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name the tiki bar contest! (los angeles area)

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DJLee posted on 10/19/2004


We need YOUR help to name to a brand new TIKI PARADISE!! Winner will receive a fabulous prize, not to mention a little notoriety.
(please note we've created an email address for this contest below, don't reply to DJLee)

We are very proud to announce the opening of a fantastic new tiki bar brought to you by Bobby Green, local and world famous designer of Cacao Coffee House (West Los Angeles), the Bigfoot Lodge (Los Angeles & San Francisco) and the Little Cave (Highland Park).

This little gem is located in the San Fernando Valley, where the 405 and the 118 freeways meet. Formerly known as the "Wild Cherry," this bar, built in the '50s, is suspected of being a former tiki bar (unconfirmed as of yet due to its current dive bar appearance). It features a lava rock fagade and a large lava rock fireplace, perfect for a complete tiki restoration. The bar will feature full liquor with tropical drinks and authentic tiki dicor including carvings and paintings from some of the best contemporary tiki artists. We will have our very own custom tiki mug, DJ's, special events and island tunes to take you far, far away.

Put on your tiki thinking hats, fezzes, lais (whatever gets your creative juices flowing), down a shot of rum and submit a name suggestion to us by (date) The winning name (which will be picked by us, after several Mai-Tais) will receive a $100.00 gift certificate for drinks at our new Polynesian paradise in the Valley!

The grand opening date has not been set, but is expected some time in November or December of 2004. We'll be sure to update you with the date, as well as the winning name. We hope you'll all come visit us!

Send your Tiki Bar name, along with your name and phone number to: Namethattikibar@yahoo.com


christiki295 posted on 10/19/2004

[i]On 2004-10-18 19:00, DJLee wrote:

. . . this bar, built in the '50s, is suspected of being a former tiki bar . . . It features a lava rock fagade and a large lava rock fireplace, perfect for a complete tiki restoration.. . .


What about "The Lava Lounge" or "Rock-a-tiki" - Oh sorry, already taken.

Lava reminds me of Big Island volcanoes, so howabout:

"The Mauna Loa Tiki Lounge"

"Mauna Kea Tiki Hut"

"The Hilo Hut"

christiki295 posted on 10/19/2004

[i]On 2004-10-18 19:00, DJLee wrote:

Formerly known as the "Wild Cherry," this bar, built in the '50s,. . . "

Then "Cherry Capri" the raven professor of atomic living, would be the perfect act for opening night to bridge "Wild Cherry" into the new current tiki stardom.

wrongdimensionboy posted on 10/19/2004

Hi from Howard Hallis to Bobby Green. It's been a long time. Here's my suggestion:


Tiki_Bong posted on 10/19/2004

'Valley of the Tiki Dolls'

(hey, it's a tie in with its 'in the valley' location. Or not.)

Gigantalope posted on 10/19/2004


hiltiki posted on 10/19/2004

what great news since we who live in San Fernando Valley have no tiki bars, except for Tonga ( a bit slimmy) Hut bar.. Cant wait, and I am thinking of a proper name. will post it later, this takes doing.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/19/2004

On 2004-10-18 21:16, Tiki_Bong wrote:
'Valley of the Tiki Dolls'

Man, I really really like that! My favourite film (Well, "BEYOND the...") and my favourite cult all in one! AND it refers to the infamous location...

Along those lines, I propose an idea that is in the BOT, p.127:

Vali-Hai !
"Vali Hai may call you, any night, any day..."

But then, even that might be too esoteric. The reality is that the name not only has to be snappy, but probably has to have "Tiki" in it, to be easily identifyable.
I had come up with the following suggestions for Bobby:

The Kapu Kave
Kapu Korner, even
Bobby's Kapu Corner (very traditional).

Or, if Tiki should be in the name:

The Kapu Tiki
The Forbidden Tiki
Bobby's Tiki Hidaway
Bobby's Tiki Island
Bobby's Tiki Harbour

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki on 2004-10-18 21:46 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 10/19/2004

Tiki Jungle

RevBambooBen posted on 10/19/2004

Bamboo Benz

spy-tiki posted on 10/19/2004

Pirahna Pit.

Lava Lagoon.

Pirahna Lagoon.

Lava Pit.

Yada, yada.

Maui_Matt posted on 10/19/2004

Coconut Monkey


Turbogod posted on 10/19/2004

Hale in the Valley

mrsmiley posted on 10/19/2004

Smiley's Tiki Lounge---hey , my name should be EVERYWHERE!!!

tikiwinebear posted on 10/19/2004

The Hawaiian language is full of repetitive words such as mahimahi or humuhumu, so here are a few of my suggestions... These are easy for customers to remember.

