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cherry capri miss doo dah (update on page 8 * new photos *)

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TikiGardener posted on 11/06/2004


I'd like to extend congratulations, and offer my patio space to any and all TC'ers who are attending this years parade. If people are interested into turning the invitation into an all out tiki gathering, let me know.



I've removed the post parade details, as they've come and gone. Page six is where the photos start.

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2004-11-22 09:52 ]

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-11-22 23:33 ]

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2004-11-22 23:34 ]

[ Edited by: tikigardener on 2005-01-21 17:35 ]

Cherry Capri posted on 11/06/2004

Thank you for posting this Tiki Gardener!!!

Wow! it was an exhilarating night... I sang pineapple princess for the win... and a win it was for the tiki crowd!

Did you know that there is a marching crew that has appeared in the parade for many years called the "Parrot Heads?" They walk en masse wearing Hawaiian shirts carrying margaritas while a guy plays "wasted away" on the guitar.

Is it time for the Centralites to show them how it's really done??? I know we could out-doo dah them! It would be cool to have a tiki crew in the parade... (it's a very short parade) IDEAS???

speaking of which... i am not sure if i have an official float or not? it may just be a bicycle rick shaw. so if anyone can think of an appropriate tiki transportation device - that is actually available for the parade - please let me know.

i love your generous offer for a party. how close are you to old town? I am not sure about an 'immediate' after parade party for me... as I may have queenly duties to attend to? but a little later perhaps...

i bet c.b. would bring his bongos and if the 'king' is recovered from his birthday - maybe he'd come along, too?

Cherry Capri posted on 11/06/2004
Unga Bunga posted on 11/06/2004

Congrats Cherry Baby!

cynfulcynner posted on 11/06/2004

On 2004-11-06 01:28, Cherry Capri wrote:
Is it time for the Centralites to show them how it's really done??? I know we could out-doo dah them! It would be cool to have a tiki crew in the parade... (it's a very short parade) IDEAS???

If the parade's not on Thanksgiving weekend I could probably march in my giant Mai Tai costume that I made for Halloween this year.

It wouldn't be too difficult for people to dress up as various cocktails. All you need is fabric, hula hoops, duct tape and a staple gun; no sewing machine is necessary. 8)

[ Edited by: cynfulcynner on 2004-11-06 01:43 ]

TikiGardener posted on 11/06/2004

On 2004-11-06 01:28, Cherry Capri wrote:
Thank you for posting this Tiki Gardener!!!

Wow! it was an exhilarating night... I sang pineapple princess for the win... and a win it was for the tiki crowd!

Did you know that there is a marching crew that has appeared in the parade for many years called the "Parrot Heads?" They walk en masse wearing Hawaiian shirts carrying margaritas while a guy plays "wasted away" on the guitar.

Is it time for the Centralites to show them how it's really done??? I know we could out-doo dah them! It would be cool to have a tiki crew in the parade... (it's a very short parade) IDEAS???

speaking of which... i am not sure if i have an official float or not? it may just be a bicycle rick shaw. so if anyone can think of an appropriate tiki transportation device - that is actually available for the parade - please let me know.

i love your generous offer for a party. how close are you to old town? I am not sure about an 'immediate' after parade party for me... as I may have queenly duties to attend to? but a little later perhaps...

i bet c.b. would bring his bongos and if the 'king' is recovered from his birthday - maybe he'd come along, too?

Later would be fine, especially if someone brings a slide projector, as I've always wanted to do a slide show of the Tiki Gardens Slides I've managed to collect on the big sound barrier wall at the back of my patio.

I'm right on the very short route. I've watched the parade from my roof.

Cherry Capri posted on 11/06/2004

*On 2004-11-06 01:43, cynfulcynner wrote:*If the parade's not on Thanksgiving weekend I could probably march in my giant Mai Tai costume that I made for Halloween this year.

first of all cynner - that costume is simply fabulous!!! and 2nd of all - the parade is actually the sunday before the thanksgiving weekend. Sunday, Nov. 21. at the easy-on-hangovers hour of 11:30 AM.

