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Official Tiki Toa Appreciation thread

Pages: 1 28 replies

McDougall posted on 11/05/2004

I remember him joining the board, loud, opinionated, jumped right the hell in. My kind of person. Since his arrival he has provided this group with many an informative Tiki tidbit. He single handed pulled off a brand new Tiki event in record time bringing many of us together. And who was at the Hukilau who doesn't have a fond memory of Toa in his Glorious Fez and Humu Humu swinging about the dance floor together? He has brought TC artists together for joint products creating more Tiki for us all. Myself I like to stay quiet, aviod alot of critism that way, I appreciatte those willing to risk more. Toa has given us about 1000 ideas, when you put yourself on the line 1000 times you will have a dud or 2. I think there is a thread already(something abot doe I think) if you want to discuss those items in the appropiatte area.
Thanks Toa for all the Tiki you have brought to TC!

finkdaddy posted on 11/05/2004

Well said McDougal. I agree.

Everybody here voted to give TikiBong a free pass, and I don't think Toa was any worse, but he's not part of the TC click, so he was voted off. You can call it what you want, but Bong was voted on and Toa was voted off.

I hope that saying this doesn't put me in a bad light by everyone. I admit that I haven't been here as long as most, and maybe being a Midwesterner means that I will never truely be accepted by some, but I like it here and don't want to pick fights with anyone. Tiki Central has changed my life in many ways, in fact it is a main factor in my decision to change careers.

I don't know what I'm trying to say really. Maybe just to give Toa a little bit of the Aloha that Bong recieved.


[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2004-11-05 10:31 ]

rodeotiki posted on 11/05/2004

I have enjoyed many a late night shouts with Toa. And I have never had a problem with anything he has said. I may not agree with his or others opinions, but you know what they say about opinions. I also hope this doesnt oust myself as I really enjoy it here.

badmojo posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: badmojo on 2005-01-15 08:27 ]

finkdaddy posted on 11/05/2004

On 2004-11-05 11:02, badmojo wrote:

On 2004-11-05 10:24, finkdaddy wrote:
so he was voted off.

What Vote? Should we hold a recount? Hanging Chad perhaps?

:lol: If you turn on CNN they are showing airial shots of a rider truck taking the ballots to Hanford's house for recounting. :wink:

Hakalugi posted on 11/05/2004

Whadda ya mean Tiki Toa was voted off. He wasn't voted off any more than Bong was voted on. As much as we want him here, Tiki Toa left on his own accord. Meanwhile Bong is here to stay whether you like it our not. From what I can tell, Toa could stand to learn a few things from Tiki Bong.

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:27 ]

Hakalugi posted on 11/05/2004

From what I can tell, Tiki Toa already ran off on his own.

Nobody here ran him off.

[ Edited by: Hakalugi on 2004-11-05 11:49 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/05/2004

Tiki Toa,

There's a pair of frosty Mai Tai's waiting here for you when you come back...


well, OK, so I drank one. Better hurry up before I have the other...


finkdaddy posted on 11/05/2004

On 2004-11-05 11:27, Hakalugi wrote:
Whadda ya mean Tiki Toa was voted off. He wasn't voted off any more than Bong was voted on. As much as we want him here, Tiki Toa left on his own accord. Meanwhile Bong is here to stay whether you like it our not. From what I can tell, Toa could stand to learn a few things from Tiki Bong.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that I wanted Bong to go away. I was using that example, and I probably shouldn't have. I don't really want anyone to go away. I don't want to stir anything up, and I am glad he is still here.

However, I do agree with you, Toa did leave on his own,and that is a big difference. He, like Bong, is a big kid and if he feels personaly insulted and wants to go, I suppose that is his right.

So I guess I pull back a bit on what I said earlier. I do understand your point.

I think because he lives with me in Wisconsin, and because I was with him at the Paina, that I feel closer to him than most. The Paina really was a great thing and I will always remember him fondly for it. He has always been kind to me and my family, so I feel a touch sad about the whole thing. Mistakes were made, obviously, but he is a good man and I count him among my friends.


[ Edited by: finkdaddy on 2004-11-05 11:59 ]

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:28 ]

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:29 ]

tikifish posted on 11/05/2004

In no way was my little deer story intended to make fun of Tiki Toa. I just contributed what I thought was a funny story to the thread. Boy was I surprised when things went crazy after that.

It seems to me that Tiki Toa has once again created a big drama out of nothing, so he can paint himself as the victim.

Hakalugi posted on 11/05/2004

Anybody could have started the thread that Toa did and have received the same response.

He shouldn't take it so personally.

[ Edited by: Hakalugi on 2004-11-05 12:09 ]

tikisobayli posted on 11/05/2004

Does anyone else see how stupid this whole thing as become. Toa left on his own free will and thats that. Moreover, whats the big deal about the Christmas thread he strated and got "hijacked"? I have seen many threads that he has done the same thing to. I really don't think anyone should worry about it. A) maybe now instead of posting a huge amount of posts he can find a job and B) I'm pretty sure he'll come back as Toa (he seems to love attention) or under another screen name (As he has done this before..at least once).

