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Me. Maury. National TV. Tomorrow 10/29. Brace yourselves

Pages: 1 28 replies

mig posted on 10/29/2002

As a co-proprietor here, I'm going to temporarily suspend the etiquette of not posting in multiple places, because this is definitely worthy of it. :)

Read my post to the Tease-o-rama list below:

In case you have heard this story: this is what you've been waiting for. In case you haven't heard this story: it's too fantastic to believe, but it's true. I'm going to be on the Maury Povich show
tomorrow, posing as the younger boyfriend of a 72-year-old woman. (And you'll have to buy me a drink if you want to hear the rest of the story.)

So tune in TOMORROW, Tuesday 10/29. (The airdate has changed many times: this one is, according to them, 100% final.)

As an added treat, we have top billing on the Maury Show website!!! HAAHAA
then click "Maury Topics" to see this week's shows
Then click the "opposites" one for Tuesday, and read all about it.

By the way-- no "Gorilla X" appearance on Maury, just me in civilian attire. :(

So tune in TOMORROW. The usual caveats: the Maury Show airs up to two times a day in some TV markets, I don't know on which one (or both) it will be shown. Check your local listings for airtimes and what channel. Common side effects may include headache, nausea, and asses being laughed off.

p.s. Although they said they wouldn't do so, they "strongly encouraged" me to kiss her. Did I do it? Well, I'd do a lot for a free trip to NYC. So get out your "you looked like you were enjoying it" jokes out now...

chefgrey2 posted on 10/29/2002

That's cool! I was on the M.Povich show as well! Back when I lived in Manhattan, I was a bodypainter, so I was on an episode that told of alternative artists, so I brought a bunch of models and had a great show! Maury was nice to deal with...Have fun! Grey

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 10/29/2002

mig wrote:
I'm going to be on the Maury Povich show
tomorrow, posing as the younger boyfriend of a 72-year-old woman.

chefgrey2 wrote:
I was a bodypainter, so I was on an episode that told of alternative artists, so I brought a bunch of models and had a great show!

I lead a boring life...

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/29/2002

Not trashy enough to get on Springer?

I cant wait to see this spectacle!
I'm gonna have to tape it for future embarassment(s).
$10 says Mig was ballsy enough to throw in some tongue!
Thats why we love ya Mig, you're crazy like that!

weirduncletiki posted on 10/29/2002

Arrgh! I missed it! I didn't know that Maury is on twice here and I was all set to see it at noon. Of course, Mig was on the 9:00 show. So bummed! Someone please say you taped it. Can there be such a thing as a video weed?

-Weird Unc

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/29/2002

I'm dyin over here!
I just watched Mig swap spit with a 72 year old stripper!!
My roomate saved it to his hard drive, so I'll try to figure out how to burn copies.

Futura Girl posted on 10/29/2002

arrrrg. i did the same thing - watched the 12 noon show - and no mig :(

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/29/2002

I'm watching it right now. The funny thing is that it is comepletely and utterly false!!! All the information Mig is giving it just a bunch of lies! I LOVE IT!!



PolynesianPop posted on 10/29/2002

What format is the movie? If its .mpg or .wma you can simply point a link to it so we can see it. Maybe someone here can host the file?

Dude, you never said ANYTHING about this before! When did this all happen?



*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-10-29 14:38 ]

KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 10/29/2002

THis is fucked up!

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/29/2002

Yeah even if I didnt know Mig, I would've pegged this as a put on, but it was still hilarious!!
Maury almost got some sugar himself!
Lots of sweet "money shot" close ups of Mig too!
My roomate is out, so I'll ask him when he gets home about the copy. I dont know anything about that shtuff.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 10/30/2002

Heres a little sneak peek!
it's my first shot at posting photos, so i hope it works...

[edited by hanford to fix the tags]
[ Edited by: bigbadtikidaddy on 2002-10-29 16:27 ]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-10-29 16:31 ]

Humuhumu posted on 10/30/2002

Mig - your girl looks pretty hot for 72.

dogbytes posted on 10/30/2002

On 2002-10-29 15:47, bigbadtikidaddy wrote:
Maury almost got some sugar himself!
Lots of sweet "money shot" close ups of Mig too!

goodgod, i thought i read "closeups of Mig's tool"

mig posted on 10/30/2002


Oh man, this thread has turned out to be even funnier than the actual show! I screwed up the taping of it so BBTD, I WANT A DIGITAL COPY!!! (Did you get the whole show?!?)

