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Tiki Bars for Sale

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rawmaterialz posted on 11/04/2004

I have four Tiki bars left that I am selling. The prices that I usually sell them for are: small 4ft. $900, med 5ft. $1100, and large 6ft. $1200...but, I am really trying to move these out of my shop to make room for some new pieces, so I am willing to take any reasonable offer for them...

[ Edited by: rawmaterialz on 2004-11-04 11:09 ]

[ Edited by: rawmaterialz on 2004-11-05 21:18 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 11/04/2004


RevBambooBen posted on 11/05/2004

On 2004-11-04 10:45, rawmaterialz wrote:
I have four Tiki bars left that I am selling. The prices that I usually sell them for are: small 4ft. $900, med 5ft. $1100, and large 6ft. $1200.

Crap! I think I've been charging too little for my bars. I sell a 4ft. with a roof for $495, 5ft. w/roof $595 etc....even have some 3ft ones (no roof) on the store floor for 99.00, and all one of a kind.

What do you think TC. Should I raise my prices???

tikifreak posted on 11/05/2004

Is it just me, or is this forum suppose to be for CREATING tiki, not SELLING tiki?

Take it elsewhere Rawmaterialz......Maybe
the "Tiki Market Place" Forum for starters.

Swanky posted on 11/05/2004

I think he's used to selling to government people at a huge mark up.

cheekytiki posted on 11/05/2004

Ben, they sound cheap to me. Sorry to anyone else

RevBambooBen posted on 11/06/2004

On 2004-11-05 09:24, cheekytiki wrote:
Ben, they sound cheap to me. Sorry to anyone else


Next time you are in the States or Huntington Beach, come on in and I'll charge you double!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!! (lol)

p.s. Then we'll go to Sams and I'll buy you drinks all night! I'd be a millionaire if I wasn't honest!!!

rawmaterialz posted on 11/06/2004

Thanks for the "kind" remarks ... I have sold all the bars and will definitely make sure I don't post here again, so much for all that tiki kindness...

Tiki Rider posted on 11/06/2004

Nice to meet you too. How unfortunate. You'll be missed. I enjoyed reading your introduction and telling us all about yourself and why and what brought you to Tiki Central. Your Aloha spirit really came through on your 2 posts. I would say try again if your up to it. Maybe try a different approach and attitude other than just trying to unload your bars. Who knows you might make some nice friends and learn alot.
Aloha and good luck to you.

Swanky posted on 11/06/2004

Here is his website. A talented sculptor/artist.

Monkeyman posted on 11/06/2004

If that is his work. He really is talented. Bummer.

RevBambooBen posted on 11/06/2004

On 2004-11-05 22:42, Monkeyman wrote:
If that is his work. He really is talented. Bummer.

But, he has no sence of humor at all! How does one live that way in this place we call the world?

Monkeyman posted on 11/06/2004

you might be right Ben. His prices are a bit high for my blood but then again I am fairly cheap. he still does nice work

Jungle Trader posted on 11/06/2004

All sold in a little over 24 hours?
Looks like you don't need us anyway.

tikifreak posted on 11/07/2004

I rest my case....Thanks for all the support on this one eveybody.

He could of at least smoozed us a little first before using us for his personal selling ploy.......

I'm sure he is a very nice person and talented as well, but come on.....This was not the way to go about making friends if you ask me.

I guess I'm getting old and cranky these days. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut, but this one got to me. Rubbed me the wrong way I guess you could say.

Tiki G.

cheekytiki posted on 11/07/2004

Ok, so this guy made a mistake posted something he thought people might have an interest in in the wrong place. Probably could of gone on to produce some cool tiki stuff after looking at his website.
But instead of putting him straight and telling him where he should be selling his wares he was put off altogether.
Custom made pieces like I think these are take time and that has to be paid for, otherwise We'll ust keep lining the pockets of places like wallmart and the like with mass their produced items on which the mark up is probably greater.
Ben, over here in the UK I couldn't buy the materials for the prices you sell your bars for, hats off to you for keeping them affordable, meanwhile myself, I'm gonna have to find Some "Government People" to buy my latest bar cause I've got mouths to feed and a premises to keep.
I'm Sorry to have to moan but as someone who tries to make aliving out of this type of thing, this attitude winds me up.
Ben I look forward to that drink at Sams

RevBambooBen posted on 11/08/2004

Ben, over here in the UK I couldn't buy the materials for the prices you sell your bars for, hats off to you for keeping them affordable, meanwhile myself, I'm gonna have to find Some "Government People" to buy my latest bar cause I've got mouths to feed and a premises to keep.
I'm Sorry to have to moan but as someone who tries to make aliving out of this type of thing, this attitude winds me up.
Ben I look forward to that drink at Sams

Ya. This is just a hobby for me. I'm actually a brain surgeon in real life!