It would be intresting to know the ratio "old timer" posters that are gone to the "info" he has passed along.

Feel free to bash me now....

Hakalugi posted on 11/05/2004

On 2004-11-05 12:13, tikisobayli wrote:

It would be intresting to know the ratio "old timer" posters that are gone to the "info" he has passed along.

Please explain. I don't understand (too much rum).

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:31 ]

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:33 ]

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:34 ]

TNTiki posted on 11/05/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:34 ]

McDougall posted on 11/05/2004

Perhaps Toa is a bit sensitive, people with big hearts often are. Thick skins are overrated in my book. In addition to having a big heart Toa Loves Tiki and loves to spread Tiki around. He is a extremely valuable member of this Tiki community.

[ Edited by: mcdougall on 2004-11-05 13:14 ]

SuperFly posted on 11/05/2004

On 2004-11-05 12:13, tikisobayli wrote:
Does anyone else see how stupid this whole thing as become. Toa left on his own free will and thats that. Moreover, whats the big deal about the Christmas thread he strated and got "hijacked"? I have seen many threads that he has done the same thing to. I really don't think anyone should worry about it. A) maybe now instead of posting a huge amount of posts he can find a job and B) I'm pretty sure he'll come back as Toa (he seems to love attention) or under another screen name (As he has done this before..at least once).

It would be intresting to know the ratio "old timer" posters that are gone to the "info" he has passed along.

Feel free to bash me now....


And I agree that Toa is not going anywhere. By "threatening" to leave he knew he would get this kind of response. Its exactly what he wanted - attention. He WANTED us to get into a huff about him leaving.

On 2004-11-05 11:38, TNTiki wrote:
Let me tell you how much I think of him. He is probably going to not like me saying this, but I am going to anyway [Snipped By Hanford]

BTW - if I entrusted this kind of personal information to a friend of mine I would be royally pissed off if they told everyone (especially posting it on a publicly read message board). You did not make him look like a very strong person and you especially made yourself look untrustworthy. Trying to get us to feel pity for him because of his personal problems is really insulting to me. We all have our own personal struggles too.

I too, am posting under a fake name. Its a shame that we can't post what we really feel under our real names because some people think we all have to love each other here on TC. But TC is not any different than any other social setting in that there will be conflict, plain and simple. How each person deals with it is their issue.

Welcome to the real world. Such is life.

[ Edited by: superfly on 2004-11-05 13:46 ]

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-05 14:01 ]

rodeotiki posted on 11/05/2004

I think its sad that people are posting under fake id , just not brave enough to speak your mind ? or do you not want others to know who you are? Your right Toa left on his own and yet some see fit to continue to bash him. Were not in junior high here anymore. If you have something to say, say it , dont hide behind a alter id . I feel this whole mess is stupid and not why I joined Tc.

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hanford_lemoore posted on 11/05/2004

This is quickly becoming a continuation of the the other topic that is now LOCKED. That discussion is over. Please don't resurrect it. This includes bashing others.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-05 14:07 ]

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congatiki posted on 11/05/2004

I have met Toa and he seems to be a nice
guy....most of us don't know more than a
few tc members personally...so most of this
stuff just doesn't matter. We don't
know the real intentions of anyone on this
board...and who cares. Let go of it
so that Hanford doesn't have to intercede
as a referee every couple of weeks.
We are here because Tiki is not the real
world...let's just escape!

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FreakBear posted on 11/07/2004

Tiki-Toa, God bless'm.

I gather that I may have gotten on his 'S*** List' a while back when I may have absent-mindedly "hi-jacked" (or similar) on a thread he posted. Though completely unintensional on my part, i have many regrets in the matter. I feel like Toa was one of the first TC folks to sort of reach-out and pat me on the back here (as i'm sure he's done with other newer members).

The human personality is very complex and doesn't always come through well in black and white -- it's hard to get to know a person's pet-peeves/boundaries in the forum. I don't know what part of the X-mas/baby deer debocle(sp) I've missed (his post was already deleted when I tried to read it) but Toa's input to TC is important to me and I hate to read that he's leaving.

I might add... I did enjoy the baby deer stories. Similarly, I always enjoy the 'side-rants' that come up on threads here.

I might also add:
75Stingray mentioned something on the post "Public warning to Tiki Bong; everyone please read" about this place being a family -- we don't always agree or get along but we are family. We all come here for something and all have something to give. Toa like the rest of us is part of that.


[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-11-06 18:26 ]

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-11-06 18:30 ]

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docwoods posted on 11/07/2004

As one Midwesterner to another,TikiToa,has always been true to his kind-opiniated,yet honest,enthusiastic,but slanted (Packers!-eeek).Welcoming,but telling the truth as he knows it-that's what the Midwest is based on-let's tell him that's how the world works-with people like him.

rodeotiki posted on 11/07/2004

Toa is my brother from a different mother , i will miss him

badmojo posted on 11/07/2004

[ Edited by: badmojo on 2005-01-15 08:26 ]

Pages: 1 28 replies