I believe the cost per person to march in the parade is $10 - to help cover the organiers permits, insurance and security, etc...

is there anyone who wants to be the contact person ringleader? (they have a form on the website) Then i can request that the tiki central troup marches next to the queen's court! i'll be bringing a bunch of those oriental trading leis along to throw at the crowd like mardi gras beads to spread the aloha.

floratina posted on 11/06/2004

OMG congrats to Mizz Capri! Being an longtime fan of the DooDah, I reckon I could do some ringleading.

thebaxdog posted on 11/06/2004

Getch your groove on

Just like the Peter Pan ride
"Hold on everybody, HERE WE GO"

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/06/2004

Congrats Cheri! Oh man that costume rocks for sure as well. On a related note my brother-in-law had a bar in pasadena years ago and the regulars at the bar came up with the idea one day at the bar.

floratina posted on 11/06/2004

If memory serves, there are only human-powered vehicles in the parade. Hey Bax, how many people would it take to pull that trailer of yours, hmmm? :)

floratina posted on 11/06/2004

That is a great costume, Cynner! It's not just any mai tai, it's a TV mai tai to boot.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-11-06 13:16 ]

TikiGardener posted on 11/06/2004

I know that the bands usually perform on flatbed trucks, so human power doesn't appear to be a factor.

I could ask my friend with a 1960 Cadillac if he would provide its services.


Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/06/2004

Congratulations Cherry! The LBP made the right choice. The Doo Dah Parade is one of my favorite events (right up there with Intl Tiki Day). If I can't catch it "in the flesh" I'll be scouring the airwaves to find it on the tube.

Tiki_Bong posted on 11/07/2004

If I must say so, Cherry Capri makes my privates tingle... You go squirrel!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/07/2004

I think whatever float/vehicle we decide on, we need to have Crazy Al carving a tiki with his chainsaw to the song "Wipeout". We could also form a brigade of marchers with tiki mugs following behind two bamboo tiki bars on wheels, with bartenders mixing mai tais on foot.

Maybe large Samoan men wearing nothing but lava-lavas pulling several of Tiki Diablo's large tikis on rollers.

Hula Dancers? Fire Dancers? There's lot's of possibitlities.

Futura Girl posted on 11/07/2004

*On 2004-11-06 22:36, Tiki_Bong wrote:*If I must say so, Cherry Capri makes my privates tingle... You go squirrel!

hey bong - i'm gonna report you!!! You called my cousin a rodent!

Futura Girl posted on 11/07/2004

*On 2004-11-07 01:03, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:*I think whatever float/vehicle we decide on, we need to have Crazy Al carving a tiki with his chainsaw to the song "Wipeout". We could also form a brigade of marchers with tiki mugs following behind two bamboo tiki bars on wheels, with bartenders mixing mai tais on foot.

bamboo ben has gotta be able to put big ole wheels on a lightweight bar? that is brilliant!

And cherry had told me she planned on blasting the Ape cd from wherever she rides.

thebaxdog posted on 11/07/2004

Hold on everybody here we go !

Traderpup posted on 11/07/2004

So who's in for doing this? I wanna play!

Ringleader? Ringleader?

Alnshely posted on 11/07/2004

Congrats CC,
I'll be in Texas visiting the in laws, I'm sorry I will miss this. Have fun,

floratina posted on 11/07/2004

Good to see the thread light up. Our application will be sent in ASAP. Good goin Sabu! You and Bax are on the same page with that roving bar concept. I put a call in to Ben yesterday to see about an assist in this matter. You're right, Crazy Al should carve, by cracky.

We could use Bax's trailer, but he will be out of town next weekend. That will push the trailer decoration back to Saturday the 20th, the day before the parade. It would be nice to have a shallow A-frame structure on there to give it a tiki bar-hut feel. We can cover the sides with some thatch and put some tikis in there. I was thinking of pulling my Chiki Tiki Bob (Roberto) down the route on a tikified dolly or something, he wants to go to the parade. I would like to see a fleet of tikis.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2004-11-07 11:42 ]

Traderpup posted on 11/07/2004

Should everybody (or as many as possible) come up with mini Tiki floats?? Wagons, furniture dollys, tricycles, etc?