AlmostHuman posted on 11/09/2004

I think the guy who made the bars was treated kind of mean and was way to nice in his personal reponse. This looks to be the right place for him to sell his goods.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/09/2004

On 2004-11-09 07:59, AlmostHuman wrote:
I think the guy who made the bars was treated kind of mean and was way to nice in his personal reponse. This looks to be the right place for him to sell his goods.

This was moved over from "Creating Tiki".

AlmostHuman posted on 11/10/2004

I didn't know that.But couldn't that just be a honest mistake on his part though?Still seems to me that he was jumped way to harsh.Guess I should hush up now as I don't really wanna stir up a fuss.

ShaTikah posted on 11/10/2004

Bamboo Ben,

That 3-footer sounds like it would fit perfect in my miniature L.A. apartment. Any pics available?

RevBambooBen posted on 11/10/2004

Too many pics to post. You got to come down to the store (712 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach Open Sat. 10-sunset and Sun. 11-4ish)to check em out. Or, you can go to our website @ http://www.BambooBen.com (sense of humor required for website viewing).

I might join the bandwagon and put a mini bar on the TC market place forum in the near future. Might even venture into ebay. But then again brain surgery might get in the way!!! (lol)

p.s. I wasn't baggin' on that dude sellin the bars. Just Discussing the post.

RevBambooBen posted on 11/10/2004

On 2004-11-05 21:17, rawmaterialz wrote:
Thanks for the "kind" remarks ... I have sold all the bars and will definitely make sure I don't post here again, so much for all that tiki kindness...


I'm having a DeJaVu.

"Thanks for the "kind" remarks. Also, " so much for all that tiki kindness".

I've read these words/quotes on TC before. Strange coming from a 1st post member. Is this like an insider posting under a Unga Bunga name like in main discussion?

Unga Bunga posted on 11/10/2004

On 2004-11-09 21:52, RevBambooBen wrote:
"Thanks for the "kind" remarks. Also, " so much for all that tiki kindness".

I've read these words/quotes on TC before. Strange coming from a 1st post member. Is this like an insider posting under a Unga Bunga name like in main discussion?

Under a Unga Bunga name? You mean post.

RevBambooBen posted on 11/10/2004

Ya. I meant like that post "Aliasses" on the other channel. Nothing toward you Mr. Bunga (or anyone else). I just wrote it wrong. Back to studying.

Rattiki posted on 11/15/2004

Hey he is expensive, even if he did Macy's Parade floats. :roll: Plenty of excelent craftsman/artists in the world. Spent most of my adult life as one making very little $$ sometimes feeding movie stars. :oops: Some folks go straight for the bucks, and some even get it. There alot of folks with money in this country ready to blow it on things they feel are desirable or trendy (look at the prices of Tiki menus now). But there is alot to be said about social graces, class, graciousness. Within these walls live some of the finest Tiki artists and freaks around. I think a simple 'Hello, how are you?' would have been nice, don't you?

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here's a 10 foot wide bar I made back in 01' that went for 1150.00 .

Today in 05' it would still be the same price.

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-15 22:00 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:54 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

This one was 35 feet long and it went for 3500. A few years ago. (for some movie called Whiplash)

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:54 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

A 6'w/roof for 695.00 (Holden not included)

Oooops. That was a 5' with a 6' roof. 595.00

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-15 22:13 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:56 ]

Polynesiac posted on 11/16/2004

Nice bars, ben. Well worth what they sold for - and thanks for the pics.
Yes, go to Bens store - you'll be blown away by everything in there. (those paintings of the A-frame tiki hut still for sale?!?! I saw them in August...I think - nice ones! done by you?)

I think I was first steamed by this post becuase even though the quality of the bars looked good, the time and effort (for this artist) put into them didn't dictate the high prices. There's some little tiki type store on Avaition in Redondo that has bars occasionally that sell for way more $$$ than they're worth...people will pay, but would you sell to your family at that price??!?!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

One more for the road..........This was the 4 foot "Pizz Bar" for "It's all about the Tiki" show that was at Le Luz. It's now up for sale at the store (actually it was lent out for almost a year for some trade shows for Dean Miller Prints and we just got it back). It's at a discount price now for 295.00 . The only drag is, we don't ship.

