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The Vodkanauts - recorded live 10/23/04

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tweedtone posted on 10/25/2004


Click on "tunes" and enjoy!

These were recorded this past Saturday at Skipper's Smokehouse in Tampa were we had the great pleasure of opening for the Red Elvises before a capacity crowd. Good times! It's just a coupla condensor mics into a cassette deck so grade it on a curve.

congatiki posted on 10/27/2004

thanks for the toons tweed....wish i lived
in florida...it would be great to catch
you guys....the sound quality isn't bad at
all considering the circumstances...like
the lounge twist on the stones.

tweedtone posted on 10/27/2004

On 2004-10-26 18:31, congatiki wrote:
thanks for the toons tweed....wish i lived
in florida...it would be great to catch
you guys....the sound quality isn't bad at
all considering the circumstances...like
the lounge twist on the stones.

Thanks for the kind words!

Haole Kat posted on 10/27/2004

Good stuff! Thanks for sharing, Mark!


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