Tiki-bot posted on 11/07/2004

Congrats, Cheri! I really miss the DooDah Parade, and Pasadena in general. You'd think SF would have something like it here - I mean, hullo! Freak capital of the world!

Hey Chiki. which bar was that you are talking about?

floratina posted on 11/08/2004

I sent the organizers an email so's I could get some clarification on the motorized vehicles issue. Here is the reply:

"We don't really want them, because what makes Doo Dah different is that it is not a parade of cars with people waving out of the back seats holding roses. So, if we allow them, it is usually in the case of the vehicle being funny in and of itself (like a motorized couch or a miniature scooter) and if the queen insists and it is decorated to the nines, we do have edsels, because they are funny, and Norton motorcycles, because they are cool, and if it is carrying a band that otherwise couldn't be in it, like Snotty Scotty and the Hankies, who, really, are in an old dump truck. There is a jitney which carries the Thorny Rose. we break our own rules on this when it is better for the parade."

Hmmmm...are golf carts funny?

cynfulcynner posted on 11/08/2004

On 2004-11-06 02:02, Cherry Capri wrote:
first of all cynner - that costume is simply fabulous!!! and 2nd of all - the parade is actually the sunday before the thanksgiving weekend. Sunday, Nov. 21. at the easy-on-hangovers hour of 11:30 AM.

I could make it that weekend!


TikiGardener posted on 11/08/2004

Well, my friend Mitch has offered the services of his 1960 convertible Caddie.

As to my offer of patio for post parade party, it still stands. If Bens Bars will fit through a standard door, bring em on up.

Anyone interested in this portion of the days events, Private message or email me.

I'll get a buncha limes and lemons, and perhaps a bottle of Myers, and a bottle of Mount Gay.

Anybody else?

Perhaps we could add a couple of surf boards, and some cloth decorations to make the caddie like the hot wheels caddie tiki farm did.


floratina posted on 11/08/2004

We need to submit an Official Entry Name on the application. Any suggestions, or should be just go with "Tiki Central"?

I would like a head count and I wlll have to collect $10 per entrant. I think the Paypal method will be best and I'll get that set up.

Pup - I love the individual float idea. Maybe interested parties could gather somewhere for a float decorating party this weekend?

cynfulcynner posted on 11/08/2004

On 2004-11-08 10:38, floratina wrote:
I would like a head count and I wlll have to collect $10 per entrant. I think the Paypal method will be best and I'll get that set up.

Count me in.....please PM me with the PayPal info.


freddiefreelance posted on 11/08/2004

On 2004-11-06 10:38, thechikitiki wrote:
Congrats Cheri! Oh man that costume rocks for sure as well. On a related note my brother-in-law had a bar in pasadena years ago and the regulars at the bar came up with the idea one day at the bar.

Danny, your Bro-in-law owned Chromo's? Cool! Some of my friends hung out there but it was closed down before I moved to Pasadena.

Traderpup posted on 11/09/2004

Officially count me in....! and I've already started my mini-float!

Just let me know who to paypal....

thebaxdog posted on 11/09/2004

Please pick up the white courtesy phone.

Please come to the front desk
We need a bar on wheels

Let me just say one word "DOO-DAH"

Come on people, this has to be up your alley !

laney posted on 11/09/2004

I don't think we'll be marching (unless you really NEED people) but I have wanted my son to see the parade so we'll be your cheering section. We can also help out TG with the patio party/viewing area. Let me know if you need marchers or help. Laney & Nick

floratina posted on 11/09/2004

Krustiki pointed out that if we are going with a tiki bar idea, it should be oversized to make an impact. Could we put together a prop that looks like one? You know, a thatch-covered plywood kinda thing. How about torches?

laney posted on 11/09/2004

actually, the more I think about it, I could add wheels to a Witco stool (I think????) and roll my son down the parade.
are we really going to do this????

floratina posted on 11/09/2004

Yep, we're gonna do this. Hey, I love the Witco idea. That'll make a convenient li'l float.