Ooops! forgot the picture. Doh!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-15 22:26 ]

Edit!!!! Doh!!! Forgot the [ing] thang!! Hanx Tiki bot!!!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:52 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

(those paintings of the A-frame tiki hut still for sale?!?! I saw them in August...I think - nice ones! done by you?)

Gone. I think. Not sure. Come back in and check. Every week I must do a new series. It's therapy man. You say, "Done by you?" Why, of course!! I solo everything 'cept the glasses and mugs (which come from the one and only Tiki Farm). All by my lonesome!! You can call me the Lone Ranger (for now on)!! Just ask Crazy Al. He gets scared sometimes when he visits me.

News at 11:00!!!!

Coming soon to a TC post near you.

Very, very, very special mug shelves. A part of Tiki History included into each one. There will be a limited edition on each series (or, until I burn out on em'). Signed and numbered. Keep an eye out, soon. You'll be able to display you mugs with a purpose and history now!!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

but would you sell to your family at that price??!?!

No. but, I'd trade Judd a few cases of wine for a bar that looked like this.

It was one or two Thanksgivings ago. My family was very happy that year!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:55 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

I lied! (one more for the road!!)

This one was done in 2000. (when was the Tiki time tour??)

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:57 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

This one was a beutiful bar. Some saw it a while back. Think it was the 1st or 2nd O.c. mini crawl. 10' solid Honduras Mohognay top and bot. Back bar too.

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:59 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here's one for the Surf Tiki people out there.

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:00 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Any of you out there in Tikiland ever see Wind Talkers with Nic Cage?? Well.......when he was sittting at the beach bar before he got shipped out, this is what the bar looked like before "hollywood" got ahold of it. By the way. MGM called me on a Tursday and the picked it up on Monday. The Lone Ranger to the rescue!! The shot the scene that night in Malibu.

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(doh! here's the right pic)

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 11:25 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:58 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here's one that was done in 98. That is my father in law "the Big Kahuna" sitting in his chair. You might run into him now and then at the store. He's a kick!! ( and he'll dial you in on Mad Dogs Cat. in front of the Sheraton in Waikiki.

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:01 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here's one that was made for Chicksticks.com for the HB US Open of surfing a while back. It was a last minute gig. Had to finish it in my patio!!!

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:02 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

This is what happens when the docks go on strike! Carve the damn bamboo out of wood!!

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:04 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

This was a classic!! (it was sold at Mondo Tiki Someone Had to Have It! Holden was stoked.I think it gave him an extra hour on the Shag black jack table!! )

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Made for the Big Ol Tiki Bash, I think. Don't remember much that night. Maybe Atomic Cocktail could fill me in!!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:07 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here's one that was out at that Catalina gig. It's a bar, it's a shelf unit. For the one who has to diplay their awesome booz and mugs!

That damn Crazy Al needs to build a booth!!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

On 2004-11-15 23:44, RevBambooBen wrote:
Here's one that was out at that Catalina gig. It's a bar, it's a shelf unit. For the one who has to diplay their awesome booz and mugs!

That damn Crazy Al needs to build a booth!!

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:08 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

This one was made for Corky Carroll and Dukes in H.B. Corky sings and strums behind it during the summer. http://www.corkycarroll.com

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[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:11 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

one for the kids!!!!

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They always love these juice stands!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 23:12 ]

HH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a79edf9a07c690dfce558bb75a8165b3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hula Hitch posted on 11/16/2004

Getting a real education here! VERY cool stuff Rev, err, Mr. Ben, err RevBambooBen. :D

I'm stoppin' by on my next trip north...

Swanky posted on 11/16/2004

Ben figures out how to post pics and he can't be stopped!

Part of what stuff sells for is where and how it's sold. Ben could take one of his bars, and have it put in a hoity toity shop somewhere and a price on it 3 times what he would sell it for, and it would sell. Some rich people would never buy his bar from his shop at his prices. They see it in "their" shop at "their" price and they buy on the spot.

(No Hoity Toits were implicated in this post. Any reference to Hoity Toits is menat to be literal, and not a euphamism for CA Tiki people. - Management)

RevBambooBen posted on 11/16/2004

Here are 5 that were a series called "the Book of Tiki Bar" that were at last years Oasis.

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(so this is how you stack em. Cool!)

Ben figures out how to post pics and he can't be stopped!

I've got thousands of em!!!

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 11:31 ]

[ Edited by: revbambooben on 2004-11-16 22:50 ]

Pages: 1 2 84 replies