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VonTiki's first tiki

Pages: 1 28 replies

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

here's my first tiki. I've sold lots of tiki but this one I am creating myself.
I hope it turns out good! I bought an angle grinder and a wood carving attatchment.
Thanks for any advice you might offer.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2004-11-08 00:40 ]

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

That did'nt work try this

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

Shit! sorry, try this?

DawnTiki posted on 11/08/2004

deleted because it was the wrong image...

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-11-08 18:19 ]

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

No that's me not my tiki

DawnTiki posted on 11/08/2004

Is this it?

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2004-11-08 00:23 ]

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

Thanks for your help Dawntiki- your awesome!
I just needed a little help getting it up.

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 00:27 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 11/08/2004

The tool...

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

What did I miss?

Benzart posted on 11/08/2004

I'm not sure what is going on either, but I know I would love to see the picture which has never shown up. VT, why don't you email it to me and I'll post it for you?

NICE lookin Tiki and the Signs are Killer too.
I hope its OK that I posted them All??

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-11-08 13:43 ]

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-11-08 13:44 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 11/08/2004

On 2004-11-08 00:26, VonTiki wrote:
Thanks for your help Dawntiki- your awesome!
I just needed a little help getting it up.

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 00:27 ]

Is this post on the right forum ?.....snigger snigger

Finbar Saunders

VonTiki posted on 11/08/2004

Okay, I admit it. I rode the special bus to school.

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/08/2004

Lookin' good, Vontiki. Nice to see a new SoCal carver getting started. Keep us posted with the next.


doctiki posted on 11/09/2004

Vontiki, cool work,the picture with you and the other tikis, need to see more of these tikis too. Were did you get the grinder wood carving attachment. I have been looking for that tool for some time? Doc Tiki

Swamp Fire posted on 11/09/2004

Nice work Vontiki. Would love to see some of the tikis you are standing by up close.

Polynesiac posted on 11/09/2004

thats. a lot. of. tikis.
need. more. close. ups.

Keep carvin'!

You in the tiki Biz?

VonTiki posted on 11/09/2004

I got the attatchment for my angle grinder at Harbor Freight.A lot of the other tikis you see in thos pix we get from an importer, then we refinish them.This is a picture of me

The other carver in the photo is my friend Adam (aka Lucky) with his first tiki carving.

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 21:44 ]

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 21:47 ]

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 21:49 ]

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-08 22:08 ]

VonTiki posted on 11/09/2004

Here's some more of our tikis, but, we did'nt carve these. We refinish them,etc.

cheekytiki posted on 11/09/2004

Hey Doctiki, the angle grinder attachment looks the same as mine and is by acompany called Arbortech. I got mine in The UK but most good hardware stores stock them and you can buy them online. There's also a miniature version for tight corners and detail work.

VonTiki posted on 11/09/2004

he's right. Its an arbortech. Made in Australia. I got mine at Harbor Freight.

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/09/2004

Vontiki, you look familiar. Did you have a booth at the Long Beach Tiki Fest, by chance?

Benzart posted on 11/10/2004

All those tikis look great. can you post a pic of the Platform Sandals on the tiki's head?

VonTiki posted on 11/10/2004

sorry dude. Those platform sandals are gone.
I ordered more but I won't see them until mid December.Heres a pic from a little different view.

[ Edited by: VonTiki on 2004-11-09 18:34 ]

VonTiki posted on 11/10/2004

Yes we rocked at the long beach tiki beach fesival.

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/10/2004

Hah! I thought so. Right across from Bartiki, right? Liked your stuff, great event. Keep postin' your new original creations.


VonTiki posted on 11/10/2004

Thanks man, i appreciate that. We will be at the Cruz show on Sat, Nov 13th.

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/12/2004

Hey, Vontiki.

Good luck at the "Cruz" show. Wish I could make it. This post may bring back some memories from the last one. Check out these Long Beach Tiki Fest "Carver" Pics.

Sorry, I didn't get any shots of your booth. But you can make up for that by postin' some "carver" pics from this show. Good luck, & sell lots o' tikis!


"Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness."
-Pablo Picasso

[ Edited by: Aaron's Akua on 2004-11-12 14:13 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 11/12/2004

Very cool, VonTiki. I'm no sandal-wearer (especially platforms), but they are too much! Cool stuff.

hala bullhiki posted on 11/13/2004

great lookin stuff von tiki!!!

Pages: 1 28 replies