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Zombie Luau!

Pages: 1 8 replies

Tiki-bot posted on 10/31/2002

I think this is the first Halloween in ages where I've done absolutely nothing to celebrate. Working 3 weeks straight saw to that. :( Anyway, thought I'd post this image, in honor of the day. It's a party invite I did a couple years ago. As summer ended, we ran out of good weather for a tiki party, Halloween came along, and the Zombie Luau was born (or deceased, as the case may be). All I have now are memories of a great party...

stentiki posted on 10/31/2002

Very Cool, Tiki-bot!

We're not doing much either, except for passing out candy tonight. But in honor of the day, I thought I would mix up a few Zombies from the Grog Log.

How about if we hoist a Zombie at home tonight and toast to a Tiki Central Halloween?!

Tangaroa posted on 10/31/2002

We are being lazy bums too - but eberyone in the LA area should check out tyhe Hallowed Haunting Grounds in Studio City - some of the best spooky (not bloody) effects you'll ever see this outside of Disney's Haunted Mansion....& it's free!

weirduncletiki posted on 11/01/2002

I went to a very creepy haunted house in North Hills (Los Angeles' Valley) last night. It's called Riverton Cemetery- http://www.rivertoncemetery.com - Great effects, monsters, makeup, scary rooms, etc. I believe tonight's the last night they're putting it on, so if you have the time and $5, I'd say check it out. A certain "Mysterious" young woman ran through the entire maze while staring at the ground after her first spook! Even if you can't make it there, you can join in on the fun by going onto their website and triggering effects that'll scare visitors from the cozyness of your own pad! How cool is that?!?!

-Creepy Weird Uncle Tiki

[ Edited by: weirduncletiki on 2002-11-01 12:11 ]

mrsmiley posted on 11/01/2002

"I went to a very creepy haunted house in North Hills (Los Angeles'
Valley) last night. A certain
"Mysterious" young woman ran through the entire maze while starting at the
ground after her fist spook! Even if you can't make it there, you can
join in on the fun by going onto their website and triggering effects
that'll scare visitors from the cozyness of your own pad! How cool is

-Creepy Weird Uncle Tiki"
A certain
"Mysterious" young woman ran through the entire maze while starting at the
ground after her FIST spook! ---WOW, sounds like one for the OktoberFIST category!!!

Futura Girl posted on 11/01/2002

On 2002-10-31 12:13, Tangaroa wrote:
SNIP... the Hallowed Haunting Grounds in Studio City - some of the best spooky (not bloody) effects you'll ever see this outside of Disney's Haunted Mansion....& it's free!

Thanks so much for posting this!!! we try to go every year for almost 20 years (am i dating myself or what? Now that's Scary), but didn't know they had a website and that it is actually 30 years old this year!!!

weirduncletiki posted on 11/01/2002

Ahem, uh.... whoops! Thanks, Mr. Smiley for SUBLTLY pointing out my typo! I guess I can get kind of clumsy. In fact, I think I may have just accidentally posted a picture of a certain "smiley" Mister "dancing" for dollars. oopsy!

mrsmiley posted on 11/02/2002

"I guess I can get kind of clumsy. In fact, I think I may have
just accidentally posted a picture of a certain "smiley" Mister "dancing"
for dollars"--mr grogg sez. I sez, "that is a gross picture-not flattering at all!"

Humuhumu posted on 11/02/2002

On 2002-11-01 18:42, mrsmiley wrote:
I sez, "that is a gross picture-not flattering at all!"

Well, I think it's adorable. Now I know where to turn for the entertainment for my next party.

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