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brian wilson...smile

Pages: 1 39 replies

Tangaroa posted on 10/05/2004

Anyone else going to see him perform at the Disney Hall on November 3rd? Just a chance to see him performing will be exciting....

Geeky Tiki posted on 10/12/2004


My wife and I caught the last tour and he does a very good job. His voice is still dead on.

Watch his keyboard.

I'm jealous, that should be an all time classic show. He seems very energized. Too bad John Lennon is gone, I bet he would have loved to be at that show.

Anyway, I'm dying to hear Smile, has anyone played it yet?

virani posted on 10/12/2004

I saw the SMILE tour he did in europe early this year. Really cool, you'll love it.

Tangaroa posted on 10/12/2004

I can't wait! Just a few more weeks....

I only have SMiLE on bootleg, haven't heard the new recording yet... But it's a classic...

MachTiki posted on 10/12/2004

I bought the CD last week and love it. The music, melodies & production are amazing. The only let-down to me is Brian's voice on the leads (It's a little life-less compared to past recordings). All-the-same, this must have been a huge undertaking for everyone involved and it shows.

Kenike posted on 10/13/2004

I'm trying to understand this whole "Smile" thing....so the Beach Boys recorded most of the album in the 60's but it was never completed? Did Brian Wilson finish those recordings or re-record the whole album? I've heard there are plenty of bootlegs of the original "Smile" and that they are amazing. Why not release the original as it was intended?

Tangaroa posted on 10/13/2004

OK - here goes:
Long story short - SMiLE was going to be Brian Wilson's response to Sgt. Pepper, and if you liked Pet Sounds, it was a continuation of those complex songs (as opposed to the Beach Boys chart hits that the rest of the band was pushing for...) SMiLE was never released as recorded in '67 - but the sessions remain, and are available legit (some were released on the last Beach Boys box set) or on bootleg...
Brian Wilson never got support or understanding about these songs (Mike Love in particular) who wanted to "keep the hits coming" - as opposed to all the experimental crap... That, along with Brian deteriorating mental health & substance abuse problems, insured it's demise...

Flash forward to 2004, Brian is healthy (er) and touring Europe to acclaim... this year he went back and re-recorded the album (with him on vocals, as well as a new band - i.e. no Beach Boys), which is now available...

Here's some FAQ from http://www.cabinessence.net/
a good place for more info...

Why is SMiLE often regarded as the greatest "lost album" by any band?

The short answer is that based on the quality of the material within SMiLE, and the originally planned timing of the release (just before the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" album), there is a definite sense that the album could have changed rock and roll history. Remember, Brian and the Beach Boys were on a critical high after "Pet Sounds" and a commercial high after the release of "Good Vibrations" which should have been the "lead-off" single for SMiLE. The fact that the album was seen to have "burned-out" Brian (although he made some very high quality music in the years following the SMiLE sessions) added to the legend.

Although many of the main songs from SMiLE were released on subsequent albums, there was always the mystery of what the final track line-up and running order would have been, especially given the amount of material attempted at the recording sessions for SMiLE. You will find plenty of fan sites with "home-made" versions of the album, although this has lessened with the recent performances and upcoming studio release of the album. One of the most comprehensive sites dedicated to Smile is "The Smile Shop" at http://www.thesmileshop.net

Why was SMiLE not released in 1967?

Basically there are many factors involved in "Smile" not being released in 1967. The Beach Boys filed a lawsuit for back royalties against Capitol at the time and formed their own record label, Brother Records. Brian Wilson was not receiving the support he needed from the band as he was trying to complete his masterpiece. Brian Wilson's lyricist for the project, Van Dyke Parks, left the project before it was completed. These factors combined with Brian's mental problems and heavy drug use undoubtedly played some role in the demise of "Smile", and it is probably a combination of these things, rather than one factor that stopped "Smile" being released.

Tiki Matt posted on 10/14/2004

SMiLE was going to be Brian Wilson's response to Sgt. Pepper

To clarify (mind you this is what I understand to be the deal): SMILE was not a response to Sgt. Peppers, SMILE and Sgt. Peppers were being recorded simultaneously....The Beatles released Sgt. Peppers before B. Wilson could complete SMILE (which took over a year).

Would SMILE have changed Rock? Maybe. It is certainly an incredibly experimental (for 1967) album and should be heard. I love the Beach Boys, particularly the Brian Wilson stuff that strays from Hot rods and Surfing i.e. Pet Sounds / Smile (I love the irony of "Surfs up"). Anyway check out "Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the Story of SMiLE" on Showtime this month, all your questions will be answered.

