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Advice on new game system needed

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finkdaddy posted on 10/29/2004

My youngest son recently destroyed our Gamecube counsel. So instead of having it fixed, we decided to trade in all the controllers, games, and junk to get either an X-Box or a PS2.

Any opinions on which would be better? Do both systems play DVD's? Is cost about the same? Keep in mind that I have 4 kids ranging from 1 to 12 years old.


I have always been partial to playstation intil I played the x-box at my friend's house. The memeory is better and the loading times, graphics, and over all gameplay on the x-box is slightly better than playstation. Yes, both systems also play DVD's as well. I would say definitely go with the xbox, you will not be disappointed.

Hakalugi posted on 10/29/2004

Plus the Xbox is the only one out there that supports widescreen HDTV resolutions. Of course if you don't have an HDTV it won't matter to you, but if you do, it is truly an amazing experience.

finkdaddy posted on 10/29/2004

Hey, thanks for the advice.

Will the X-box play DVD's right out of the box, or will it need some kind of adapter?

Also, I don't have an HDTV, so will the graphics still outweigh the PS2?

One more question, does the X-Box have games appropiate for a 7-year-old?

Tikiwahine posted on 10/29/2004

I've always been very happy with our PS2, and find that we now watch wayyy more DVD's on it than we play games. It also takes up very little space and can be stored up on it's side. The regular DVD player now resides in the bedroom, which is a great place for it.

finkdaddy posted on 10/29/2004

On 2004-10-29 12:13, Tikiwahine wrote:
I've always been very happy with our PS2, and find that we now watch wayyy more DVD's on it than we play games. It also takes up very little space and can be stored up on it's side. The regular DVD player now resides in the bedroom, which is a great place for it.

Thank you, Tikiwahine.

I have been leaning twards the PS2, because I know it plays DVDs, and because we have a lot of the original PlayStation games, which I'm told could still be played on the PS2.

Also, the kids would be playing or watching DVDs in the basement which would give me and the wife some valuable quiet time. I smile just thinking about it. :)

Tiki-Toa posted on 10/29/2004

X-BOX, I used to manage at Toys R Us and the kids I had in the game dept. owned about every system known to man. They swear by it.

Hakalugi posted on 10/29/2004

The Xbox will play DVDs with the purchase of an adapter kit ($15 - $25). The adapter kit includes an actual remote control (as opposed to using the game controller with the PS2).

johntiki posted on 10/29/2004

The Atari 2600 is a superb gaming system! Check it out! :wink:

freddiefreelance posted on 10/29/2004

On 2004-10-29 13:23, johntiki wrote:
The Atari 2600 is a superb gaming system! Check it out! :wink:

I'm getting mine out of storage this week!

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/29/2004

i've been buying atari 2600 games for years for about $1 apiece... i can't wait to build my bar and install it (discreetly) behind some matting!

tangentially, i always thought it would be funny to tile a floor with "e.t. the extra-terrestrial" cartriges. those things are everywhere!!!

Tiki Bird posted on 11/01/2004

Halo 2 is coming to Xbox!

finkdaddy posted on 11/01/2004

I traded everything in last night and got the X-Box. Because of my trade-ins, I got the X-Box, a controller, all the proper cables, extended waranty (I have 4 kids!), 2 games, the DVD kit, a subscription to X-Box magazine, a membership to the stores game club, and 12 free rentals (good for games or movies), all for about $58.

I'm gonna spring it on the kids for Christmas. But I have a feeling I will bust it out after they've gone to sleep!

Dimethios posted on 11/15/2004

Speaking Halo 2, anyone else have it (or just XBox live for that matter) and would like to swap gamertags? PM me. It would be nice to play with some fellow Tikiphiles. Maybe we could even get our own multiplayer clan going.

BarkerBird posted on 11/15/2004

You won't be disappointed with either system.

They are so similar, you should just get the one that plays the games that your kids want.

If they want Halo2, they can only play that on xbox. If they want GTA, Playstation2.

Don't buy the ps2 because it can play ps1 games. You ALREADY have a ps1, AND trust me, you will never play those old games anymore anyway. It doesn't happen very often at all, those old games are so lame compared to the new ones anyway.

(Not to bag on old games, they were great in their time, but they usually don't hold up as remembered.)

Both systems are the same price. Both rock the house. I have a ps2, but I might get an x-box too, just to have both. Oh, and I also have a game-cube, and a ton of old systems too.

But to sum up, don't buy a system based on specs. Buy the system that has the games you want.

freddiefreelance posted on 11/15/2004

X-Box, 'cause you can run Linux on it.

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