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Taboo Table

Pages: 1 26 replies

TIKIBOSKO posted on 10/17/2004

Hey everyone, Beachbum Berry's newest offering "Taboo Table" is coming out soon, it's at the printers as I write.
It is going to be just like the bar guides but this one is about the food that was served in the great Polynesian restaurants.
Sven, Jeff and I shot the cover (one of my 3-D pieces) here a while ago and they've been working on it since.
The publisher has promised to send us the first copies directly from the printers, if you want one early keep an eye on the website. As soon as SLG lets us know the release date we'll post it with the finished cover art. Here's a link to a preview of the cover:
This is our first post so if the link doesn't work (you may have to cut & paste on your browser), sorry, we're still learning!
Mahalo, Bosko & Truus

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/17/2004

On 2004-10-17 13:26, TIKIBOSKO wrote:

Here you go Bosko. I took the liberty of fixing this for you. Here's a link to embedding pics on TC.


Welcome to TC. I'm a big fan of your work. Glad you finally made it.



"Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness."
-Pablo Picasso

[ Edited by: Aaron's Akua on 2004-10-17 14:25 ]

Benzart posted on 10/18/2004

Bosko and Truus, Welcome to TC. We are really glad you could make it. The cover looks great.

Sam Gambino posted on 10/18/2004

Welcome! It's great to have you here...


Unga Bunga posted on 10/18/2004

Damn Bosco,
It's about time you joined.
A lot of your fans reside here (Unga included).
Welcome to our Tiki Lair.

MonkiMitFez posted on 10/20/2004

Looking forward to the new book. I was in Vegas recently and enjoyed your work at Taboo Cove at The Venetian. It was my girlfriends introduction to a Tiki Bar. Thanks!

[ Edited by: MonkiMitFez on 2004-10-19 18:15 ]

Hale Tiki posted on 10/20/2004


TIKIBOSKO posted on 11/02/2004

Thanks everyone.
Here's the back cover.
I'm told we should have copies of Taboo Table in two weeks.


Urban Tiki posted on 11/02/2004

Fantastic art (as usual) and welcome to Tiki Central.

TIKIBOSKO posted on 11/19/2004

Aloha all, Taboo Table is finally here and it's amazing, over 90 pages of vintage graphics, tons of old recipes, the writing of Beachbum Berry... it's almost like an early Christmas present.
If you'd like a copy before anyone else follow the link below.




kuuipo posted on 11/19/2004

ALOHA! What took you so long?

Kanaloa posted on 11/19/2004

Great - Mine's on order, along with a few other odds n' ends!

martiki posted on 11/22/2004

Just got it yesterday. Terrific book- great history and recipes. Very well done and of course, another must have from Jeff.

Those familiar with my occasional tirades here will know why the middle of page 96 pissed me off, but otherwise an outstanding effort.

Everyone buy one now! (But, as the Beachbum suggests, you'll probably want to omit the MSG)

bigbrotiki posted on 11/22/2004

Yup, another winner, it fits in perfectly with the first two to make up the Beachbum trilogy.. Lots of fun fingerfood, AND a few new libations. Kevin Kidney's chapter cover page art fits in perfectly with the vintage menu illustrations....and who photographed that GORGEOUS COVER...!?

Feelin Zombified posted on 11/22/2004

On 2004-11-21 20:25, bigbrotiki wrote:
....and who photographed that GORGEOUS COVER...!?

Helmut Newton? Was it Helmut Newton???


MTKahuna posted on 11/24/2004


Unga Bunga posted on 11/30/2004

Just came in the mail today.
Can't wait to dive into it!

Bogielocks posted on 01/04/2009

Howdy All...

Anybody have a spare copy of Taboo Table they're willing to sell? I can't seem to find a copy anywhere. Please PM me if you can help or lead me to a place that has a copy. All major online retailers (Amazon, Overstock, etc) do not have any copies..



Tiki Kupcake posted on 01/04/2009

I too am looking for a copy of this book. Thanks!

tikiyaki posted on 01/04/2009

I bought mine from the BOSKO website...only a few months ago.


I THINK there are some at Oceanic Arts too.

If you're not local, call them, they may ship it.

But Try Bosko first.

Bogielocks posted on 03/29/2009

Still looking for a copy of Taboo Table.. All the sources have been dried up. Help!!!

LOL Tiki posted on 03/29/2009

Amazon has one for $80. Ouch!

thick posted on 04/04/2009

I'm also on the hunt for a copy. . . any other decent polynesian pop based cookbooks out there?

wentiki posted on 04/04/2009

Bosko has copies and its about the only place to get one. I gave up looking and bought one from him long ago. I recommend everyone do the same, you will likely not find these in the wild.

Pikeys Dog posted on 04/04/2009

Edited at another members suggestion.

[ Edited by: Pikeys Dog 2009-04-04 09:31 ]

howlinowl posted on 12/30/2014

I've been looking at purchasing "Taboo Table". Some of the sites that I've looked at state: "THIS EDITION OF TABOO TABLE IS NOT SPIRAL BOUND". So....I was wondering what the advantages or dis-advantages of having either edition is? I figure that the spiral-bound would sit flat while mixing....an advantage, but not a deal breaker for me as I usually copy a recipe down before taking to the bar to mix (keeps the book safe and dry in case of any mishaps). Or is it that the book was originally printed in spiral-bound and the regular bound versions obscure or cut out some of the page where bound??

Which do you have or would prefer to purchase?


Limbo Lizard posted on 12/30/2014

Taboo Table was first issued as spiral-bound, like Grog Log and Intoxica. That issue is only available used (and at a startling premium!). It was re-issued in a paperback binding, like Remixed.
I have the spiral version, which lays flat. But I also copy the recipe, rather than risk staining the book - even more so, when I look at what people are asking for the spiral-bound copies! I can't say for 100% certain, but I doubt the binding chops any of the text/art, since it doesn't in any of the Bum's other books he's had printed in paperback.
As far as taking it into the bar, there are only about a dozen drink recipes. The main emphasis is on the food recipes of the "Polynesian palaces". And, if I were buying it today, I would NOT pay a lot extra to get a spiral copy, which now only makes sense as a collector edition. For less money, you could buy two copies of the paperback, separate the pages on one and have a print shop spiral bind it for you.

"The rum's the thing..."

[ Edited by: Limbo Lizard 2014-12-30 08:52 ]

Pages: 1 26 replies