Here's a cool site with some more info: http://www.rockument.com/SmileSessions.html

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[ Edited by: Tiki Matt on 2004-10-13 22:19 ]

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velveteenlounge posted on 10/14/2004

I just saw the show at Carnegie Hall Tuesday night and was completely blown away. Really, really great!

Tangaroa posted on 10/14/2004

On 2004-10-13 22:15, Tiki Matt wrote:

To clarify (mind you this is what I understand to be the deal): SMILE was not a response to Sgt. Peppers, SMILE and Sgt. Peppers were being recorded simultaneously....

Yeah - you are right - I knew I screwed up there somewhere!

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Hakalugi posted on 10/14/2004

If I recall, John Lennon said something to the effect of Sgt. Pepper being a response to Pet Sounds.

Geeky Tiki posted on 10/14/2004

Bought the disc, played it once each of the last two nights.

I tend to start off slow and have albums grow on me, but Smile seems a bit meanering. The motifs are a little monotonous, and the pace drags.

I'll keep trying, but it was a bit of a letdown.

Tangaroa posted on 11/01/2004

Oh man - I just watched the "Story Of Smile" special on Showtime. What an amazing story. I can't wait for Wed. night!
For those of you who don't get or know much about this "lost" album - this documentary may help...

More info on the special here: http://www.sho.com/site/schedules/product_page.do?episodeid=122799&seriesid=0
View the trailer for the special here: http://www.sho.com/site/video/player.do?player=QUICK&video=/0/122799&seriesid=0&include=includes/00main.inc.jsp

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tiki1963 posted on 11/02/2004

you bet yer bootie, my bootie will be there tomorrow night!

[Removed by Hanford]

if you're into tiki culture, you MUST seek out and enjoy the genius of Brian Wilson!

Surf's up!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-03 16:43 ]

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Feelin Zombified posted on 11/02/2004

On 2004-11-01 19:16, TNTiki wrote:
I try to adhere to Hanford's rules of no religion and no politics. I do not understand why others do not.

I couldn't agree more. I'd tell you just how much I agree, but I don't wanna break the rules myself.


Tangaroa posted on 11/03/2004

On 2004-11-01 16:19, tiki1963 wrote:
you bet yer bootie, my bootie will be there tomorrow night!

So - how was it? 9 and 1/2 hours to go.....!

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tiki mick posted on 11/03/2004

On 2004-11-01 16:19, tiki1963 wrote:
you bet yer bootie, my bootie will be there tomorrow night!

[Edited by Hanford]

if you're into tiki culture, you MUST seek out and enjoy the genius of Brian Wilson!

Surf's up!

I am left of center, so of course, highly pissed off this morning, BUT, I really don't like people discussing politics on this site. They have nothing to do with TIKI!
Tiki1963, I feel your pain, but you got to let it go and get back to the important stuff, like drinking mai-tais!

besides, no matter what side you are on, making political statements will offend at least one person, and frankly, we are all friends here and should respect each other's opinions or lack of opinions!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-03 17:03 ]

Tangaroa posted on 11/03/2004

OK - I get that tiki1963 made a boo-boo where it comes to discussing politics.. In his defense he doesn't post here very often - but I'm sure he gets the message!

So back to the topic - anyone see Brian Wilson last night? If you did, what did you think?

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tiki1963 posted on 11/03/2004

On 2004-11-03 13:38, Tangaroa wrote:
OK - I get that tiki1963 made a boo-boo where it comes to discussing politics.. In his defense he doesn't post here very often - but I'm sure he gets the message!

So back to the topic - anyone see Brian Wilson last night? If you did, what did you think?

hey all..

yeah...wasn't really aware of the political no-nos around here. that said, my comment was more in reference to the ironic timing of the concert...election night. it was somewhat weird knowing i would walk into and out of Brians performance of Smile with the fate of World politics in the balance.

i will say i believe that sometimes, people search for reasons to get bent out of shape. looking back on that comment, its amazing that those offended had nothing to say about Brian but found such an offense to a side comment. well, i apologize.

CONCERT WAS AMAZING! yer gonna love it, Tang! venue is goregous...not a bad seat in the house. HAVE FUN!

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tiki mick posted on 11/03/2004

I am not bent out of shape, nor am I offended....just letting you know that politics are verboten on this website!

Tangaroa posted on 11/03/2004

On 2004-11-03 13:59, tiki1963 wrote:
CONCERT WAS AMAZING! yer gonna love it, Tang! venue is goregous...not a bad seat in the house. HAVE FUN!