Lava Lava
Tiki Tiki
Kapu Kapu
Kahuna Kahuna
Pele Pele
Koa Koa

Other names that come to mind...
The Hilo Hideaway

McTiki posted on 10/19/2004

How about "KANOA's" Hawaiian traslation= Free Spirit with a plural nudge!

Raffertiki posted on 10/19/2004

The Prodigal Tiki
The Volcano Bowl
The Barefoot Wahine
Rum-Soaked Dreams
The Laidback New Yorker

hiltiki posted on 10/19/2004

Valley hai or Valley Kai, pick one

Chongolio posted on 10/20/2004

Well since Pele is the godess of fire and lava here are my suggestions:

Madame Pele's lounge
Pele's Awaawa room (Pele's valley room)
Pele's kapuahi lounge (Pele's fireplace lounge)

You can take Pele's name off if you don't want to take any chances with angering her.

Other names without Pele:
Ahi Tiki (Fire tiki)
Da' Lava Grotto
The Magma Chamber

I gotta say I like Big Bros suggestion.
Vali-Hai is fitting on so many levels.

The SF Valley is a great place to bring a little bit of Paradise too. I am looking forward to checking it out next time I am running wild in The Val.

Best of luck to you Lee.


-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-10-22 20:06 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 10/20/2004

The Huki Lounge!

The Pineapple Palace
The Coconaut Tree
The Tahitian Temple
The Grog Grove

I'm using Huki Lounge for my home bar up here in Canada, but I don't think that would be a
problem :wink:

ZebraTiki posted on 10/20/2004

I second the suggestion (from Chongolio) of
"The Lava Grotto."

If I saw a place named,"Lava Grotto," you'd have to forcibly keep me from getting in there!

Maui_Matt posted on 10/20/2004


BTW, I am really thrilled to here there will be a bona fide tiki bar near my house.

hiltiki posted on 10/20/2004

Ok this is the winner for sure "the shell room" yeah.

The Monitors posted on 10/20/2004

Is it possible to get the exact location of the bar.

The only reason I ask is because I would like to factor in the look, location, adjacent streets, ect to the name of the bar. Sometimes a ditinguishing features of the building or a street incorporated to the name can strike a chord with people's memory.

A good example is the Wiltern theater, which is on the corner of Western and Wilshire. Without even thinking I already know where this theater is. So please concider posting the exact address to aide me in suggesting a name.

Pacific Andy posted on 10/20/2004

Reva Lounge
Motu Lounge
Bora Bora
Miki Miki Bar
Point Venus
Ava Tea Tahiti

Exoticat posted on 10/21/2004

love the suggestion of Valley Hai (Hiltiki) but spelled as Chongolio wrote:

Vali Hai

gack...i haven't posted for so long that I had to pause for a few seconds to remember my password!

Edited to add:

Ok, I was skimming through this thread and just noticed that it was BIG BRO who first came up with that name.

I should not skim.
I should not skim.
I should not skim.

[ Edited by: exoticat on 2004-10-21 03:37 ]

[ Edited by: exoticat on 2004-10-22 21:33 ]

MEAN GENE posted on 10/21/2004

What up Lee!

"The Swanky Tiki"

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/21/2004

Coco Joe's Lava Flow

thedivas posted on 10/22/2004

first of all, none of you can follow directions. we were told to send to email and not post here.

second of all, since no one else is following directions, why should i bother?

how about:
Lei Lounge (subtle suggestion of possible outcome of spending an evening there)

christiki295 posted on 10/23/2004

On 2004-10-19 17:08, Chongolio wrote:
Well since Pele is the godess of fire and lava here are my suggestions:

Madame Pele's lounge
Pele's Awaawa room (Pele's valley room)
Pele's kapuahi lounge (Pele's fireplace lounge)

Take Pele's name off if you don't want to take any chances with angering her.

I think Pele would appreciate nightly honoring.

Following up on Chongolio's suggestions:

Pele's Volcano Hut
Pele's Tiki Hut
Pele's Freaky Tiki Volcano Room

Bamboo Dude posted on 10/23/2004

Ok,I like Vali Hai, but...

My thought is... Bali of the Valley, or Bali in the Valley!!!

floratina posted on 10/23/2004

I looked up some Hawaiian words on the net. "valley" was "Awaawa" and that didn't trip off the tongue as well as I would have liked. So I tried "bowl" and came up with "ipu". I also tried crater/pit and "lua" showed up. BTW, a volcano is "Pele lua". Big Bro advocated having the word tiki in the title and that makes sense, therefore:
Lua Tiki
Ipu Tiki
Pele Lua Tiki

crazy al posted on 10/25/2004

Sounds like a Great Mystery Bowl will have to be sculpted for the Lua Tiki !

bigbrotiki posted on 10/25/2004

Al, I am so glad you have a place to make up for the loss of your fine fireplace at the "Tahiti" in West LA!

crazy al posted on 10/25/2004

me toooooooooo

for the record my pal Bobby has waited ten years to start on his own tiki bar. He had a 'Tiki Coffee' shop in Santa Monica some of the locals might know over ten years back. I met Otto of TikiNews at his place for the first time even, away back then... So now he has three very successful Bars under his belt and feels he can do his Tiki Dream some justice... He asked me to sculpt a ten foot tall Sasa'quach for his place in San Fran, so I did.

don't look for any 10ft tikis of 12 fireplaces, but Bobby's got taste style and class.

