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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


Pages: 1 8 replies

AlmostHuman posted on 11/12/2004

Are there many surfers hanging about here? What advice would you give a 37 year old dude who is landlocked in Houston Texas about trying this kinda thing?
what's y'alls take on folks who just watch or get into the history aspect?

Monkeyman posted on 11/12/2004

BOARD SELECTION_Get an 8 to 9 foot board with an egg shaped nose. Floatation is key and it helps with paddle speed. (How tall and heavy are you?)

LOCATION_Find a break that is not crowded (so as not to get in the way of or run over the experienced folk).

ATTITUDE_Be willing to look like an ass while you learn.

SAFETY_Don't surf alone. Fall away from the board on the wave side not the beach side.

DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, USE YOUR KNEES to stand up. Practice doing the surfers push up. Lay prone, put your hands at your sides and push up and draw up your feet underneath you. Stay low until you have your balance.

EXPECTATION_Understand that surfing is about 85%-95% paddling and 5%-15% actually surfing.


Tiki Royale posted on 11/14/2004

Go for it Almost Human!
The first bit of advise I always give is to... take a lesson!
Alot of people think surfing is a breeze, "If those dumb surfers can do it so can I." and just grab a board and jump in the water.
Monkeyman is right about paddling being about 90% of the game, but a good portion of that paddling is paddling to catch the wave and that is ALL about timing.
If you really want to learn, find a lesson and save yourself the frustration that I see alot of people suffer.
Have fun and Aloha,

RevBambooBen posted on 11/14/2004


PM or Email the one and only Tiki Bong!! He'll set you staight!

MEAN GENE posted on 11/14/2004

Hey Human,
Before you start surfing, you should be a strong swimmer and feal comfortable being out in the surf. Alot of people dream of surfing and when they get out there they panic and freak out because they're not used to being in waves. You might want to get a lesson the first time or go out with someone else who can already surf. Once you ride your first wave to shore you'll be hooked!

Traveling is one of my favorite parts of surfing, when I can afford it. If you can get over to Waikiki, it's a classic playground for beginners and advanced surfers when there's a swell. Surfing the South Shore when it's breaking and hangin' out at Duke's is one of my favorite pastimes.

Here's a photo of me in Fiji in '97 taken by Warren Bolster.
Anyone else have any pics to post?


[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2004-11-14 12:25 ]

Chongolio posted on 11/14/2004

Aloha Almost Human,
Monkeyman, Tiki Royale, Rev Bamboo Ben & Mean Gene all are givin out some good advice.
Esentially the only way to learn is to go out and do it. Start off slow and learn to paddle and swim. Do your best to stay out of other surfers way until you feel comfortable being in the water and in control of your board at all times.
Watch the classic surf movies and videos, read magazines, talk story with the ol crusty surf bums who are willing to pass on some tips and secrets. Where is Bong by the way?
Dont be in a hurry to shred, get your mind and body tuned in before getting out into the lineup. Before trying to ride actual faces, try riding the white water and get used to popping up to your feet and keeping your balance with your knee bent and back straight (the athletic stance.)
I just picked up one of these: http://www.indoboard.com.
It is a blast to play around on and it has been great for building leg muscles and balance training.
Ma ocean is generous but she can be a very harsh teacher. Treat her with respect and acknowledge that even the small little waves can work ya if you are not paying attention.

Here are some good links to get you going:




The most important thing is to have fun!

Team Tiki Central on a party wave at The Wanga Rei.

Surf up!

-- I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

Come explore http://www.lost-isle.com

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2004-11-14 13:21 ]

AlmostHuman posted on 11/15/2004

Thanx for the cool advice y'all.Like I said before,I'm landlocked in Houston and I while I think there might be a bit of a surfing scene in Galveston I'm not really sure so it bears a wee bit of looking into.
I have also seen something where folks surf in the wake of some of the big tankers that come thru the port here as well.
I do have to admit thatI'd love to take lessons but I'd be worried about having the proper manners while learning (I hate to step on peoples toes)and also concerned that I'd be laughed at for 1. Not already being a surfer.2. pushing 40 before trying to start and all that other kind of stuff.
I don't know how accurate the "locals only" metality I have heard about is either.Guess it just depends on where I am.

Mrs. B posted on 11/16/2004

I have also seen something where folks surf in the wake of some of the big tankers that come thru the port here as well.

Get totally "human" and find an ocean. I've never heard of a "line up" on tanker wakes. Bong?
And, it's never too late to start. If ya wanna surf, "YOU GO!" You won't regret one second...unless you miss the wake and hit the tanker...that'd be a drag, to say the least.
Mrs. B

Lake Surfer posted on 11/17/2004

Hell, we surf on a lake...

Git out there and do it!

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