After re-watching the making of Smile film, I just can't wait... I never thought he would be performing this music again - much less that I'd get to see it.

Yeah, I'm pretty much a drooling fan-boy at this point....
5 hours & 10 minutes!

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hanford_lemoore posted on 11/04/2004

Talking about NOT talking about politics and then Quoteing the offending discussion is not hlelping.

If someone breaks the rules please report it to me and then politely go about your business, or PM the user yourself, but discussing the breaking of the rules is counter-productive.

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TNTiki posted on 11/04/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:26 ]

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Humuhumu posted on 11/04/2004

No one's in any trouble. Hanford was just pointing out that it was all getting a little "meta." We all meander from the topic from time to time, and we all can use a periodic reminder of the guidelines, no one's being targeted.

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tiki1963 posted on 11/04/2004

so, Tang...wassup?

was it a religious experience or what!?

dare i say it? Smile made me SMILE!

Tangaroa posted on 11/04/2004

It was total pure religion.

So awesome to see him healthy, having fun & doing a great job with all the material.

Van Dyke Parks showed up, amazingly enough. As Brian did his wild arm movements from the stage, Van Dyke was doing his own. He was probably just "rocking out" - but it looked to me like he and Brian were communicating in some strange, long-forgotten language...

All in all - unbelievable!!!

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"Oh mystic powers - hear my call...
From my limbs, let new life fall..."
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[ Edited by: Tangaroa on 2004-11-04 11:32 ]

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tiki1963 posted on 11/04/2004


yeah, Van Dyke Parks was at our performance too. i guess Brian just uses the keyboard as a prop because i never saw him use it or the bass he picked up. perhaps too much synaps activity for the ol' boy.

i did notice his animatronic universal hand signals for the lyrics: "Over My Head", he gestures above his head; "Brother John", he put his hands together like a soft pillow to lay his head on...aw.; "Barnyard" when the cook is chopping lumber, Brian used an imaginary axe to cut that wood up!

i loved that! it also helped me understand the lyrics!

Tangaroa posted on 11/04/2004

I loved that he was wiggling his fingers sending out vibrations during "Good Vibrations"....

Just a really beautiful show.

Tangaroa posted on 11/05/2004

OK - I'm a total geek - but I sent an email to Van Dyke Parks this morning, thanking him for Smile & making sure we all got to hear it. I got a response!

*Dear Christopher

I'm so happy you were at the concert last night, and sure
hope your father enjoyed it as much as I did.

There is something to smile about after all.
Van Dyke*

That was like getting an email from God or something.

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Trader Woody posted on 06/20/2005

All you Brian Wilson fans out there can currently download another of his long-lost unreleased albums ("Adult Child") here:


Trader Woody

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martiki posted on 06/25/2005

Brian was on Charlie Rose last night, and it was a fascinating interview. He was there with the filmmaker/biographer who documented the creation of Smile for the new DVD. He's clearly still not right in the head, but certainly doing better. Brian deferred quite a bit to the filmmaker, saying he would know better on several topics, which gave me an uneasy feeling- it was almost like Brian had latched onto a new Landy-like figure. A little spooky, almost as though he needs some kind of controllling figure in his life to keep him on an even keel. Brian also claimed during the interview that he'd only taked LSD once in his life, which Charlie clearly felt was absurd. Even the filmmaker tried to politely imply that that was far from true.

America's own Syd Barrett.

BTW, techy question: They showed some footage of the Smile concert in London, and during Good Vibrations, the theremin sounds were coming from something I didn't recognize- the musician had his hand on a small lever and was sliding it back and forth- it still sounded like a theremin, though. I was thinking it might have been some kind manual device attached to a theremin to try and generate the tones more accurately. Does anyone here know? If that's the case, I cry foul! And I call upon Robby Virus to show them how it's done!

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Unga Bunga posted on 06/25/2005

On 2005-06-25 09:00, martiki wrote:

BTW, techy question: They showed some footage of the Smile concert in London, and during Good Vibrations, the theremin sounds were coming from something I didn't recognize- the musician had his hand on a small lever and was sliding it back and forth- it still sounded like a theremin, though. I was thinking it might have been some kind manual device attached to a theremin to try and generate the tones more accurately. Does anyone here know? If that's the case, I cry foul! And I call upon Robby Virus to show them how it's done!

In responce to your question, I found this instrument. It is light sensitive instead of radio. Any similarity?
And yes, Virus kicks ass!

