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King Kukulele at Waitiki on Thursday

Pages: 1 6 replies

pablus posted on 09/26/2004

THE one and only, King Kukulele, will be performing at the Waitiki, Orlando on Thursday night.

Come enjoy the sounds. See the Mai Tiki's fabulous works. Throw stuff at Flounder's paintings.

Someone bring these people a Grog Log.

pablus posted on 09/29/2004

Contrary to popular myth, King Kukulele was NOT killed by a 200mph coconut to the noggin and WILL perform at Waitiki Thursday night, as scheduled.

FLOUNDERart posted on 09/29/2004

Why do you hate me? :cry:

[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2004-09-29 10:04 ]

TNTiki posted on 09/29/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 18:07 ]

pablus posted on 09/29/2004

Was that you?
I am in your debt.

That's one of my favorite drinks of all and I can't seem to get the reverse engineering right to make it myself.

I'm planning on hitting the Torch Nights in October - maybe I can repay you then.


pablus posted on 10/01/2004

What a night!
King Kukulele performs to a crowd of muttering politicos who were miffed that the debate was killed.

Sheesh - didn't they read the "no politics" rule Hanford posted?

Anyway, cool to hang out with Flounder, maikainagirl, Joe Vitale, Kailuageoff and a couple of lurkers.

I honestly tried, folks, to play that beautiful little soprano Uke of the King's - but the Mai Tais and my less than nimble "meat-hooks" had me sucking. Good thing it was third set and the place was sparse or else I'd be ashamed. (Nah, I had the shame organ removed years ago.)

Also, special thanks to Angela for driving the King safely to the airport - I was scaring both of them meandering through Compton, Jr. at 3am. She also took me safely home. What a girl.

Hope you made it home safe and sound, O King. Thanks for the songs.

King Kukulele posted on 10/31/2004

King Kukulele here in Sarajevo, Bosnia hanging with the Tiki Central Bosnian croud!!!! These guys know how to party! I want to apologize for missing my chance until now to say thanks for all you Orlandians and Tampans for coming to the WaiTiki and sharing a night with the King. As Pablus has said, Angela deserves credit for getting me safely to the airport. (Something that I don't beleive was within the realm of possibility for that irrepressible party dog PABLUS!)But I will say that it takes a big man to know when to switch drivers and Pablus THANK YOU for knowing when. One thing that was confirmed by Hukilau 2004 and Orlando the following week was that EVERYBODY LOVES PABLUS! He's one of my UKE BROS! Thank you to all who came and to Joe and Donella V. for putting me up. It was a tropical treat!

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