Futura Girl posted on 11/09/2004

*On 2004-11-09 10:20, laney wrote:*actually, the more I think about it, I could add wheels to a Witco stool (I think????) and roll my son down the parade.

that totally cracks me up - now you've got the doo dah spirit - we'll show them parrotheads how it's done.

floratina posted on 11/09/2004

On 2004-11-09 12:06, Futura Girl wrote:
that totally cracks me up - now you've got the doo dah spirit - we'll show them parrotheads how it's done.

Bax suggested that someone wear a sandwich board that says, "Margaritas Suck" on the front and "Mai Tais Rule" on the back.

Traderpup posted on 11/10/2004

Here's some before shots of what will soon be Queen Cherry Capri's fleet of Mai-Taicycles!

A touch of spray paint, a bit of bamboo, a few cocktail umbrellas & plastic plants....

laney posted on 11/10/2004

Help, I was told that the DooDah Parade has changed (gone from funny to raunchy) I don't mind toilet humor but I don't want to take my son (9) if it is overly sexual. Any comment on this from those who have attended?

floratina posted on 11/10/2004

I haven't gone in a few years, since they moved it from Thanksgiving weekend. Krustiki thinks that they have cleaned it up too much. I imagine TikiGardener has seen it recently...

Traderpup posted on 11/10/2004

I just checked out the parade web site... and their DVD they sell has the following content warning: Extreme Wackiness!

There may be an occasional raunchy freak, but no more so than you'd encounter on a stroll down the streets of LA....

TikiGardener posted on 11/10/2004

Aside from the guys with the burrito firing cannons, thers no more raunch than your average sunday morning tv programming.

Seriously, I can't recall anything so shocking that it stuck in my mind. If you're a Quaker you might come away offended.

Actually now that I mention it, the most offensive thing I've seen is the group of religious loones that follow the parade with their banners proclaiming that everyone is going to burrrrn in hell unless we convert to their particularly vitriolic form of god-ism.

They truly offend. But they aren't a part of the parade. They just bring their buzzkill after the parade has ended, but everybody is still trying to have fun.

Onto other day related items. My friend with the CADDIE has to see if it is going to be ready. He has talked to Cheri about the factt hat they like "wacky" cars. Well he has a trailer that goes with the Caddie that has the same fins etc as the Caddie. There was talk of dressing it up, and putting some tikis on the trailer.

But all this hinges on whether it is going to be running. It has apparently been in the shop for 8 weeks.

I will be buying one bottle of Meyers, one botle of Mount Gay, and a bunch of limes and lemons. The lemons are for my particular fave.

So, the following might be good to bring if the patio shindig is gonna go down.

A folding chair or two, as there are only four chairs on the patio.

A small table to be used as a bar.

Ice for the drinks.

If someone ( Sven? ) has a slide projector, I can show the Tiki Gardens slides, and a few others of tiki/kitsch stuff.

Any additional booze/beer, as what I'm buying will only make about one round for a moderate crowd.

I'm sure I'll see evrybody the day of the parade, but lemme know if you're up for the post parade bash.


[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2004-11-10 12:37 ]

laney posted on 11/10/2004

cool, I'm all for extreme wackiness!
I was only scared of pubic on parade, synchronized sphincters, or even a boob brigade!
I feel better now.

TikiGardener posted on 11/11/2004

Ohhh the synchronised boob squad...

Nah I reallly don't think there will be anything to offend. Aside from the Parrot Heads, and the Bastard Sons Of Lee Marvin...

Now having said that, I won't be held responsible if the Boob Squad shows up....


Humuhumu posted on 11/11/2004

Woo hoo! Congrats, darling Miss Capri!

I've got this on my calendar, but I don't know if I'll be busy taking the Schmama Lama to the airport. I'll probably be able to make it. Is this the sort of thing that I should be trying to carpool to? I'm imagining a parking nightmare.

Tina Tina Floratina, I'll try to call you to learn more about how this whole shindig works.

floratina posted on 11/11/2004

Yay, I hope Humu can make it! OMG The Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin. That is friggin hilarious and that is why I love that parade.

MEAN GENE posted on 11/11/2004

Congratulations Cherry! That will be a fun day.
Wish I could be there, but I'll have to spend that day with the wife and kids after going to King's birthday party Friday and the art show at M Modern Gallery in Palm Springs on Saturday.

Have fun!

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