Tangaroa posted on 06/26/2005

At the Los Angeles show last year, just before "God Only Knows", Brian turned to the audience and said,

"This song is for my brothers Carl and Dennis.

They died.

They're DEAD!"

Confused scattered applause from the audience....

Still an awesome show.

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freddiefreelance posted on 06/27/2005

On 2005-06-25 09:00, martiki wrote:
BTW, techy question: They showed some footage of the Smile concert in London, and during Good Vibrations, the theremin sounds were coming from something I didn't recognize- the musician had his hand on a small lever and was sliding it back and forth- it still sounded like a theremin, though. I was thinking it might have been some kind manual device attached to a theremin to try and generate the tones more accurately. Does anyone here know? If that's the case, I cry foul! And I call upon Robby Virus to show them how it's done!

The intrument is a mechanically controlled Theremin called an Electro-Theremin, created by noted Jazz trombonist Paul Tanner & Actor/Inventor Dr. Robert Whitsell. Paul Tanner loved the sound of the Theremin, but had trouble with creating the sounds he wanted with the accuracy & speed of note placement that he wanted. Some of you might have Dr. Tanner's famous album Music for Heavenly Bodies:

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And I'm certain you remember the sound of it from many movies & TV shows, espescially from when Uncle Martin would raise his antennae on "My Favorite Martian."

The actual instrument that is being used on the Smile Tour is called a Tannerin and is custom-made by intrument maker Tom Polk, the instrument was made to Dr. Tanner's specifications for his original Electro-Theremin, nicknamed "Paul's Box."

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance on 2005-06-27 11:29 ]

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martiki posted on 06/27/2005

Thanks for the info Freddie! TC always has the anwsers.

MachTiki posted on 11/04/2005

From Yahoo News:

Mike Love Suing Cousin Brian Wilson

*By TIM MOLLOY, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES - Mike Love is suing his cousin and former Beach Boys bandmate Brian Wilson, but Love's lawyer hopes the lawsuit won't mar their good vibrations.

Love filed the lawsuit in federal court Thursday accusing Wilson of promoting his 2004 album, "Smile," in a manner that "shamelessly misappropriated Mike Love's songs, likeness and the Beach Boys trademark, as well as the `Smile' album itself."

Love's lawyer says it's nothing personal.

"Mike has a lot of affection for Brian and they have a good relationship and cordial relations," said Phil Stillman, who has represented Love since 1992. "There's obviously some problem with the way Brian's (associates) have promoted the albums."

Stillman added: "They remain family and the co-founders of a very important band in rock 'n' roll history."

The Beach Boys never completed "Smile," and it was regarded as a lost classic until Wilson opted to finish it himself. The album earned international acclaim and marked a dramatic return for the 63-year-old singer-songwriter, who had kept a low profile for years.

Love objected to a promotion in which 2.6 million copies of a Beach Boys compilation CD were given away to readers of Britain's The Daily Mail on Sunday newspaper. The lawsuit said the giveaway undercut the band's sales.

The lawsuit seeks damages, including "millions of dollars in illicit profits," and seeks at least $1 million for international advertising "to correct the effects of ... unfair competition and infringing uses."

A lawyer for Wilson didn't return a call from The Associated Press for comment.

Love formed the group in Hawthorne in 1961 with Wilson, Wilson's brothers Carl and Dennis, and Wilson's friend Al Jardine. They went on to record hits such as "Good Vibrations," "Wouldn't It Be Nice" and "California Girls."

Wilson's brothers have died, and he split acrimoniously with Love and Jardine years ago. In an interview earlier this year with the AP, he refused to discuss them in the present tense, but talked about their early years with apparent fondness. His new album is "What I Really Want for Christmas."

Love has the exclusive legal right to tour under the Beach Boys name.*

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HelloTiki posted on 11/05/2005

Mike Love is a major no-talent A-hole. If it wasn't for Brian's talent and the accidental family ties the Mike Love would have ended up selling cars.
The egotistical shmuck still doesn't realize just how lucky he is just to be able to use the Beachboy name.

May the Big Kahuna protect Brian !

Tangaroa posted on 11/05/2005

Mike Love is to the Beach Boys, what Jimmy Buffett is to tiki culture....

I hate Love

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HelloTiki posted on 11/05/2005

Re: your link.
I would bet that Mike Love started his own fan club.

Geeky Tiki posted on 11/08/2005

On 2005-11-05 12:36, HelloTiki wrote:
Re: your link.
I would bet that Mike Love started his own fan club.

His daughter Courtney is no prize, either.

Pages: 1 39 replies