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Tiki Central / General Tiki

I'd just like to clarify something.

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Okay, I was searching the boards and just ran across the Hale Tiki debacle. Just so everyone knows, I had NO CLUE about the who incident with that when I signed up. I signed up as Hale Tiki because it's what I call my home bar (see BOT, original proposed drawing for Kona Kai, Philadelphia. Beginning of Chapter 7) I would just like to state that I am in no way affiliated with Hale Tiki in Augusta, or the whole mug thing, or any of it. I just don't want to end up insulting or offending someone, and create any animosity by anyone getting the impression that I am associated with any of that mess. I mean this as no insult to Brad, or anyone involved, I'd just rather not stir up any trouble or hate for something I have nothing to do with. Mahalo a nui for listing.

That's cool Hale Tiki. We understand.
So when am I going to get my damn mug!


[This message was mumbled under Hale Tiki's breath]

Damn whipper snappers don't listen nowadays.

[More incoherent mumbling by Hale Tiki]

You don't have enough soap to wash off that smell.
You should just change your name and get it over with.
Or forever be judged here at the non judge-mental Tiki Ranch.

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