on 10/21/2004

Would you consider the Singapore Sling a tiki drink? If so (or not so), then why?

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