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TikiTrevor posted on 10/25/2004

A new Tiki Bar in the Valley???? Perfect!!! I work right off the 5 and 405, a hop skip and a jump away from the 405 & 118. I'm sure I'll spend many happy hours there after work. I can't wait till it opens!

christiki295 posted on 10/26/2004

[i]On 2004-10-25 00:09, crazy al wrote:

don't look for any 10ft tikis or 12ft fireplaces, but Bobby's got taste, style and class.

He most certainly does if he relies upon you for his decor.

Will he use you to relight the tiki mana in this endeavor?

PS: You didn't vote? - Election time is near.

Maui_Matt posted on 10/26/2004

Anyone figure out exactly where this will be? My guess is around Chatsworth and Sepulveda(near the Pizza Hut).

mrsmiley posted on 10/29/2004

Some names;

Lanai Lounge
Lapu Lapu Lounge
Tipple 'n Tiki
The Enchanted Drinking Room
Tiki Tavern
Outrigger Room
Outrigger Rock Room (Does it have to have an outrigger in the bar to be called "outrigger"?)
Rarotongan ( Rock) Room

I am claiming the rights to "The Enchanted Drinking Room" as the name of my home bar!!

Have a nice Tiki Day!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley on 2004-10-28 19:09 ]

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TheTikiKing posted on 11/02/2004

My suggestion:

The Grotto


Raffertiki posted on 11/02/2004

Island Mojo
Mojo Island

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Unga Bunga posted on 11/02/2004

On 2004-10-18 22:43, RevBambooBen wrote:
Bamboo Benz

That's crap! Should be "The Unga Bunga".

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KAHAKA posted on 11/03/2004

The Nuku Nuku


Just because.

Thank you.

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VonTiki posted on 11/03/2004

its in the valley? Like gag me with a tiki?
how bout the "Valley Volcano"?

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-02 22:33 ]

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Futura Girl posted on 11/04/2004

okay - so i got this note in a separate email couple a weeks ago and sent my email in - so a few of my names are simlar to what others submitted, but here's what i sent in...

Hiya Bobby,


I’m THRILLED you are opening a cool Valley Bar… All I know is that I sure picked a bad time to lease out my Eichler in Granada Hills :( and move to the south end of the Valley.


Here are some other fun name ideas from me: OKAY please forgive me for coming up with TOO MANY names…

In the Valley theme:
Volcano Valley
Hawaii in the Valley
(There was a hawaiiana store called this from the 1950s through the 1970s in Sherman Oaks – the neon sign was sold through Track 16 Gallery and is now on display at Neonopolis in Las Vegas - How cool would that be to get that sign back in California?)

Referring to the lava rock details:
The Rock Room
Lava Rock Room
The Rocky Retreat
Volcano Rock Room
The Lava Pit (slight catchier reference to nearby The Bear Pit!)
The Fire Pit
The Volcano Pit (Villa, Hut or Volcano Veranda)
Volcano House (heck there’s one on the big island – why not one here?)
Volcano Haven
The Fissure
The Crater (simple like The Cave)

Tiki/Hawaiiana theming:
Let’s Get Lei’d Lounge
Tiki Tavern
The Freaky Tiki (a little obvious - but unforgettable)
South Seas Shelter
The Tropical Spot
Tiki Terrace
Aloha Island Inn
Polynesian (or Pineapple) Palace
Pele’s Lair
The Tropical Grotto
Tahiti Hut
Sweet Home Hawaii
Kapu Point
Mana Ana (literally meaning ‘spiritually empowered cave’ in Hawaiian)

But I keep coming back to that hot lava theming...
The Lava Lair
Hot Lava Spot (or just the Hot Spot)
Molten Magma Room
Lava Lanai
Hale Magma
Hale Lava (rolls right off the tongue)

finally for fun – using your name...
Trader Bob's Bamboo Room
Bob the Beachcomber :)

OKAY, I’m done!!! I promise…


Hopefully your bar will help to energize the north valley scene and maybe even help the Safari Room up there as well...

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-11-04 06:03 ]

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hiltiki posted on 11/04/2004

Mmm, I love the Safari Room, one of my favorites.

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Tiki Diablo posted on 11/04/2004

I dropped off my tikis for this place on monday. This place is going to be coo coo!

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spy-tiki posted on 11/04/2004

Any word on which names are in the running? And where is this place exactly?

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