The taping was Tuesday 9/10 in NYC (and yep, I was at Ground Zero the next day.) It was such a strange, fantastic story that I didn't post it here because, well, I didn't have the time to tell the whole thing. Basically, they called me on a Friday afternoon and surprised the hell out of me, then Monday morning I was on a plane out there. Did the run-through, then spent Tuesday taping.

Next big event, we'll have to have a public showing! (And Dogbytes: I said public) :wink: hee

So a few things behind the magic:
-- they said they wouldn't ask us sex questions. They did. We had correctly figured they would, and went along with it!
-- They had to make Dee up to look OLDER than she looks. To see what she looked like back in the day, go to http://www.teaseorama.com/perf.html and click on "Dee Milo"
-- We were, ahem, strongly encouraged to kiss, despite being told they wouldn't ask that. They cut away from it and then cut back, which made it seem twice as long.

And just for the record, the official girlfriend-- one miss Frenchy-- watched it with all her coworkers and they laughed their butts off.

I don't know about those screenshots, BBTD... I don't know whether to thank you or smack you! HHAHAAAAA

Good times.

Frenchy Polynesia posted on 10/30/2002

No comment.


stentiki posted on 10/30/2002

Wow, Mig!

Just got back into town. I was bummed that we missed each other last night, but this is even better! I was working and missed the show, but the Tiki Centralites came through again!

Catcha later,

Uncle Arty

BB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/168526c570cb49a308f75b14386bfbfd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bamboo ben posted on 10/30/2002

Score! Mig rules!

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vintagegirl posted on 10/30/2002

That's hilarious!

My best friend was on about 5 years ago for a show about opposites too. She played a tall woman (6'1") who likes short guys.

I met Dee Milo at Exotic World once. She looked a lot better in person than in those TV shots. And she still had the moves too!

TW Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/806db5c50f6a0839d62fb00277f26c20?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Trader Woody posted on 10/30/2002

Hey, I'm sure that show airs in the UK too.
We'll probably get to see the episode in a few months, though not in anywhere near like a prime-time slot. One for housewives, students and the few dole-ites we've got left.

So that's actually international shame (I mean fame) you've got Mig!

Trader Woody

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Tiki_Bong posted on 10/30/2002

How odd, I am both repulsed and aroused.

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Tangaroa posted on 10/30/2002

C'mon - someones gotta rip an MPEG of this.....

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Fonduie posted on 10/30/2002

I was unable to sit down and watch the entire show so I missed ya mig.

•However I did get to experience the joy and beauty of the conservative and oh so white, older gentleman and his black girlfriend who adorned herself with some sort of acupuncture type jewelry all over her face. (Couldn't quite tell what was up with that! Did you get to talk to any of these frea... I mean guests in the green room Mig?)
•I saw the beefcake guy with his bikini wearing 350 pound girlfriend...
•I saw the tall dude with his "little-person" (or whatever) girlfriend...
•there was the yuppy suit wearing woman and her Biker beau...

I held down my lunch through all of that, but I missed Mig. Bummer.

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martiki posted on 10/31/2002

Wow, Mig. Nice work. I laughed my ass off. I loved it when you said, "She's mine, Maury!"

I can't believe Connie keeps this guy around.


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DawnTiki posted on 10/31/2002

You mean all those stories on all those shows are just lies? Next thing you'll be telling us is there is no Easter Bunny!

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tikimug posted on 10/31/2002

I never thought I'd say this but I am truly "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off"

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johnnievelour posted on 12/30/2002

If you missed it, its on right now here in L.A.

[ Edited by: johnnievelour on 2002-12-30 13:44 ]

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Jungle Trader posted on 01/16/2005

I just saw the tape at Drunken Hat and Tikicleen's Sat. night. During the interview and at the bottom of the screen the caption said "Mig says his girlfriend knows her way around the bedroom". When I saw that, I lost all semblance of reality, and doubled over laughing.

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Unga Bunga posted on 01/16/2005

Way to go Mig!

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