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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Home Viewing Suggestions: Obscure or Unknown Films

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hala bullhiki posted on 11/01/2004

....awsome some one already mentioned the almighty russ meyer, as well as chopper, dark backward, and jessco white, some of my faves, not neccesarilly obsure, but bizzare none the less:

okie noodlin
being jon malcovich
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
requium for a dream
barton fink

FreakBear posted on 11/01/2004

hala bullhiki,

I don't know how I forgot about Gummo! I live close to Xenia, where the "story" takes place. I'm finding it's becoming a cult-classic in these parts (outside of Xenia of course!).

I also meant to mention Mystery Train, and of course Freaks ("One Of Us! Gooble Gobble, Gooble Gobble!). The MST 3k version of EEGAH featuring Richard Keil is very funny and makes an interesting parallel to Tiki.


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